Snow in the Desert.

Chapter 34.

A/n: Hello my beautiful girlies (: And possible boys... o.o

I'm very sorry for the delay but I've had some serious writers block but I've managed to subside it through and make it my strength because now I've finally decided what I'm going to do with the ending! Wahey! :D.

Enjoy my beauties. :] x

Miyuki wondered what Gaara's attitude was towards her as she continued to spend the remainder of the day trapped on the rooftops with only her thoughts. She woke up to find him wallowed away in his office, scribbling his signature on documents. Well, she presumed. Although Gaara was laid to rest beside her last night, she was not able to catch the beauty of his forgiveness before he awoke. She was completely unaware of the fact that he decided to forgive and forget, well, for the most part. She hugged the scent of Gaara closer as she wrapped herself around Tedeibea.

Although Gaara's scenery was different, his conscience was the same as Miyuki's. He found it difficult to sift through the unlimited pile of documents as he held his head in his hands. He was contemplating the effects of apologising with a romantic gesture. But then again, he wondered if he came back to her so soon that she might see him weak and fragile. He worried that she would think she could come and go as she pleased. He quickly shook those thoughts from his mind as he realised that his Miyuki wouldn't be like that. He cursed himself for being so stupid that he would actually consider her different over the period of time they were separated. Although knew that he was acting irrational and he was over-analysing every aspect in their relationship, he couldn't help but ponder the thought - did he have the right to be nervous? Could there still be an under-occurring lust brewing between Miyuki and Sasuke still? He couldn't help but let his mind trail over the thought that she still has not approached him. But then again, she did give him the space she felt he required and he respected that of her.

Gaara was quickly snapped from his thoughts by the sound of the door bursting through.

"Gaara, we have a problem."

"Temari, what's wrong?" Gaara asked without amusement.

"It's about Miyuki." Gaara's head immediately snapped upwards and his attention was officially hers.

He was shocked to see the figure of Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi either side of Temari holding the same expression of worry.

"We came as soon as we heard." Kakashi informed.

"Heard of what?" Gaara stood up to reach their gaze while he glared towards Sasuke.

Kakashi noticed and cleared his throat.

"They've been looking for Miyuki. They've been spotted around the trails of Konoha briefly moving towards Suna."

"The Akatsuki?" Gaara sounded shocked even though he expected this day to arrive.


"How did they know she was here though?" Gaara asked an obvious question again.

"Idiot." Sneered Sasuke.

Gaara exchanged a glare towards Sasuke's direction.

"When I encountered Madara, he probably assumed that Miyuki was staying her officially with you. I called for Sasuke and Naruto immediately." Kakashi informed.

"We don't need him." Gaara stated coldly.

"Guys! If there's any moment for you both to make amends it would be right now for Miyuki. She's in danger and we have to find her!" Temari found herself shouting over the tension.

"Temari is right. We have to leave now." Kakashi stated.

"Kankuro!" Temari rounded up the team before they decided to search for Miyuki's safety.

Miyuki sat in despair on the Kazekage Manor rooftops as she stared into the abyss of the sky. She remained completely unaware of the figures that stalked her through the trees while their eyes glared at her, waiting to advance.

"Miyuki!" A voice called.

When she sat up, she could see the figure of Gaara, racing towards her. Although he was afar, she could notice the unmistakeable notion of fear in his eyes.

"Gaara?" She questioned.

A shadow cascaded over her, blocking the sun from her sight. Before she was able to move in protest, an arm harshly move around her waist, hoisting her into the air as the sun reflected off the cool blade of a kunai rested on her neck.

Gaara halted immediately, only leaving three meters between his loved one and himself.

"Leave her go." He taunted.

"And why would I want to do that?" Madara questioned with amusement playing on his lips.

Miyuki's blood ran cold.

"Or else I'll make you." A voice flooded into the left ear of Miyuki before she was knocked to the floor.

She briefly saw the figure of Kakashi, knocking her capturer to the floor. She watched in almost slow motion as the two scrambled towards the edge of the building.

"Kakashi!" She called.

"Don't break his concentration with worries." She heard Gaara's soothing voice as he struggled to pull her off the floor.

She looked directly at him, her eyes with worries.

