Like the title suggests, these are climax shots. This means the action is at it's peak and the scenes are all somewhere near the end of a full length story.. thus the overwhelming amount of cliff-hangers.

That's why I'm expecting a heck of a lot of flames, so flame away!

Couldn't be bothered editing this as it's too late and I'm tired... maybe I should get a beta to look through these before I stick them up and they don't make sense due to lack of sleep.

I will be redoing all my other fics entirely in a week and a half or so. Enjoy the constant updates of these till then.

Disclaimer: Danny Phantom disclaimed. I no owny.


Froot Snap

If Vlad were my father – and no I'm not even going to consider his offer, this is simply hypothetical – he'd be a rather abusive one. I mean, he's already abusive now and normally I can't even say a thing about it! This is because explaining to anyone how and why he's abusive would reveal the fact that he's half-ghost and then the questions will arise and before you know it... Danny Fenton will be put on the most wanted list of the Guys in White as the alter-ego of the elusive ghost boy Danny Phantom.

Although, right now, I literally can't say a thing about it. I can't believe my parents sent Vlad a gift basket for his birthday with various Fenton Inventions in it. The Jack Fenton toilet paper was a good idea mind you, but 'Fenton Duct Tape'?

I guess when Vlad said he wanted me to keep my mouth shut, I should have listened. I can't phase through this stuff and I'm having problems breathing through my nose. If I wasn't sick maybe Plasmius wouldn't have caught me in the first place.

I hate being sick. My lungs were burning from the lack of oxygen and my eyes were tearing up from the fever that I had. I was also covered in a slick sheen of sweat from the fight with Plasmius earlier and my being ill. What I wouldn't give to have a shower and then spend a whole day in bed – no ghost attacks, homework or responsibilities to plague me.

"I'm sorry Daniel," Vlad stated as he entered the room. I don't know why he says that, he's never sorry, "You've outgrown your usefulness to me."

'Wait, what?' I thought as I shot Vlad a panicked look before trying to rip myself out of the restraints as hard as I could. I tried Going Ghost to increase my strength. Unfortunately, that did nothing but drain my already depleted energy. The lack of energy triggering the rings to reform around my body and change me back into a human.

Great, looks like I can't stay a ghost for more than a minute! Unfortunately, there is also no way that I was going to draw on my ecto-energy reserves. That was more of a last resort thing anyway. What if someone noticed I was gone and that Vlad was behind it? I'd then need the energy to save them if the worst came to worst.

I cringed as Vlad sneered and sized me up before switching to Plasmius. He floated backwards to a large panel before pressing a large red button. Electric waves seared through my nerves and coursed through my chest. My back arched involuntarily as I took the full hit. I'm not going to lie, it was agonising. The stupid 'Fenton Duct Tape' just served to muffle the evidence of my excruciating pain.

The tears that had threatened to fall from my fever earlier were now streaming down my face in rivets. I felt Vlad rip off the 'Fenton Duct Tape' and I gasped in as much air as I could. As I panted I chose to direct my gaze to the floor because I knew that if I looked him in the eyes it would only provoke him.

Hopefully this would buy me some time when he tries to draw my attention back onto himself. Then I could use that time to think of a way out of this situation.

I'm a lot smarter than I look, most of the time – in fact I don't think Vlad has even realised that halfas have special ecto-energy reserves yet.

I'll explain, since I need the distraction anyway. Even if it means narrating all the events to myself in a manner that makes the Ghost Writer proud. Note to the Ghost Writer, if you are in control of what is happening right now, I'd love to have a rescue party come to my rescue or something. Preferably catching Vlad off-guard and knocking his rich little mug off of his shoulders.

Never mind. Not going to happen. Onto the Explanation:

You see, I worked it out when I fought Pariah Dark in the Fenton Ectoskeleton. I couldn't waste any energy so I tried to prevent my ectoplasm from dissipating into the air. However, afterwards I was having problems letting it dissipate naturally again. That's how I found out that I could use my ghost half to fuel my human half in an emergency.

Apparently, ghosts lose a lot of energy through the dissipation of their ectoplasm as they are made up entirely with the stuff. Since I'm only 50 percent ectoplasm I can control the dissipation of my ectoplasm to a certain extent. Therefore if I'm desperate I can force the ectoplasm that coats my dna to dissipate inside my human cells so it ends up kind of like a super adrenaline drug but it carries a lot of deadly risks and yes, I mean deadly. It's hard to stop and it chews up ectoplasm like the food in our fridge at home.

The last time I tried it, even though it was only for a couple of minutes, I couldn't go ghost for a couple of days – and that was when I actually hadthe energy.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Plasmius yelled before he drew back a fist and followed through without a moments hesitation. I wearily looked up at him and glared, feeling the warm sensation of blood run down my nose.

"You already know that your glare leaves much to be desired without the green, my boy." Plasmius deadpanned. I bit back a sarcastic remark about how both times that he said that, it was his fault that they weren't glowing. Thankfully, even though I may be a bit of a masochist, I knew when to stop.

You know, I could really use that rescue party before I fully resign to my fate. The lack of sarcastic remarks shows I'm well on the way to accepting it.

Talk of the devil:

"Taste the 'Fenton Peeler', ghost scum!" My Dad yelled obnoxiously. This just alerted Plasmius that he needed to dodge. So much for catching Vlad unaware.

If this is your kind of idea for a joke, Ghost Writer, than I'm not impressed! Great, now I'm talking to the Ghost Writer like most people would talk to God. That's just wrong. If any Ghost gets to be considered 'godly' than it should at least be Clockwork – except he's not allowed to interfere.

"No ghost treats my son like that. Eat the 'Spectre Slicer', Wisconsin Ghost!" My Mom echoed. Dad's bad habits may be rubbing off on her.

Unfortunately Vlad was in a no-nonsense kind of mood so he swiftly dodged my Mom's well-aimed swipes before shooting her – and Dad's – weapons out of their hands. He closed his eyes and pinched his nose in frustration, "I really hate to do this to you Maddie but even you have no use to me anymore."

He had just started powering up an incredibly large ectoblast when I realised it. The froot loop had finally snapped. He was going to kill my parents. Both of them. For real.

Without thinking I sent all my cells into overdrive and quickly broke free from my restraints. I slid in front of my parents without a moment's notice. Vlad's surprise was evident but that did not stop him from unleashing the giant ectoblast in our direction.

At the very last minute I managed to form a shield of ectoplasm in front of me. It took the full brunt of Vlad's ectoblast. I'm surprised it even stayed solid. Suddenly a wave of nausea forced me to drop the shield. Great, I was still feeling sick. I brought my hand up to my mouth when I began a fit of harsh coughs – leaving dark reddish-brown spots in it's wake. Blood. That's not a good sign.

I smiled sadly as I wiped at the blood dripping down my chin from the coughing before turning and glancing over at my shocked parents before mock-grinning to them, "You might want to run. It looks like Vlad has finally cracked."

I know my unfazed attitude was probably hurting them and that it may be selfish but it was nice seeing my parents for one last time and I didn't want them to remember me in a moment of weakness.

I smiled sadly, "Protect Amity Park for me."


And then I charged at Vlad.


For those wondering why the heck are Jack and Maddie there... it's because I had the idea of them tracking Danny to find out why he's always late for curfew and that's how they found him.

There was also meant to be some comment about how he couldn't be happier his parents invaded his privacy...

Unfortunately I couldn't think of any good place for these ideas to go in the fic.

Alternatively this can be made into a kind of crack fic if you add: 'with Fenton Duct Tape.' at the end.

If it sucks too much feel free to tell me to redo it!