
He leaned against the railing of their wrap around porch, sipping on a cup of coffee, enjoying the crisp March twilight falling around him, his son and one of his daughters giggling as they chased each other around the lawn. Breathing in the sweet, spicy scent of the pink jasmine that clung to the side of the house, he smiled in contentment, watching their careless joy and listening to his wife's slightly off-key humming as she prepared dinner.

If anyone had told him that he'd end up in a house with a white picket fence complete with cat and dog, three children and his dream girl tucked away in said house, he'd have scoffed. Nothing in his early life could have predicted his eventual outcome. Happily ever after had been a cleverly crafted lie fed to children so they didn't have to face the real world. A world he knew too well.

But life had a way of changing paths when you least expect it, throwing in an unexpected twist or curve just when you thought the path was set and denying you the things you think you want while leading you to the place you need to be. Which proves him doubly blessed to be here in this very moment.

Sipping on his coffee, he smiled as he felt a slight tug on his pants and looked down at his youngest, her soft, dark-blond waves cascading over her back and bright caramel eyes watching him intently, one thumb stuck in her mouth, the other hand tugging on her hair.

"What's up, peanut?" he asked as he set his cup down on the railing, stooping to her level, tweaking her nose softly before brushing her hair out of her eyes.

"Not peanut," she responded petulantly, taking her thumb out of her mouth long enough to respond to his question. Liz was going to have a fit if she saw her, but he didn't see the harm if it kept her happy.

"No?" he asked, eyes crinkling with laughter as she shook her head emphatically, resting her head against his arm. Rubbing her back softly, he kissed her sweaty forehead and looked at her, pretending to ponder her answer. "Then what are you?"

"Ladybug," she responded, grinning up at him, her little baby teeth gleaming in the fading daylight and giggled softly when he tickled her ribs, squirming out of his reach, her eyes twinkling as she danced away.

"I see," he nodded sagely, smacking his head as if he couldn't believe he forgot, smiling as she let out another happy chortle and pranced her way to him, rubbing her nose against his affectionately. "So what can I do for you, bug?"

"Up!" She demanded, lifting her arms out to him, jumping up and down impatiently, giggling when he swooped her up, tossing her lightly into the air before settling her in one arm and kissed her cheeks noisily until she squirmed, playfully hitting him on the arm. "Stop it, daddy!"

"But ladybugs are my favorite treat," he protested, pretending to munch on her neck and laughing when she scrunched her nose up at him, pushing him away. Kissing her forehead, he watched with amusement as her thumb made its way back to her mouth and whispered conspiratorially, winking at her. "You know, your mama is going to have a fit if she sees you. But if you don't tell her, I won't tell her."

"Corrupting young, impressionable girls again, Guerin?" Liz teased as she came up behind them, wrapping her arms around his waist and pressed her face against his back, breathing in his familiar earthy scent. Peeking around him, she playfully frowned at her daughter, chuckling when she promptly pulled her thumb out of her mouth, grinning at her unrepentantly.

"Always, Guerin, always," Michael smirked, dipping down and capturing her lips in a soft kiss, losing himself in the lingering taste of the chocolate, raspberries and chili from whatever dessert she had concocted tonight. If her lips were any indication, he was in for a real treat. He only pulled away when, having enough of their display, his ladybug patted the back of his head.

Rolling his eyes at a giggling Liz, he smiled, wrapping her in his free arm and pulling her into his chest, kissing the top of her head as they turned back to their demanding child. Liz wrapped an arm around them both, resting her head against his chest as they watched their eldest children play and she sighed happily, her lips tilting in contentment.

"It's been quite a journey, hasn't it?" she asked softly, humming in the back of her throat when he lightly drew his fingers over the back of her neck, playing with the soft strands resting at the base. Snuggling deeper into his chest, she tipped her head back, coffee-colored eyes shining with love.

"That it has," he agreed as he met her eyes, feeling completely at peace, wrapped in the embrace of part of his family, chuckling when his other two trudged up the porch steps and collapsed in exaggerated exhaustion at their feet. No, he never expected life to turn out this way, but he wouldn't change it for all the riches in the world.

"And the greatest part? The best is yet to come."