Ok, I'm a bit nervous considering this is my first fanfic but I'm pretty confident in my abilities. Constructive criticism is welcome, but try to add a compliment to sweeten it up a bit… I'm a bit of a wimp. ( /insert nervous laugh here )

Nastu: The hell? Show them what your made of!

Lucy: Hey! It's fine to be nervous about showing others your writing.

Nastu: Oh that's right you write also.

Lucy: ….maybe a little….

Nastu: Well anyway, this girl here doesn't own Fairy Tail. All the credit for that goes to the author, Jijo MashPotatoe.

Lucy and Me: ( /headdesk ) It's Hiro Mashima!

Natsu: Does it matter?

( /lucy starts lecturing Nastu )

Me: Well, Enjoy Everyone!

Chapter One : The Beginning

If one were to spot the boy with pink-ish hair sitting on the bus, it would seem to them as if some terrible demon was sucking the life force out of him and the longer he stayed on that bus the sicker he began to look.

He felt terrible. Horrible even. This always happened any time he rode in any sort of transportation. An awful thing, really.

Turning over to his side, the boy clung to the shirt of the guy next to him. "Happy… I don't feel so good."

The young man he was speaking to was a guy with sort blue-ish hair and slightly wide eyes—similar to that of a cat. He was a bit shorter than the guy with motion sickness, but he seemed slightly more calmer at lot more calmer... and didn't really seem to have much sympathy for his poor companion.

He answered the boy with a sigh, "We're almost there, Natsu."

A curious passenger on the other side of Happy leaned over, "H-Hey. Is he alright?"

The blue haired boy nodded with a salute, "Aye! This always happens."

"I'll never…" Natsu held in the urge to barf, "Ride a bus again…."

Happy chuckled, this was something Nastu always said… but somehow he always ended up taking it every morning. It was really the only way that they would get to school on time. The young boy blinked as the bus stopped, "Ah—we're here. If you don't hurry we'll miss the chance to see Salamander. Everyone has been saying that he stands outside the school gates before classes start." Happy reminded Natsu as he stepped off the bus.

"Ok?" Just as the door closed Happy turned around so see that the bus had already started moving down the street. Nastu stuck his head out the window, "Haaaaapppppy, Heeeeeelp!"

"Ah—it left." Happy stood there for a few seconds, before walking down the road. "I'll just meet him at the other stop."

"Whaaaat? There's only one antique shop in the whole town?" A blond girl repeated, obviously not pleased.

"Well, yes. This town focuses more on fishing… and not many people want to own an antique shop to begin with." The old store keeper explained.

Lucy sighed, "I guess I wasted my time then…."

The shop owner put his hands together, "Awww. Come on, don't be like that ~ I'm sure if you look around you'll find something that interests you!" He pulled out a box full of rings. "How about one of these mood rings? The teens seem to love them these days!"

Lucy shook her head, "I already have…. one…." the girl dragged her sentence on as she peered into the glass counter. Her eyes widened as a familiar looking object caught her interest,"Eh? Is that White Doggy?" she asked as looking gleefully at the small key.

The shop owner smiled a bit, "Ah—so you're into collectables, then?"

The blonde nodded, happily. "How much is it?"

The old man chuckled, "$200."

"How much?" Lucy asked again, stepping a little closer.

He scratched the back of his head, "I said, $200."

The girl leaned over the counter and crossed her arms under her chest in an attempt to look sexy, "How much was it, Mr. Shop owner?"

"Tch. Only a $100 discount…." Lucy said before lashing out at a nearby mailbox, kicking it hard. "Is my sexiness only worth $100!" The outburst—she noticed—startled as few passerbys and embarrassed blush crossed her face.

Composing herself, she continued her walk. Truth be told, that old man's store was not her true destination. Lucy was actually on her way to her first day at a new school.

Pausing questionably in her stroll, she tilted her head at the group of fangirls huddled together outside of the school gates.

"Kyaa! It's Salamander!" a few girls stated passing by Lucy in a mad dash at if said person would disappear at any moment.

'Salamander?' Feeling a bit curious she decided to take a look. "Wonder if he's cute." She halfheartedly thought out loud as she tiptoed into the crowd trying to get a better view.

Lucy couldn't help but look a bit disappointed when she saw the guy. The guy wasn't bad looking… but he wasn't to die for either… Lucy didn't see what everyone was so worked up over nor why they had to block her way into the school, she was sure there had to be some other place they could fawn over this guy without getting in the way of the people who didn't give a crap, right?

