Disclaimer: I do not own any of Ghost Whisperer, but if I did, the show would definitely not be over. Please enjoy!

It was the first day of Junior year. Melinda Gordon walked in right before the bell rang. She quickly sat down in her group, not making any eye contact with her friends. It had been a rough day so far.

"For all of you who just walked in after the bell, this is a warning. Next time it's detention." Mr. Lawson stated clearly.

Melinda looked up when someone sat in the desk in front of her. Her eyes widened than quickly went back to normal so no one would notice. The guy in front of her was gorgeous. She quickly looked down at her desk when he looked up.

"Alright, role call. Atkins." Mr. Lawson started the class.

(This pretty much tells you who's in the story. Other students in the class are not called because they don't really matter. : ])

"Here." Vanessa Atkins said.

"Banks." he called.

"Here." Delia said.


"Here." Melissa said.


"Present." Sarah said quietly.


"Yo." Shawn called.


"Here." Hayden said.

"Clancy." Mr. Lawson said.

"Which one?" The guy in front of her spoke out along with another guy.

"Daniel." Mr. Lawson replied.

"Here. And you can call me Dan." the other guy said.

"Alright. James." Mr. Lawson said.

"Its Jim, and I'm here." the guy in front of Melinda smiled.

Oh my god. I love that smile. He's so hot! she thought to herself.

"Jim it is." the teacher said.


"What up?" Tim practically shouted.


"Here." Melinda looked up at the teacher, then at Jim, who was staring at her.

She smiled shyly at him and looked away.


"Absent!" Kyle laughed.

"Very funny!" Mr. Lawson smiled. "Messer."

"Heeerrrrrreeeee!" Holly practically sang.


"Marsupial!" Andrea said seriously.

Everyone busted out laughing.

"Really?" Mr. Lawson laughed himself. "Muldoon."

"Wish I wasn't here!" Matt said.

The class chuckled.

"Me too. Sheer." the teacher said.

"What a do?" Will said.

"And Tusch."

"I am here." Bobby said.

"Alright. Everyone's here. Now lets get talking about this class. Welcome TV Production."

Melinda sighed. It was only the second class of the day but she was tired of the teachers talking, although this teacher wasn't as boring as the others. He had the class laughing after the first sentence he spoke.

Jim mumbled something to himself and made Melinda chuckle. He looked up at her and smiled.

"What's you're name again?" she asked.

"Jim, yours?" he said in his velvety voice.

"Melinda." she smiled at him.

Melinda couldn't stop thinking about Jim. His name continued to resound in her head. Something about him just had her heart beating so fast. His voice had the butterflies in her stomach fluttering around. Everything about him was amazing. She came back to reality when Mr. Lawson said something.

"Alright. Lets get started in the studio. We need some people in the control room."

Most of the class went into the studio and some of the students were in the control room. Jim was in the doorway of the studio and Melinda watched him from in the control room. All period, that's how it was. Jim glanced at Melinda, and she glanced at him constantly.

"Melinda." she heard someone call her.

"Hey, Andrea." they walked out of the class together with their friends, Vanessa, Delia, Melissa, Sarah, Hayden, and Holly.

"I have a feeling that class will be lots of fun." Delia smiled.

"Yeah me too." Holly and Sarah agreed.

"Definitely." Melinda agreed, thinking about Jim.

They all had the same class next so they sat down together. Andrea texted Melinda when they sat down.

I kno why yur gonna love that class.. Andrea texted her.

Why do yu think I will?

Becuz of that hottie Jim.

Melinda blushed. No! that's not true! I really like tv pro.

Mel, I kno yu. I saw yu staring at him all class period and it looked like he was checkin yu out too.

Okay, maybe I do like him. But wat does it matter?

Well get yur flirt on becuz he's walkin in rite now.

Melinda's head snapped up from her phone and she blushed crimson again. He sat in the seat next to her.

"Hi." he smiled.

"Hi." she said quietly.

The teacher, Mrs. Papasso, did roll call and then lectured about what the class was about. Melinda was busy doodling in her notebook when a note was passed onto her desk. She unfolded the piece of paper and read what was written:

Hey, umm, I was just wondering if it was okay if I sat with you at lunch. I don't know many people here since I'm new and I wanna make some friends. : )

Melinda smiled at the words on the sheet of paper and happily wrote back:

That is very sweet of you. I sit with a bunch of my friends.. If you're sitting with me, you'll make some friends in no time.. Lol

Melinda glanced at Jim when she slid him back the note. After a few minutes, she had it again.

Thanks. It means a lot. I'm really glad I don't have to sit alone. You just saved me from being a social outcast.

With every word he wrote, she smiled.

You're welcome. Trust me, I know how that feels.. I was so relieved when I finally had friends..

Jim wrote back:

You didn't have friends at one point? I find that hard to believe. I know I just met you and all but you seem very nice and fun to be around.

Melinda sighed and began to tell one of her secrets, which wasn't really a secret anymore since all her friends new it now.

I used to be a freak when I was younger. I had no friends and I was constantly pick on.. But now I don't have to worry about that.

Jim was kind of upset to think that people were mean to this girl. She seemed really great.

Well I'm here for you if you need me. : ) anytime.

Melinda smiled brightly.

Thanks.. I'll remember that.

Before they knew it, it was time for lunch.

"So, just follow me to the cafeteria and you'll meet all of my friends." Melinda smiled as they walked out of the classroom.

"Okay." Jim smiled back.

"Jim!" someone called out.

"Hey Dan." Jim said. "Melinda, this is my brother, Dan."

"Hi." Dan held out his hand.

"Hi. I'm Melinda." she shook his hand.

They all made it to the cafeteria and instantly, Melinda was bombarded by her friends.

"Everybody, this is Jim Clancy and his brother Dan." she introduced them. "Guys this is Vanessa, Delia, Melissa, Sarah, Shawn, Hayden, Tim, Kyle, Holly, Andrea, Matt, Will, and Bobby."

"Hey everybody." Jim waved his hand.

"Hey." Dan said.

Everyone got in line to get their lunches. Jim and Dan were suddenly fast friends with all of the guys. Melinda smiled to see him adapting quickly.

"Hey, that Dan guy is pretty cute." Vanessa told Melinda.

"I guess so. Why don't you go and talk to him?" Melinda said.

"I would, but I'm afraid he wont think I'm pretty or something." Vanessa said shyly.

"Vanessa really? You're crazy beautiful and you need to go and show it off." Melinda slightly pushed Vanessa over to Dan.

She gave her a pleading look and Melinda urged her to go on. Melinda smiled at how fast Dan's head snapped around when he saw Vanessa. They started chatting.

After getting lunch, they all sat at their usual table and enjoy their free time together.