A/N: I know, I know. Took me long enough, but hey! It's here! Hopefully the next one won't be as long. Sorries!

Please enjoy!

At first, she saw nothing. Pure darkness overwhelmed her, and she had the feeling she was not alone. But the darkness did not last, and she soon found herself surrounded by an intense, white light. It was nearly blinding. Almost immediately she felt herself floating but caught her balance as she felt the floor under her. She still could not see it though. Wherever this place was, it was disorienting as hell. There were small bolts of what looked like electricity bouncing all over the 'floors' while various bolts crackled above her. She did not fear these bolts, though; she feared nothing in this place. If anything, her logic was trying to tell her to be scared out of her mind, but she was calm, as if the place was wrapping a blanket of serenity around her shoulders.

"Mikaela," spoke a voice that was softer and more majestic than she expected. If she didn't know better, it almost sounded like it had a computerized tone to it.

As she looked around, wondering where exactly she was, she suddenly saw something standing in front of her. At first it seemed transparent, but as it faded in, Mikaela was shocked to see a giant towering over her. He had to be at least 100 feet tall. Whites and silvers adorned him and he was clearly a Cybertronian – though she didn't know they could get that big. Despite the fact his lips did not move, she knew it was him who spoke to her. She gave no response at first, squinting to get a better look, hoping her mind was not playing tricks on her. No matter the blinking or squinting, he did not disappear.

"Mikaela," the voice spoke again.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?"

"I am the spirit which resides in the Allspark," came the reply.

Spirit inside the Allspark? A Cybertronian spirit? For some reason it was difficult for her to understand the concept. Why was it talking to her again? "What are you talking about? Why are you here?" Where exactly was here, anyway?

"My priest will explain it in more detail when you see him. The boy has also retained all memories of our encounter as well, should you need to ask him questions," the being responded. He then got right to the point, "You are the femme of your species, correct?"

Okay, why would it even ask such a question? "Wha? Why?"

"It seems that I am in need of your assistance, Mikaela," the being answered.

"My assistance? What for?" She wrinkled her nose in confusion and probably a bit of worry. How did it get into her head? Why was it talking to her? Wasn't it Sam who was the chosen for this stuff? He was the one who did that whole light show and brought back that Decepticon, Soundwave, from near death.

Seeming to sense her anxiety, the giant spoke calmly, "Do not be afraid, I mean you no harm,"

Yeah, sure. Not fear something that big? "What do you expect? I'm in some place of light, I have no idea how I got here, and there's a giant Cybertronian standing over me." She paused to look around, then asked, "So where exactly is here?"

"You are within the Well of Sparks; A realm where I can exist since I was trapped within the cube."

"What? Why is this happening? I thought this had to do with Sam?"

"I have transferred myself to you, instead of Samuel, Mikaela. There are other powers at work right now and it seems Sam has been compromised, I'm afraid. None of the Autobots must know of my presence within you."

"Compromised how?"

"Optimus Prime carries a relic within his Spark casing that is much like the cube I used to exist within. To protect myself and the Cybertronians, I had to leave him."

"Protect yourself from what? Are there Cybertronian-eating beings bigger than Cybertronians somewhere out there?" It was the only thing she could think of. The giant gave her a puzzled look, perhaps wondering what she was asking. At the puzzled look, being just as confused, Mikaela went on a tangent. "Listen, I don't know what happened. One thing I know, I am leaning over to give my boyfriend a kiss, and the next, I am standing here talking to… you?"

He silenced a moment, unsure how to take her statement. "To answer your odd question about Cybertronian-eating beings, as far as I know, they don't exist. I needed to bring you here so I can explain what is going on and so you have a better understanding of what has been set before you."

What had been set before her? "Explain what? I am so confused."

"With your help, not all hope is lost. My recovery will be exponentially greater if I remain concealed. Once I am healed, I will no longer burden you. I would be faster if you had more contact with Soundwave, but that is not possible at this time."

"Huh? Why are you even doing this?"

"Femmes are almost always stronger willed and stronger minded, and you are no exception. I read you when I first came in contact with you through Sam. I was the reason for their war. They fought over what I am and what I can do. It is I, along with the help of my priest that can create new Cybertronian life and fix their world. They are mere 'robots' to your species, Mikaela, but truly, they are much more than that. They are a life form. A life force. Their Sparks are equivalent to your soul and it also keeps them alive. Soundwave is my link to the external world, and now so are you. They need us, Mikaela. They need you."

Now that began to sound like something she didn't like. Why would they need her? Not to be selfish or anything, but she didn't sign up for this and was more than happy to give this thing back to Sam. "Me? Why me? I ain't any Cybertronian!"

"But you are a femme, correct?"

"Yeah, what's that have to do with anything?" Wait. Oh no. What was this giant thing thinking? "You're not gonna turn me into some kind of breeder for them are you?" She wasn't sure why she even said that – thought that.

It took a moment before finally the creature actually chuckled, surprising her. She didn't know it could show such emotion. So it got a kick out of her question? "Of course not, Mikaela, I am not here to harm you, in fact, after careful consideration, I think I would turn one of the Cybertronians into a femme of their own species if I were to be that radical, rather than turn you into one of them. What strange questions you ask."

Mikaela breathed a sigh of relief, and then tilted her head thoughtfully, "What? You mean, like make one of them into a female? You can really do all that?" Well if it could do that, then why didn't it? They were of the same species and having this incredible responsibility wasn't quite what she was expecting to wake up to today. The idea had her irked.


"Then why don't you?"

"There are too many complications that I am not willing to risk – hence the word radical. From here on out, I need you to help me repair myself. It will take some time, but I must warn you now, that while I am recovering, you need to be very careful around them, or something unexpected may happen. I have tried to lower my power, but I cannot stop it all from going through you."