"Gaara, I am so sorry." She apologised sincerely as her hands traced the jaw of his face.

"Don't worry about that." He told her before pulling her away quickly.

They ran across the rooftops, dashing between the structures of sand quickly as Gaara pulled her with him.

"Where are we going?" She questioned, flustered.

"Don't worry about that." He assured her.

"What about Kakashi?"

"He knows what to do." His angers were vague.

Confused and flustered, Miyuki decided to continue the unknown quest with Gaara.

Once they reached a clearly, Miyuki noticed Sasuke and Naruto waiting their arrival with frustration tensing their faces.

"What's going on?" Miyuki begged as she approached Sasuke and Gaara with Gaara.

"It's it obvious? We're here for you." A voice behind them announced just before Kakashi slipped to her side.

Miyuki turned around to see four figures in front of them - The Akatsuki.

"You remember my friends, don't you, Miyuki?" Madara taunted.

Miyuki snarled in frustration as Gaara gathered sand together with his clenching palms.

She caught his hand while staring directly in front of her.

"He's mine." She stated.

"You won't be able to beat him alone." Gaara simply stated as he gaze followed the same direction as hers.

"You can't risk it. Only I can resist the Sharingan, not you."

"That's right sand boy, listen to my dear sister." Madara taunted once again.

"Are you sure?" Gaara asked after looking at her.

"You can't protect her anymore, sand boy." Madara answered for her before running towards her.

Miyuki lashed Gaara's wrist out of her hold before running towards Madara.

The rest of the team mates ran towards their opponents also as Kakashi decided to strain his skills against Pain. Gaara decided to advance towards Konan and Naruto moved towards Kisame. It seemed that everyone was paired off perfectly except for Sasuke.

Miyuki leaped towards Madara with her hands behind her back. She pulled out two kunais, one in each hand, prepared to attack. She soared through out the air expecting an impact with his body but instead she persisted to continue through out the air, straight through him. She landed on the ground with a soft thud.

"Ow, that hurt." He smirked as he moved to her side, gripping the back of her hair before pulling her up to her feet.

"You cannot defeat me." His eye narrowed through his mask.

"But I could." A voice stated from the side as a fist imbedded into Madara's face, cracking his mask.

Madara dropped Miyuki instantly in shock as he backed away slowly.

"How?" He questioned to himself.

He placed his hand over the swirl of orange that was covering his face with a slight crack in between the middle.

"I guess I shall play fair." He snarled before removing his mask to reveal his face.

His eyes darted from Miyuki to Sasuke.

"Isn't this great? Two Uchiha's fighting together to take down their own blood." His words leaked of sarcasm.

Sasuke briefly exchanged a gaze with Miyuki before they both turned their attention towards Madara. Sasuke's hand briefly went behind his back before pulling out a set of Kunais also. They both dashed toward Madara in different directions. They were both considering the theory that he may not be able to concentrate of blocking his attacks against the two of them. Both Miyuki and Sasuke's eyes flooding with blood red as they activated their Sharingan to predict Madara's counters. They both attacked from different sides as Sasuke took his approach forward-on. He faced himself towards Madara, running towards him with a daring velocity. Once he reached Madara, he struck him with the kunais that were resting his hands. Madara simply smirked as side-stepped the attack as Sasuke swung the other kunai only leading Madara to side step once again. While distracted, he did not notice that Miyuki was striking from behind. But as she moved towards his turned back, Madara noticed Sasuke's eyes flicker behind him. As Miyuki brought the kunai down to Madara's body, blade-first, Madara side-stepped. He twirled around to face both opponents. The shoulder piece to his black coat was sliced in one section, exposing crimson skin.

As Miyuki and Sasuke looked at the wound, so did Madara.

"You hit me?" He questioned in disbelief.

"I'm impressed." He admitted before once again running towards the two.

Every time Miyuki or Sasuke attempted to place a hit on Madara, he had a powerful counter attack. They both struggled together as they placed hit markers on Madara, attempting an attack. They both circled around him, trying to remove themselves from his view with kicks and punches.

