Author: Muffin

Pairing: Luna/Blaise

Words: 847 (I can't write drabbles with exactly 500 words. I really suck at limits.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter… J. K. Rowling does, in case you didn't know that.


- By Muffin


Luna sat patiently in Blaise's luxurious flat. It was a tad too materialistic for her taste, but she knew how Blaise liked to show off, so she hadn't commented on his taste in furniture.

He had told her to wait for him in his flat, sounding quite odd and … nervous?

Luna hadn't exactly thought about it, but her friends had already jumped into conclusions when she had told them.


"Don't you see?" screeched Hermione excitedly.

"No…" Luna replied, not really sure of what else to say.

"He's going to propose!"Hermione stood up from her sofa with a smile that Luna hadn't seen in years.

"Wow, Hermione, don't give Luna false hope!" Padma, being more rational and thoughtful, sat calmly and thought it through.

"He might propose, but then again… This is Blaise Zabini, we're talking about! The Blaise Zabini who's known for his no-commitment lifestyle!"

"Oh… I forgot about that." Hermione plopped down into the sofa again.

"I don't know… Blaise is different know, but why would he propose to me?" Luna asked looking at her fingers. "It's not like… I mean, I'm not beautiful or normal, like his mother wants me to be. I'm just… Luna."

"Don't say that Luna! You're amazing." Hermione said; her big brown eyes full of concern.

"Yeah, Hermione's right. I mean, Blaise practically worships you! Didn't you say he fought with his mother about you?" Padma looked at her sternly.

"Yes…" Luna replied weakly, not really wanting to think about it. Blaise had been a mess by the time they had gotten home!

"Well, I know that purebloods have very strict families and that most purebloods wouldn't dare going against their parents because they're scared of losing their fortune, so Blaise must care a lot about you." She carefully said.

Luna sighed.

"I don't know," she said, "Maybe, he's going to break up with me? He can't just give up his money like that."

"Oh Luna…" Hermione whispered. "He wouldn't do that… You've changed him so much. He would never do that!"

"Okay, if you say so."


It had taken her a little while to convince them she was okay, before she left. She loved her friends dearly, but they did overreact sometimes. Surely Blaise wouldn't propose…

Besides, she didn't even want to get married. At least not yet.

She had talked about it with the girls of course. Padma was already married, so she had no actual concerns other than when it was right to ask Theo for a child. And Hermione was still single, but Malfoy did everything he could in his power to try to convince her to give him a chance. The poor man was practically on his knees every time he spoke to Hermione!

Luna thought she was lucky to have Blaise, but her relationship with Blaise was very different from her relationship with Rolf. While Rolf had been sweet, caring and gentle, Blaise was obsessive, aggressive and protective. And yet, Blaise was the one that made her happy when the day was over.


Luna looked up.

Blaise was standing there, handsome as always, holding a little box that seemed to be slightly... moving?

"Hi Blaise." She said, not taking her eyes of the package.

"I... got you something," he hastily spoke, seeing her eyeing the gift, "It's not that important, but… I…"

"It is okay, Blaise." She smiled, trying to get him out of his obvious nervous state.

He slowly walked towards her and sat next to her. He placed the box between them and stared at his feet, like a little boy ashamed for the first time.

"Blaise, if you feel awkward about this, you don't have to do it."

He looked and her for a second with an odd look in his dark eyes that she only saw whenever they made love, until he slowly leaned in and kissed her.

"No Luna, I have to do this. I've never done this before, so I just feel a little… nervous… about it."

She smiled and carefully placed the box in her lap. Her hands shook as she gently lifted the folds.

"Oh Blaise…" Her eyes swelled with tears as she looked up at him.

"Do you like it?"

"Oh Merlin, yes!" She threw herself into his arms and kissed him with passion, leaving the little kitten meowing in its box.

She pulled away slowly, trying to catch her breath and smiled at him.

"How did you know?"

"You showed me your sketchbook on our third date and I couldn't help but notice the little cat that always seemed to show up everywhere, and then yesterday as I walked down Diagon Alley with Draco, I saw the kitten and I instantly thought of you."

She picked up the black kitten and to her surprise, the kitten has striking blue eyes, very much like her own.

"What shall I call it?" She asked as the kitten played with her blonde locks.

"How about… Gattino? It's Italian for kitty."

"Gattino, it is." She smiled.

Marriage could wait. Right now, she had all that she wanted.



Well? What do you think?

Please review! I know you're reading this and thinking; "Hell no, other people will review." But really, I used to do that, but now I know how annoying it is to get more that a thousand hits, but only ten reviews. Anyway, have a nice day! :D