That didn't sound good… "Define unexpected," Mikaela challenged, folding her arms. What was the giant getting at? What other 'goodies' did it have up its proverbial sleeve?

"There are many unexpected things, Mikaela, for one, I never thought that I would be shot into space. I never imagined that I would be used as a tool to destroy one of their own," it responded.

What a way to dodge a question. "You mean, you remember that?"

"Yes," the Allspark answered. Arcs of lightning were moving through its optics as it spoke, as if they were plasma balls. "But to define the way you ask, you may create other Cybertronians, but it would not be your own fault. My priest will be able to better assess what can happen while I am asleep though, since all of my power cannot become dormant."

"Huh? This is the strangest thing I have ever heard," And here she thought that Sam talking about his eBay page and how a giant robot had something to do with it was weird. She shook her head with a laugh, "You're serious? How do I go about stopping it?"

"You can't. The powers that reside in you now are more than any one human has probably had so controlling is out of the question. It can create life, take it away, or it can do some random things. I am unfamiliar with being in this situation so I cannot tell for sure." The giant's eyes glinted again, going from blue to red, to other colors of the spectrum, "Also, you must be especially careful around the Matrix," it continued.

"The Matrix?" she asked, a little confused. Oh, so there was more to this? "Alright," she nodded, displeased about more things being piled on top of her. Annoyance was clear in her voice as she asked, "What is the Matrix and why should I avoid it?"

"It is the relic I mentioned that resides in the chest of the leader of the Autobots. Somehow he ended up with it for reasons I am not certain of at this time. You can consider the Matrix as being like my counterpart and is evil in every way. It will attempt to destroy me if it senses me in you."

"So, you're telling me I can't go around Optimus?"

"That is correct," he paused when what appeared to be sadness washed over her face. "I am very sorry. I know you have an attachment to him, but no. The risks are too severe."

Mikaela remembered Sam telling her how Optimus had wanted him to put the Allspark to his chest in the midst of battle. She wondered to herself if there was a different reason than Prime had considered. "Perhaps being in the possession of the Prime may help it lose its darkness."

"I am not so sure about that. Be careful around them. Do not expose yourself to them directly. Not while I am healing. I may not be able to help you, should you need it."

What the hell was that supposed to mean? It's not like she touched their sparks every day. She would need to learn everything she could about their life forces. She didn't want any unexpected results either. "How will I be able to hide you if Soundwave knows about this? As far as I have seen with Sam, I will need to be closer to him than I have been, right?"

"He will figure out a way. He is a very smart mech. He already knows the danger surrounding this situation. I trust he will make the right decision."

"Fine," Mikaela's voice was stern, "I will be careful, now can I go? I want to see how my boyfriend is doing."

"You are free to go, just remember what I told you," the being cautioned her.

"What if I need to speak to you again?"

"We shall speak again, do not worry yourself, Mikaela,"

"Wait!" Mikaela reached out her hand, an arc going from the Allspark to her, "What if the Decepticons get their hands on me!"

"I know no factions, only life. They are all the same being, some are just different than others. Do your best to not get into the wrong hands," and the Allspark faded just like that.

Darkness covered her eyes once more, and before she knew it, she was staring up and two sets of eyes were peering down at her. Soundwave and Sam were standing over her protectively, both with looks of anticipation written across each face. She felt movement under her suddenly and realized she was in the mech's hands and he was scanning her. She couldn't move, as if her body was paralyzed, "Soundwave? What the hell just happened?"

"You went to sleep." Sam then said, lightly touching her. A concerned look passed over Sam's face and he squeezed her hand lightly.

Mikaela stilled then, feeling more than just hands under her. She felt warmth and for a second she thought she heard a soft pulse. It had a strange ring to it, one that was surprisingly pleasant. "What's that sound?"

"What sound?" Sam asked. He didn't hear anything.

"That ring."

"It is my spark's tone," Soundwave answered. "All have a slightly different sound, making identity simpler."

Mikaela considered it a moment and listened to the sound, concentrating on it. It was then she realized it. She could feel them in a strange way. She knew their names. Down to their very beings, she could sense where they were. "Could you feel them like this, Sam?"

"Feel who?"

Obviously not. Mikaela snorted. "The bots. I can feel who's where and who's who. It's so weird." Looking in the direction she felt each and every one, she could tell by their sparks who they were.

Sam idly wondered why he didn't get this sensation Mikaela was describing. In his wondering, he happened to notice a black mark on Mikaela's neck. He moved closer to her. He reached for her collar and pulled it down slightly. Recognizing it as the mark he'd previously had on himself, he pointed, "Soundwave, what is that?"

The priest followed where he was pointing, seeing the mark for himself, "It appears to be the mark of Primus," he then pointed to his own upper arm, showing what was previously hidden, "All those who work with the Allspark are granted this mark."

Soundwave watched the girl. There was a strange look to her eyes. "You have spoken to Primus?" he asked.

Who was Primus? "Huh?"

"His power has come to be known as the Allspark, but his name is Primus. It is him who I was born to serve."

"Was it the one in the Well of Sparks that I just talked to?"

Soundwave only responded with a nod.

She knew they were in for it if anything that giant had said was true. Stretching, Mikaela sat down cross-legged next to Soundwave. After she made herself comfortable, she nodded and replied, "Then I guess I have. You and I need to have a very long talk,"

Mikaela and Sam had completely forgotten about the Autobots until Mikaela suddenly turned her head and looked toward the door, nearly faling out of Soundwave's hands as she went to stand. Just after, it opened, revealing a pissed off Ironhide, who's weapons were glowing and he looked ready to shoot.

What fun :D

Until next time...