As I said before, I'm really trying to get this fiction finished before I have to get too much into school. So here goes for the next chapter :).

Disclaimer: I don't own Inception or any of its characters. I only own my idea and writing.

Day 4

Ariadne P.O.V

As she lost her grasp on her beautiful, warm sleep Ariadne came to realize that she wasn't in her own bed. It was a moment before she remembered anything and a sly smile slowly worked its way onto her lips. She clenched and unclenched her hands to make sure it was all real before she opened her eyes.

Main room.

She glanced down.

Naked. Arthur's bed.

She looked at the clock on the bedside table.


She rolled over.

No Arthur.

For a moment her heart thumped in a panic, thinking that he had simply left her. But when she glanced at the clock again, Ariadne saw that there was a little folded piece of paper sitting on the table. She reached over and unfolded it. The writing read:


Gone to get us some food for dinner.


And there was a small, elegantly drawn elephant at the bottom of the note.

Ariadne let out a giggle and rolled her eyes. She had never known that Arthur could draw; it was defiantly going to be question when he got back. She read the note once more before placing it back on the table and sitting up. Even though no one was in the room, she still fumbled to keep the sheets covering her naked form.

Eventually Ariadne bothered herself enough to get up and grab her toiletries to have a shower. As she hung up a fresh towel she couldn't help but catch her reflection in the mirror. There were a few discoloured spots around her neck.

She smiled cheekily.

Ariadne showered quickly and wrapped her towel around herself. She made to collect her shampoo and other such items before deciding that she might as well leave them there.

It was as she was walking from the bathroom to her door, intending to get dressed, that Arthur walked in the front entrance. She started to walk again but he called out, "You know Ari, you don't have to hurry to get dressed."

She turned around, still grasping her towel around herself. "I know, but it's a bit cold and I was only going to get into my nightwear anyway."

Arthur nodded and put down the plastic bag he was carrying onto the table, "As you wish."

Ariadne proceeded to her room, but didn't bother to close the door.

Soon they had eaten and were sitting comfortably in front of the telly, idly watching the news. Arthur was on one of the couch chairs and Ariadne was sitting happily on the arm of his chair. When a set of advertisements came on Ariadne turned the volume down and Arthur apologized for leaving without telling her in person where he was going.

"It's fine, Arthur. You left me a note and I probably needed the sleep anyway." Ariadne assured him.

A satisfied expression found its way onto Arthur's face, "Tired you out did I?"

Ariadne's mouth formed an 'O' shape and she shoved him, "More like I tired you out!"

"Excuse me, but which one of us woke up first and got dinner?" He argued back playfully.

"Well, you hardly sleep anyway." Was Ariadne's lame comeback.

At this Arthur took the remote out of her grasp and turned the volume back up as the news came back on. Ariadne pouted and let out a surprised yelp as Arthur pulled her down onto his lap. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek but frowned when he didn't reciprocate in any form. She was about to ask what was wrong when she noticed that his attention was completely on the screen.

Ariadne turned to see what was so interesting and saw that a story had come on about two men at the local hospital who had miraculously woken up from comas. She let out a shaky breath, "Cobb and Saito?"

Arthur nodded and she didn't say anything more till the news had moved on to the next story. "We can't visit them can we?" She asked.

Arthur looked down at her with sadness in his eyes, "No, we can't."

Ariadne reached out a hand and cupped his cheek, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, we should be able to see Cobb eventually. Just not right now." He told her, placing his hand on top of her own. Ariadne's skin felt all tingly at the contact and she pulled away.

"So, I didn't know you could draw." She said in a questioning tone, trying to lighten the mood.

"Well, I can't draw as well as you. You obviously have natural talent, where as I was simply sent to classes as a child."

"I think you have talent." Ari said.

Arthur smiled at the compliment, "Perhaps. But I don't have your imagination."

Ariadne shrugged and decided that she wouldn't try to further compliment him if he didn't want it. They sat in silence for a while, Arthur lazily running one hand up and down Ariadne's thigh. She broke the quiet.

"Can you tell me about that second job?"

"Ari-" He began to dismiss it.

She put a finger to his lips, "Arthur, please. I hardly know anything about you. Before the relationship goes further I need to know that you can share things with me and trust that I won't hurt you."

Arthur moved her had away but didn't say anything. "Don't you trust me?" She asked.

He stopped his thigh massaging and moved his hand to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. "I trust you more than you know, Ariadne."

"Then show it."

He sighed and started, "Fine. The job itself went well, it was in England, we got the information we had set out to get and I thought everything was great. When my boss was about to leave to take care of other business, I asked him where I was to go because the first time he had taken me with him and dropped me off state side. He said that I could do what I like and so I chose to stay in England for a while." Arthur shifted his position slightly and continued, "It was one of the most foolish decisions I've ever made."


"The man we extracted from figured out what had happened and so one morning my hotel room door was knocked down by three men with balaclavas on. They put a bag over my head, knocked me out and drove me to some abandoned warehouse where such…horrible things happened." Arthur drummed at his temple with the fingers of his left hand.

Ariadne stood up and sat back down so that instead of being bridal style, she was sitting on his lap, facing him, with her legs clutched tightly on either side of his. She placed her hands on his chest. "What did they do?"

"They wanted to know who I worked for and when I wouldn't tell them straight up they gagged me so that I couldn't yell and then they tortured me. As soon as they removed the cloth tied around my mouth I told them and they knocked me unconscious again and I woke up back in my room." Arthur's hands had closed into fists.

"The scars on your back then, I saw them last night, where they…?" She trailed off.

He nodded, "Yes, that was where they were from."

Ariadne felt terrible but couldn't' think of anything to say except, "Sorry."

"It's alright, you can't change the past."

Ariadne shook her head, "No, I mean I'm sorry for making you tell me. I didn't realize it was that horrible and how it would make you feel."

His eyes flicked up to hers, "So, do you believe that I trust you now?"

This made Ari feel even worse, "Yes Arthur, I know you trust me."

"Good, that means we can get on with other things."

"What 'other things'?" Ariadne asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Things like this." And he grabbed her around the waist to pull her closer and planted his lips on hers.

Neither of them slept much that night.

Another little chapter that gives us a look into Arthur's past. Perhaps a look into Ariadne's next time? Please R&R.