Three years later…
Aldrick Locked in freezer and water pipes break, turning him into a human icicle
Gia Cut in half when speaker wires go through her
Hojo Decapitate by a flying piece of metal from rocket ship
Pamala Hanged from ribbon caught in ceiling fan around her neck
Ashlie Head explodes when helium canister nozzle gets in her head
Markus Rocket ship lands on top of him
Libs Rocket ship lands on top of her
Eliza Gear shift impales her through her heart
Alandale Group of mirror shards going through his eyes
Oscar Crushed by car compactor
It`s the fifteenth anniversary of Flight 180, fourteenth anniversary of the Pile-Up on Route 23, ninth anniversary after the derailment of Devil's Flight, the fifth anniversary to the McKinley Raceway Crash, and the third anniversary of the collapse of Angel.
"Oh sis, I wish you were here right now. Also, I wish you didn't take my ticket to see the launch of Anubis Hyaku Hachi jyu. Even though, you and your four friends died there. I'm full of grief and I wish I knew how it happened and why." Sadly says Avalon Lexa.
As he lays down roses on her grave and prays for her, he turns and heads to McKinley Tech. Avalon sees his friends all at the front doors, waiting for him to meet them.
Avalon Lexa said, "Hey guys! What's up?"
Aza Lovington excitingly yells, "Talking to your sis will only make you depress, live your life. There is a big rave party is tomorrow! I can't wait to see it! Do you think people will become a riot?"
"Calm down Aza," sleepily speaking Asher Kogan, "we don't have your type of energy. Well, I don't anyway."
Aza proclaims, "Of course I've so much energy, I'm thinking about the fun party and the bonfire. Remember to be there before 9:25 p.m., like around 7:00 p.m."
Carmelita Torlino responds, "Weird? It's exactly the same as the date, must be a coincident."
Massimo Telini excitingly speaks, "Well! Actually there are two parties, a mock party at beginning at 5:00 p.m. and the real one begins at 7:00, but I'm sure it's noting to fret."
Marquez Belfone laughing, "Ha ha ha! No one speaks like that. Using the word 'fret', what are you in old England?"
Maritza Delfuego slaps Marquez and scream, "Shut up! Why don't you grow up, It's not appropriate to make fun of people speech. Beside he was acting like a proper gentleman."
Abby Frances pushes Maritza and barks at her, "I know you didn't slap my man! Listen he was joking, take it easy bitch."
Marian Roses intervenes, "Listen we're friends here. We should just make-up and be happy about tomorrow, right?"
AshenOdiyakisses Marian, and speaks, "Well, isn't she a peacekeeper. But she is right, can't we just get along without any fights that could hurt us. Even though we all can pretty much take care of ourselves easily."
Avalon smiles at his friends and speaks proudly, "Tomorrow will be the ending of our lives forever."
They all go inside, enjoining a chill free day. The next day was the school's first ever rave/bonfire party in New York, all students and facility members are to be there mandatory. They're going to a four-story building, it has been there for years and still stands firm.