"The first symptom of love in a young man is shyness; the first in a woman, it's boldness." Victor Hugo.

Chapter ONE –Old Friends-

August 2003

The rain drops that were collected on the windows, were gliding backwards due to the speed of the new car Renesmee's father had just bought. The new car scent was strong and interfering with the fresh scent of fresh rain that she loved so much. She couldn't say she minded, she was glad that after fourteen years of driving a used 1985 Volvo 240, her father was able to buy a brand new 2003 Volvo s40. A new car was something her parents had to put off since they had Renesmee in their Junior year of high school. Edward and Isabella Cullen made numerous sacrifices for their daughter. They finished up high school and moved out to Seattle so Edward could pursue his doctorate. Bella spent the days with Renesmee, while Edward was medical school during the day. At night her father would come home as her mother went off to work at the hospital, her Grandfather Carlisle once worked at. A night clerk only received minimum wage, so for most of Renesmee's life they lived simply and honestly, they did struggle. And even though Edward's family had money, both of them were to prideful to ask for help.

Thinking back her life had always been full of love, it was the new pair of shoes for third grade that she never received. When her father was offered the job at the hospital, in her parent's home town of Forks, he took it. He was offered a huge bonus that helped pay for the brand new car and the new pair of shoes her mother had bought her. She knew now that her life would be different. No more reusing her backpack for the sixth year in a row, or not being able to pay for hot lunches. They wouldn't live in a crowded apartment any longer or take cold showers. They would be living in a three house home, with her own bathroom, with a porch and a backyard. All her family lived in Forks, which meant she would get to see them whenever she wanted, that was the biggest perk to her father's new job. The new money was nice, that didn't bother Ness much, but she wished they stayed in Seattle, where all her friends were, where she was comfortable, where her family had made a home out of nothing.

Ness was strewed across the backseat, nibbling on an apple, bored out of her mind. Earlier, she attempted to fall asleep but she was too busy singing and humming along to the music coming from the radio. One thing was, her father listened to good music so she didn't have to use her iPod this entire trip. Fogging condensation was beginning to dry up on the windows. Ness raised a leg and drew a heart with her sock covered toe.

"We're here!" Bella exclaimed excitedly. Her shreik, startled Renesmee causing her to jump up to peer out the car window. Ness took her sleeve wiping away the fog, to see out the car window. The car ride from Seattle was not as long as Renesmee assumed it would be. Thousands if not millions of evergreens zoomed by. Even if she was three and half hours from Seattle, it seemed to be a world away.

Ness rubbed her face in frustration, annoyed by the fact that her parents had moved her away from the life she knew

. She wouldn't verbally complain, her body language would do the trick. Renesmee Carlie Cullen was like any other teen she was moody and pissed off at the world. Recently, since she entered her teens she had a hot and cold attitude hating her parents one minute and loving them the next. Edward didn't make the same fuss Bella did, he knew Ness was pulling away from them because she was coming out of her adolescence. Edward learned to accept it, and Bella was still Today, Edward and Isabella Cullen wanted to make her life miserable, they were out to get her or so she told herself.

Pulling up to a tiny red shack, Bella declared, " Billy didn't expect us to arrive an hour early, I don't think he's home."

Remembering her mother said, they were going to see an old friend, Nessie rolled her eyes and slumped back down in her seat. She wasn't in the mood to meet new people, she wasn't in the mood to put her room together when she got home, heck she wasn't in the mood to be living.

Edward leaned over the center console and kissed her mother. Ness pointed her index finger in her mouth making a fake puking noise in her head.

Edward asked "When did your dad say he was going to be here?"

"He gets off his shift in an hour. Let's go see if Billy's even here." Bella turned around to her daughter questioning, " You coming with us?"

"Let her stay in the car," Edward said reading Ness's mind. She didn't want to get out of the car just to see of someone was home. Chances are no one was. Turning around her mother eyed her, adding, "Ness if someone's home you're coming inside."

"Fine," she huffed crossing her arms. The only thoughts that came to her mind was how miserable school would be on Monday. She's never had to make friends before, she's had the same friend since Kindergarten and now she was going to be thrown into the shark tank defenseless.

Gazing out the window, her parents walked to the front door of the red house hand in hand, giggling. After being married eleven years, she couldn't believe her parents still acted like teenagers. "Ugh, I'll never act like that," she muttered to herself.

The sight sickened her, every minute off every day they said and expressed how much they loved one another. And until sex ed last year, she never fully understood the noises coming from her parent's bedroom. The thought sickened her, she knew they only did it to annoy her.

Ness focused up to the sky to see the dense clouds, wanting to release rain. She squinted as a few unidentifiable birds flew overhead landing in a nearby tree. Turning her attention back to her surroundings, a small garage was out to the side of the small house and encircled by a thick forest . Both the barn and house were painted in the same barn red color, that she liked, she'd never seen a house this color. Scanning the street she saw that there were no close neighbors. This defiantly isn't like Seattle, she thought to herself. She continued expecting the outside world, when she came across her mother glaring at her, curling her index finger at her. Sighing Ness put her shoes on and climbed out of the car obeying her mother's order.