While Miyuki and Sasuke fought the remaining Uchiha, Gaara and Kakashi struggled with their opponents while Naruto was gaining the upper hand on Kisame. He swung between Kisame's famous Samehada, dodging the charka-eating shreds. Kisame's arms were beginning to struggle to lift the atrociously heavy sword. His arms shook as he brought it into midair once again only to be dodged by Naruto. Naruto swung himself backwards while regaining his charka together into the palms of his hand.

"Rasengan!" He shouted as he ran towards Kisame.

He dodged his Samehada finally before driving his Rasengan into the torso of Kisame. Naruto was able to register the expression of shock on Kisame's face before he was forcefully shoved backwards, taking trees and debris with him. Naruto surveyed the rest of the scenery to catch a glimpse of his struggling team mates. He gained a sudden idea and for once, Naruto was such an idiot.

Madara kicked Sasuke with such a force that it knocked him off his feet a few metres away. While laughing victoriously, Madara caught Miyuki's hair into a bundle in the back of her head. With her hair clenched around Madara's fist tightly, Miyuki found it extremely difficult to seize control. She struggled before his hand produced a kunai. Her hand ran cold like the blade itself as she watched it slowly before it disappeared. He clasped itself underneath her neck, threatening her with one quick strip from her life.

"Now!" Was heard from the distance as Miyuki and Madara's head snapped towards the sound.

Running towards them was a bright life, mixed with colours that were joined together by Naruto and Sasuke. In shock at the joined Rasengan and Chidori, Madara released Miyuki, leaving her fall to the floor. The sheer impact of the mixed charka disappeared into the chest cavity of Madara, sending him into the abyss of the darkness from the impact. They could all only distantly hear his roar of pain of Madara as he fell towards his death.

Startled, Konan and Pain instantly shot a glance of worry before retreated quickly. They both pulled themselves away from their battle between Kakashi and Gaara and disappeared before their eyes.

Miyuki scuffled to her feet in shock as Gaara and Kakashi ran towards them. She stood in front of Sasuke with an irreplaceable smile of victory plastered on her face. His placed his right hand on her cheek in a soothing gesture. He smiled very slightly towards her before he fell to his knees.

"Sasuke?" She followed him to her knees also as she looked at him with concern.

"What's wron-" Before she was able to finish her sentence, she noticed a kunai was buried into his torso, just revealing it's handle that Madara drove through the torso of Sasuke before Madara was hit with his death.

Her eyes instantly began to fill with moisture as her heart swelled with sadness. Sasuke's breath came out in sharp gasps as he fell to his back in pain.

"Miyuki." Was all he was able to get out over his gasps of pain.

She hovered her face over his droplets stained his face from her eyes. She cradled his face within her hands as Naruto, Kakashi and Gaara surrounded the scene. They all bowed their heads in sorrow for the moment and even Gaara was feeling sympathy for the moment.

"It should have been different." Sasuke struggled to say.

"I'm sorry." Was all she could mumble as tears rushed out her eyes and fell onto his face.

"I love you." He gasped in pain.

Miyuki kissed his lips softly as they grew colder. When she pulled away, his eyes remained closed.

Miyuki rested her head on his chest, listening to his dying heartbeat with her arms extended over his torso as she cried in sorrow. Gaara knelt to one knee and placed his comforting hand over her shoulder. She moved from Sasuke's body to wrap her arms around Gaara's shoulder to cry in pain. He hooked his arms underneath the back of her knees as he began to move away silently from the scene of tragedy. Kakashi and Naruto moved either side of Gaara carrying Miyuki as they began to walk home together. Naruto and Kakashi managed to vent their sadness for the benefit of Miyuki as she expressed her sorrow blatantly.

He died for what he loved and what he loved was her... Fair trade.

A/n: Holy. Shit. Guys. I think I'm finished! Holy shit. I dunno like, I could just do like one more chapter or something with the future between Miyuki and Gaara. Not sure though. I'm very sorry about how long this ending took but it was the only chapter through out the whole series that I actually put some serious thought into to perfect it and I'm going to be honest. I'm fairly happy with the ending.

There probably will be one more chapter with just their future lives.

Well, my beautiful audience, that you so much for the reviews and feedback. Without your praise and criticism I would have not continued this story. Knowing that someone is appreciating my work makes me understand why I waste all my time on this story. xD Thank you so much everyone. I hope you enjoyed! Love you guys. x