Before Lucy had a chance to turn and leave, her eyes went wide eyed as the one they called 'Salamander' placed her chin in between his fingers and brought her face close to his. Some time while she had been in deep though he had found a way to inch his way over to her location. Honestly this was not the kind of attention she had wanted to get on her first day of school—now if they guy had been drop dead gorgeous then maybe it would be different—and to make things worse she could feel the glaring of the fangirls behind her.

The guy smirked as Lucy's face turned red, "My oh my, what a pretty face you have there." He stated. "and those lips…." He brought his face closer and closer, the gap between them growing smaller.

'I-Is he going to kiss me?'

Natsu sighed and he and Happy walked down the sidewalk. "In the end I went five more blocks on the bus than I had to…"

"That's what you get for not paying attention." Happy told him with a chuckle.

"I'm hungry…."

"You ate before we left."

Nastu looked at Happy, "Hey. When they said 'Salamander', they meant 'Igneel' right?"

"Yep, I can only think of one person when I hear 'Salamander'." Happy told him with a nod.

"Yeah…. That's what I thought."

The two stopped for a second when they spotted a group of girls huddled around someone. The name 'Salamander' was spoken and Nastu grinned at Happy, "Speak of the devil!" They both ran toward the crowd.

"Igneel! Igneel!" the boy continued to call the name out as he pushed past the crowd of girls. "Igneel!" Nastu called a final time as he broke free. Though the boy froze when he saw what the guy looked like. Salamander turned his attention away from Lucy and brought his gaze on the pink haired boy.

"Who are you?" Nastu finally said after a moment of silence, his face filled with disappointment and slight annoyance.

The man's expression went to that of shock, as he left go of the blond's chin. After re-gaining his composure, the man smirked. "You may have heard of me… I'm Salamander."

Nastu appeared uninterested and started walking away. This didn't take too well with the fangirls and within seconds, the boy's hair was being pulled and his face clawed at. Salamander held up a hand as if he were some kind of king quieting his subjects. "Ladies, Ladies, I'm sure that he didn't mean it in a rude way." The man said walking over to Natsu. The girls backed off and when back to admiring the guy.

Lucy glared when her initial shock diminished, 'Just who does he think he is! Did he really think I would have let him kiss me?'

'Salamander' took out a piece of paper and scribbled something on it before handing it to Natsu, "Here. It's my signature. Show it off to your friends." He flashed a corny smile that made his fans swoon.

The pink haired boy shook his head, "I don't want it." This set the fangirls off, and Nastu was tossed off to the side.

Happy stood next to his beaten friend on the group, "Looks like that wasn't him…." The boy huffed, stating the obvious.

"Well, it looks like I'm late for my next appointment… chow." 'Salamander' winked before making a mad dash out of the crowd of fangirls and into the school.

The group ran after him in a heated frenzying leaving Lucy to stand with a look of pity on her face. Rolling her eyes she walked up to the two boys just as Natsu got to his feet. Putting on a bright smile she spoke to the both of them, "Thanks a lot, you saved me there."

Nastu and Happy looked at each other in confusion.

"Ah—you see, he was trying to make a move on me but you distracted him. Thanks." Lucy explained.

"I didn't really do anything though…." The boy said scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, but you did! Really. If there's anything I can do—" Lucy didn't even have time to finish her sentence before she head the rumbling of the two boys stomachs. She blinked before chuckling, "Hold on…" the blond told them digging through here book bag before pulling out two granola bars. "It's just a snack, but it's better than nothing." She told them as she handed it to them.

"Wow, thanks!" Nastu and Happy said in unison as they gave the girl a cheeky grin, before they started to devour the small snack.

Lucy chuckled nervously, "You don't have to eat so fast… it's not going anywhere."

"I'm Nastu and this is Happy." The pink haired boy stated finishing off the bar in two large bites. "I don't think I saw you here before…. You new?"

"Hm? Yeah, I'm Lucy." The girl said, that bright smile still plastered on her face.

Just then the school bell rang, "Ah—well guess we'll see you around!" Nastu said as he started sprinting toward the school.

"See ya!" Happy called following behind Natsu.

Lucy watched them for a bit, before she heading in herself. Looks like school would be more interesting than she thought.

Annnnnd that's a wrap! Cool, huh?

Happy: Since when am I human?

Me: Because I don't think a talking cat is appropriate for modern times.

Happy: Ah well, at least I look goooood.

Me: ( /chuckle ) that's the idea.

Don't forget to tell me what you think! I want to hear your opinions!