Walking along the moist ground, she shoved her hands in her thin sweater regretting not dressing warmer. During her short march to the front door, she heard the sputter of a failed attempt to start a dirt bike coming from the garage. Continuing to walk, she was a rubbernecker staring at the garage wondering who was in there. The closer she got the her parents the more visible a young boy became. He was thin, but tall and had dark brown-black hair that reached his shoulders. All she saw was this boy's back but she hoped he was cute.

"Nessie, do you remember Billy?" Bella asked reaching out to her daughter draping one arm around her daughters shoulder, proudly showing her off.

Giving an apologetic smile Nessie responded, "I'm sorry I don't."

The paraplegic older man looked up to Ness chuckling and countering, "That makes sense the last time I saw you, you were just outta diapers."

Renesmee took into consideration what her mother had said earlier about her grandpa and Billy being friends. Trying to strike up a conversation and not make this meeting awkward Ness replied, "You're grandpa Charlie's friend right?"

"I am and you're as beautiful as your mother."

Politely Ness retorted, "Thank you, sir."

"How about you meet my son? Jacob!" Billy shouted out to the garage where the boy was. "Jacob get over here I have some old friends I want you to meet!"

The boy jogged over from the garage to the front door, with his hair straight getting disheveled in the wind. As he got closer he smoothed down his hair and his features became clearer. He had copper skin and his light caramel eyes were sucking Renesmee in. She frowned and cocked her head, he was absolutely the cutest boy Ness think she ever saw. It was a feeling she wasn't familiar with a feeling she didn't understand and wouldn't until later on in her life.

Billy smirked at his son, introducing the old friends, "Jake, this is Edward and Bella and their daughter Renesmee."

Jacob shook each of their hands and stepped back as Renesmee went to place her hand in his. He didn't want her to feel his grease covered sweaty hand, so he only gave Renesmee a polite nod. Ness felt a bit offended that he didn't want to shake her hand but she got over it and offered a warm smile. When he quickly looked away from her, her smile fell into a glower.

Bella asked Jake, "You don't remember me do you?"

"Nope." He shrugged shyly, "Sorry."

Instantly he noticed Bella had the same colored eyes of Renesmee and the same shaped face and prominent cheekbones. Edward interrupted Jacob's train of thought, examining the young teenagers. "Do you two remember one another?"

"No," Ness said and Jake shook his head. Jacob was mildly intimidated by this man, that he apparently knew. Jacob felt like Edward was staring at him as if he was on trial. Maybe, he only felt that way because he thought his daughter was beautiful and already developed a crush on her in a matter of seconds.

"Well," Bella grinned at her daughter and the stiff young man, "Nessie Jacob's the one gave you the nickname."

"Oh, thanks for that," she rolled her eyes raising a brow to him. Though, he didn't give a noticeable response off any kind.

Then Bella starting gushing about that past, "You two were so cute. Jacob it was at your fourth birthday party, Ness you were two and before we left," she paused looking over at Jake heaving a marveling sigh, "Jacob you gave her a kiss and hug and said, 'Bye Nessie,' it was the cutest thing ever."

Coughing, Edward interfered with his wife's stroll down memory lane, "Bella I think you're embarrassing them."

Once again Edward read his daughters thoughts, when she looked at him he gave a wink informing her that he was on his daughter's side. Renesmee wrinkled her nose with a silent chuckle as Billy said, "How about you both get to know each other while we catch up? Jake, why don't you go show her your bike?"

"Alright, come on," He uttered walking off without her. She took off trailing behind him. Staring at the back of his head, she wondered why he didn't like her, why he was being so shy and stand offish? Biting at the inside of her cheek she became nervous, was she going to be able to make friends with this boy? Hopefully, she could befriend him before school had begun, even if he didn't go to the same school.

The further away they walked the fainter their parent's voices became. Particularly, Bella and Billy's.

"Oh Billy he's gotten so big."

"Can you believe he's going to be fifteen this year?"

"Not at all, Ness just turned thirteen."

Running to catch up with him, Ness decided to break the silence, "I know, I know you but I don't remember you at all."

"Me neither," he said not turning to her, "You guys always send me birthday cards though."

"You're dad always sends me cash," she responded but he didn't say anything back.

They proceeded to walk until they reached the garage. Straight away Jacob began picking up, the unorganized garage. Wanting her not to think he was a slob he started with the tools placing them in his small red tool box.

He was ignoring her and it was hurting Renesmee's feelings. If this was how things were going to be on Monday at school, she wasn't going to have any friends. After silent awkwardness Ness finally spoke up, "So this is your garage?"

He nodded turning to look at her. Finally! She thought. "My bike," he said patting it, then pointing at the old VW Rabbit, " My mom's old car. If I want to drive it I have to fix it up."

