A/N: Ahh, another chapter. Sorry it took awhile again, but that's the way it happens... Anyways, I hope you all enjoy it!

Will Work for Mellorine

Chapter 4: A Cry for Help

I don't own One Piece

As time progresses, Sanji stretches his daily routine until he could finally be at Nami's restaurant everyday for lunch.

A normal visit consisted of a relatively busy kitchen, but no one partook in abusing Nami.

Sanji would walk in, and customers would chat away, but the waiters and chefs would look up, and give him glances of worry. As if they would think "Will he kick me next?" or "It's Nami's protector, better not touch her."

Sanji would always sit at the same table. Nami made sure to keep it empty, so he could get the perfect view into the kitchen.

Sanji sat at his table and was given an unnecessary menu. He would wait and watch. Nami usually poured him some water and gave him a polite hello. Sanji would smile back.

But this day was different. It was unusual for Sanji to go to the restaurant on Thursdays. He was usually too busy with other things that his lunch break was reduced to ten minutes. And what was even more unusual is that Nami had used his phone number.

He doubted it was anything that bad. When he answered the phone there was no voice.

"Hello?" He asked a second time. But instead of a reply, there was a rustling noise, and a click, like a door closing. Sanji asked a third, fourth, fifth time, but he only heard more rustling and a distant "No!"

Sanji hung up and quickly grabbed his jacket and rushed out the door. He speed walked to the restaurant, and when he arrived, the waiter seated him immediately. Sanji looked around, people were eating their meals in peace, and music played quietly with their conversations. There were only three waiters walking about. Sanji looked through the kitchen window. There was no sign of Nami.

He sat and waited for a few moments at the table. Suddenly, a man's voice howled in pain, and there was a muffled scream, a woman's scream.

Sanji got up and rushed into the kitchen. He remembered doing the same thing such a short time ago. Even though Sanji could never forgive that shitty manager for what he did to Nami, if it weren't for him, Sanji probably would never get to know Nami so well.

And now he's here again, like a knight in shining armor, coming to his fair maiden's rescue.

Sanji hurried past the chefs who gave little protest. They would rather keep their spines intact and walls hole-free. Noises came from the kitchen's large pantry. Sanji grabbed the door knob and yanked it open.

Inside Nami was pushed down on the floor by a chef who had a large build. His left hand was clasped over Nami's mouth, to prevent her from yelling, and the right, which had a bite mark on it, was reaching for Nami's skirt. Nami couldn't fight back, her shirt was off and used to bound her hands.

"Sanji!" Nami screamed from behind the man's hand.

Sanji waited for the chef to turn his head around. The chef reluctantly turned and faced Sanji's deathly glare. Sanji threw his leg back and swung it forward. The heel of his foot met with the man's nose, and Sanji felt the satisfying crunch of cartilage breaking.

The man fell atop of Nami, and she screamed. Outside the kitchen, customers all heard the commotion. Some got up to leave, while others tried to see through the kitchen. The rat faced manager pulled curtains in front of the windows and walked through the big double doors.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I know you heard a crash and a scream, but there is no problem here, our new waitress just had a little accident in the pantry, so you all may return to your meals in peace," He announced. The costumers chose to remain ignorant and went back to their meals.

"Bastards like you make me sick," Sanji hissed. The chef remained crumpled on the ground, apparently unconscious.

Nami squirmed her hands free and pulled her legs out from underneath the man. She put her shirt back on and shuddered. Sanji put a comforting hand on her back and led her out of the pantry.

"Thank you," She muttered, "How did you know to come?"

"You called me," Sanji smiled. Nami sighed thanking herself for buying a phone that didn't close.

The manager scurried to the two, "What happened?"

"You know damn well what happened!" Nami screamed at him.

The manager shushed her, "Please keep your voice down!"

"Why the hell should I?" Nami bellowed.

"I'll do anything, just please keep quiet!" The manager begged.

Sanji grinned devilishly, but Nami shook her head.

"I have to keep my job," She reminded him.

Sanji sighed, "You don't deserve this abuse." Then he paused. An idea began to sprout in his head.

He turned to the manager, "Let me work in Nami's place."

Nami opposed his request, "I said I need the job!"

Sanji gave her a reassuring look, "Can you trust me?"

Nami frowned, and then sighed, "Fine."

The rat man scrunched his face with disgust, "Why would I hire a bum like you?"

"Apparently you haven't seen me cook yet," Sanji explained.

"Are you saying you're a better chef than every other cook in this kitchen?" The manager challenged.

"The way they act, I bet the customers can cook better than them," Sanji sneered.

The managers face turned red, but a cocky smile stretched from cheek to cheek, "Very well then, after closing time, let's see how well you can cook."

The two were kicked out shortly after. Nami was fired and Sanji had to fight to get a job. Odds were stacked up against him, but Sanji knew that he would win.

"So what are you up to? Now I'm fired, and I'm going to have to go back home," Nami asked.

"Do you remember that café? I bought it yesterday," Sanji informed.

"Congratulations, but what does that have to do with me?"

"What if I said I could hire you to do some work there, like cleaning it up, decorating it, and thinking of a name for it?" Sanji offered.

Nami smiled, "Really? That would help so much."

"Then the job is yours!" Sanji declared, "You can start tomorrow at eight."

A/N: Woo! Finally Nami breaks away from it! But what does Sanji have in store for her? Until next time! reviews are always appreciated!