Silent Affection

Okay this is a story that occurs through out ME 1 to ME 2, I will update regularly depending on reviews. I have only written one other fanfic of Chobits but that was like 2 years ago. Hee hee. Please read and review. Even though it would be the complete awesomeness, I do not own Bioware. This is my version, Enjoy J

The first Human Spectre…Garrus thought to himself as he suited up his armor getting himself ready to meet with Commander Shepard in the communication room as she had requested. He had been a bit anxious to speak with her; he had never really hung around humans before, let alone be under their command. Yet from the first moment they met, he had found her to be intriguing, at least for a human. Of course, he had erased that thought from his mind believing, he would not see her again, and not only that, he could see the man behind her staring at her with admiration. He would know him to be Lt. Alenko.

He had tried not to think about her until he learned that she was on the hunt for Saren. Garrus was about to go looking for her when he was done with Dr. Michel, but to his surprise, she had found him. He was glad when she welcomed him aboard The Normandy. It had been a few weeks since that happened but he could still remember her scent when she walked through the med clinic. He still could not tell what that scent was. Flowers? He armed himself with a pistol, and started walking out of his quarters towards the comm room.

Liana Shepard had just left her private quarters and was on her way to the comm room when Lt. Alenko interrupted her busy thoughts. He stepped right in front of her with a grin. "Excuse me, Commander Shepard?"

"Yes, Alenko? I'm in a bit of a hurry."

"Sorry Ma'am, this won't take long, I was hoping you drink coffee?"


"Yes, ma'am we just a fresh shipment for the crew and I was thinking you could use some downtime," Shepard stared at him blankly not sure what to say, when she saw Garrus walking into the comm room at a distance. Lt Alenko was waiting for her answer. She cleared her throat.

"Um…Lt. There will be some leave after we get out of Feros, maybe then," Kaiden nodded and stepped out of her way, watching her leave. Shepard walked away hastily, situations like that had always made her feel a bit uneasy. Once she entered the comm room, she took a deep breath. Garrus was waiting for her and noticed Kaiden's expression just as the doors closed behind her.

"I think he's fond of you, Commander," he said to her with a smirk. Shepard collected herself and cleared her throat. "He's a good man; he'd make any woman proud." She said. Garrus stared at her more intrigue, this man was practically throwing himself at her and she was not interested. He started to wonder just what she was interested in when he caught himself. What am I thinking? She is a human, and I'm a turian.

"Was there something you needed, Commander?" he asked keeping his mind from straying away.

"We should be arriving to our destination soon to find this Dr. T'Soni; I want you to come with me. This is our first real mission and I want to see how you handle yourself. You and Lt. Alenko will accompany me." She sighed as she said Kaiden's name. Garrus could sense her being uncomfortable with Alenko's crush on her.

"If you'd like, I can just shoot him if he tries anything," Shepard giggled. Garrus felt a tingling sensation as he saw the emotion she expressed. Since he met her, he had never seen any other emotion other than her commanding one. She always kept a straight, calm expression.

"Shoot the geth, not our teammates," she replied with a grin. Just then, Joker spoke over the intercom.

"Commander, 10 minutes until we arrive in the Artemis Tau Cluster"

"Thanks, Joker." She gave Garrus a half grin and walked out of the room. Garrus was not sure what he just felt, but he silently promised himself he wouldn't let her share that smile with anyone else but him. He walked out of the comm room to pack his guns for the mission.

Garrus walked into his quarters and threw himself on the bed feeling relieved that they had grabbed what they needed from Feros before they were blown up. He had hoped Shepard had been grateful for his help on Feros. Just as the place was exploding, Shepard pushed Liara in front of her but soon slipped and would have fallen into the crumbling earth below her if it were not for Garrus. He had quickly grabbed her arms, then her waist to pull her up as fast as he could, then escaping to The Normandy the last few seconds. In the Comm room, Dr. T'Soni explained herself to Commander Shepard. Dr. Liara T'Soni was now a crewmember of The Normandy. Krogans…Turians….Quarians…..Humans… an Asari….Garrus thought to himself, How interesting indeed…

Liana got herself into her comfortable colonist outfit and plotted herself on her full size bed. She took a deep breath to think about what just happened on Feros. At the last few moments as exhausted as she was, she quickly got up. There was something about being on a good size bed alone that bothered her terribly. She had deliberately made a choice not to have a stable relationship however; she didn't like to be reminded of how lonely she was. So she stayed off her bed as much as possible. After straightening up her room a bit she went out of her quarters towards the small café in The Normandy where most of the crew ate. Niles, the chef was unpacking a few shipments that had arrived when Commander Shepard walked in. "Oh, Commander, is there something happening?"