"Cool you already have a car!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah," he smirked at her giddiness. Sneaking a peek into the front seat Ness asked, "What's your mom drive now?"

"My mom died when I was little," he acknowledged her and noticed her become stiff at his comment. Before she asked any questions he changed the subject, " What grade are you gonna be in?"

Stepping closer to him she said, "Seventh."

"Oh," he replied, putting a full gas can under the work bend near the tiny dust covered window of the garage. When she didn't instantly reply he stated, " I'm going into eighth. Do you know what school you're going to?"

Fidgeting with the break on the dirt bike she watched him pick up the tool box and set it on a shelf next to the work bench.

She responded, "My mom said the tribal school on the reservation, I think that's what it's called. I'm not sure why, my house is in Forks ."

Bella planned to send Ness to school with Jacob. She just hoped they would hit it off today and become friends and maybe this would help the adjustment to a new school easier.

"That's my school," he stated overly excited.

Renesmee noticed the burst of energy that went through him, it was the first real emotion she saw from him. However, the thought of school still made her anxious. "Are the teacher's nice?"

"Sure, sure," she flagged her off as if it was no big deal. And to him it wasn't, he had friends and knew about all the teachers "You'll have me in the same class," he responded staring at her messing with the brakes of his bike.

When she noticed him eyeing her hand, she removed it and tucked it beneath her armpit.

"I will?" she perked up, slightly glad that this guy would be in her class. At least she would know one person.

"Yeah, the classes are small in La Push so they stick two together," he said finally warming up to her, "Eighth graders and seventh graders have to share a class."

They got to know one another over the Saturday afternoon. After church on Sunday, Renesmee's Grandpa Charlie had a big welcome home barbeque for the returning family of three. That day Jacob and Renesmee were inseparable. Jacob talked to about his friends and she explained how life was different from Seattle. They went on about the television shows they liked and the music they listened to. Bella watched as the two teens argued over who was the best band in the world. At the end of the BBQ they exchanged numbers. Jacob called that night a bit panicky but she didn't mind him calling, she was relieved he didn't hate her. They talked about where they would meet at school that night. Bella overheard and offered to pick Jacob up for school instead of him having to walk.

Monday morning rolled around and Renesmee put on new shoes and an old pair of clothes. She wasn't going to get any news one's until Friday when her aunt Alice, the infamous shopper, took her. Pulling up to Jacob's house, Bella honked and he climbed in the back seat. Instantly he noticed the new car aroma. It was something he never smelled before, like Ness he grew up poor and was still underprivileged but it wasn't a big deal, most the people on the res were.

"Good morning Jacob," Bella greeted.

"Morning Mrs. Cullen," he started.

"Bella," she corrected him.

Finishing his original greetings he corrected himself as Bella insisted. "Bella. Morning Nessie."

From the front seat she turned and said, "Hi, Jacob."

After they got out of the car, Jake thanked Bella for the ride and began walking toward the entrance of the familiar school. The sight of it didn't even phase him, but to Ness it was frightening. She was petrified and froze on the damp sidewalk, unable to let her feet take her forward. What if no one likes her, what if she didn't get A's like she did in Seattle?

Jacob fixed the backpack from his shoulder and began to speak, when his new friends voice didn't respond to a question of his, he swiveled himself turning back round to look for Renesmee. He found her where Bella had dropped her off. Trotting back to her, his boots made a splattering noise under his feet from last night's fallen ran.

"Hey Nessie, you okay?"

Sucking in a breath, she muttered, "I'm kinda scared I don't know anyone."

"You know me," he grinned. With those words, and his hand on her shoulder Renesmee felt at ease. She could care less if she made friends, she had Jacob. Then her mind wondered to next year. How would she deal?

Becoming pessimistic she said, "What about when you go to high school next year?"

"You'll make friends."

When they made it the front doors, she paused. He turned to her noticing she was still visibly apprehensive about being the new kid in school. Playing with the straps on her book bag she stared at the ground. Running a hand through her wavy hair she brought her eyes up to Jacob, who was studying her.

"Hey, will you stay with me today?" she asked biting her lip.

"Yeah, my dad said since it's the first day I have to watch you like you were my baby sister."

And he did, he stayed at her side the entire day and the rest of the year.


Well here it is, my first all human Jake/Ness story. THis is just a little intro to how they meet. Depending on my feedback, reviews and hits I'll either continue this story or delete it. I guess you get to decide.

Chapter 2 Preview


"Jacob for once can't you just be happy for me? You always do that."


"Every time a guy shows interest in me you pick him apart, tell me his faults and mistakes. You always tell me what's wrong with the guy."

" I've yet to be wrong."

"Just cuz you don't like him doesn't mean I'm not going to give him a chance."

"I'm looking out for you."

"Well I don't' need you to look out for me, alright?"

"Too bad, you don't need another asshole boyfriend using you. I've never been wrong about your ex's."

"No, but you're wrong about Nahuel."