"No, don't worry,"

"Oh," he said washing his elderly hands, "Well then, ma'am, what can I do for you?"

"I heard you had a shipment of coffee? I'd like to have 2 glasses,"

"Sure, we got a special shipment of French vanilla cappuccino," he said with a friendly very fatherly smile. "You going to share it with Lt. Alenko? That handsome fella's got a real eye on you, ma'am not to meddle in your personal affairs."

"No, Niles, this cup of coffee goes to someone I need to know better," she said watching him prepare it, He smiled.

"Yes ma'am, make sure you relax during the moments when you can ma'am," She gave him a half grin.

"Thank you, Niles," she took the thermoses and walked over to the elevator to the bottom deck. Just as she entered the elevator, she saw Kaiden, talking to Niles, who pointed to her direction. Kaiden turned and headed towards her only to have the elevator doors close. Phew…. Shepard thought. She highly respected Kaiden, especially during battle, she knew she could trust him with her life, but she knew he wanted to have something more than friends. She couldn't bring herself to like him in that way. She shook that thought from her mind and started to think about Garrus, the most interesting Turian she had ever met. Throughout the weeks he has been here, he hadn't said much to anyone. He kept to himself always calm. When she first took notice to him, she hadn't really thought much of him, until what happen on Feros. Shepard had completely missed the unstable rumble she had stepped on, if it wasn't for him she would not be here. She had to admit at that moment of her falling she didn't realize how strong Garrus was when he grabbed hold of her waist and pulled her close to him to get her to safety, well at least she had forgotten. Since then she hadn't stop thinking about him and that really bothered her. The elevator made it stop to the bottom deck where the rest of the crew had their quarters. She walked up to one of the private crew quarters and knocked quietly. The door opened and the turian stared at her a bit surprised. "Hi Garrus, may I come in?" Garrus stumbled for words.

"I…would however I was on my way to get some inspection done…"

"Well, I think it can wait awhile, it's important, besides, if I say it's okay, it is okay."

"Very well, Commander," he said nonchalantly as he stepped to a side to let her in. She walked in closing the door behind her. "So is there anything I can help you with?" She handed him one of the thermoses.

"I make it a habit to get to know my crew," she said taking a seat on the edge of his bed. "You are the only one; I still know nothing about…tell me, how did you join C-Sec?" Garrus examined the thermos with great fascination, "Oh that's coffee, have you ever tried it? It's still hot so take sips okay?" Garrus thought she must of forgotten turians don't drink the same things humans do, but he didnt want to disappoint her. Instead he put it down withougt her realizing. But wait….wasn't she going to share this…coffee with Alenko?

"Well, Commander, my father was in C-Sec, I guess I just sort of followed the same pattern," he said leaning against the wall.

"I see,"

"I did want to become a Spectre, but my father was against me being some sort of a lawless man. He hated spectres; he wouldn't like you, Commander."

"What a shame…I think I could respect him though," Shepard stopped herself. What am I saying? Am I flirting? No, he's a Turian. Garrus was a bit taken aback by what she said not really understanding it but he couldn't help but grin. She was headed towards saying something foolish and he found her to be amusing

"Commander, what are you doing here? You could have asked me while I was working, why did you come to my…quarters." Shepard stood up and started to go towards the door. She wanted to get away from this feeling she didn't understand it, but then he gently grabbed her arm. She turned to him.

"I was simply trying to get to know you better, Vakarian."

"Garrus, ma'am. Please just… Garrus," Shepard didn't notice how close she got to him but she stared into his hollow eyes and felt mesmerized. Suddenly the ship rocked hard to a side and Shepard fell onto the bed.

"Commander! We are about to hit a meteorite, I'm going to move around it but I've got to move it hard!" Joker yelled.

"Do it Joker!" Shepard said stumbling.

"Everyone! Brace yourself!" Shepard fought hard to keep herself balanced however when joker flipped The Normandy completely upside down, Shepard lost her balance completely and was about to hit her when Garrus grabbed her waist towards him. He pulled them towards a corner and with his free hand pulled the thin mattress over them.

"Commander, I got you!" Garrus said. Shepard stared up at him her black hair undone falling to her shoulders. She never felt so safe before, not since being on Akuze with her parents. Feelings of loneliness left her for that moment and for once in her life, she let herself feel vulnerable. She pulled her self closer to him, holding onto his armor. Just as she closed her eyes, she felt him hold her tighter.