My goodness, I really shouldn't be starting a new fiction (I'm having trouble just handling one multi-chapter fiction on top of school work) but, AxA is just too cute and so I couldn't resist. XD

Disclaimer: I do not own Inception or any of its characters. I only own my idea and writing.

Arthur P.O.V

Arthur sighed and readjusted his tie out of habit. He glanced around at the confusion of the airport, the mass amounts of conversation in the large room was beginning to give him a headache and for the second time in the last five minutes, he counted the amount of people in front of him, who were also waiting to get their passports stamped.


The same amount as the last time he had checked. It seemed that the young man working at the booth closest to Arthur's line was new to the job. He wasn't coping particularly well with the rush of people, fresh off the latest flights.

Arthur sighed again and, out of curiosity (or was that boredom?), turned around to see how long the cue was behind him.

It was, in one word, long.

But that wasn't what surprised Arthur. What surprised him was that right behind him stood the young architect from their team, Ariadne.

For a moment Arthur bristled with annoyance. Yes, he understood that Ariadne was new to this profession, but surly after what happened to Cobb and Saito on the plane, she had enough common sense not to follow him around the place like a confused puppy.

But it was only for a moment, for then Arthur noticed Ariadne's posture and overall look. She hadn't even noticed him because she was looking to the ground with one hand clutching her forehead and the other arm was heavily leaning against the tall handle of her carry-on roller suitcase. She looked pale, well more that usual.

A hint of concern entered Arthur's thoughts. If Ariadne wasn't well, then perhaps she wasn't thinking about things like 'safe distances from other team members' and such. Could be dangerous, he thought.

He pondered as to why she would be feeling so unwell and arrived to the conclusion that it must have been Yusuf's sedation dosage. They hadn't had time to test an appropriate amount for Ariadne, because her seat had been booked at the last minute. Yusuf had simply lowered the amount from Fischer's and given that to Ariadne.

Arthur had argued that this was still too much, as Ariadne was quite petite. But Cobb agreed with Yusuf, in the idea that it was better to give her too much than too little. After all who knows what could have happened if she, the architect, had woken early? The whole dream may have collapsed.

Arthur decided he would have to keep an eye on her, as risky as it was, it would do no good to their situation if another team member was taken off to hospital.

He turned back around to see that while he had been stuck in thought, the line had moved and now there was only one person in front of him. Arthur moved forward and frowned at the lengthy lag between Ariadne noticing that there was a gap in front of her, and the time it took her to move towards him.

The elderly woman in front of Arthur was called to the desk of a middle aged man, while he was called to the desk of a grumpy looking man. Arthur presented his passport and the man frowned when he entered in Arthur's details into the system.

Arthur's heartbeat increased, but he kept a calm face.

"You from first class?" the man asked him in a gruff voice.

"Yes," Arthur answered simply.

"You're wanted for questioning," he got out of his chair, "Follow me"

Arthur looked back at Ariadne, her hand had moved from her forehead to her stomach.

He quickly caught up with the short man as he walked away. "Sir, my fiancé was in first class too," he pointed to Ariadne, "Is she wanted for questioning also?"

The grumpy looking man looked over at her, "I would think so," he reasoned.

Arthur motioned towards her and the man nodded. He walked back to where Ariadne was standing and took her hand. She looked up in surprise.


"Follow me," he whispered.

She took a hold of her suitcase and followed a step behind him as Arthur made way back to the passport man.

"Through there," the short man pointed to a hallway that was lined with seats and doors.

Arthur nodded and slowly walked over to one of the seats, taking Ariadne's suitcase as she sat herself down. Her hand slipped away from his and he found himself oddly missing her touch.

They waited there for fifteen minutes before another man, dressed in a dark blue uniform, beckoned them into one of the rooms.

They sat down across from the airport worker, a table separating them.

The man introduced himself as John and explained that he had been assigned the task of interviewing each of the first class passengers.

"We don't like to put people through unnecessary questioning," he said, "But having two people on the same plane, in the same class, fall into comas during a flight is just too odd to be coincidence"

"Of course," Arthur agreed.

"Which is why I'll need to ask you and your fiancé several questions and do some background checks," The man continued.

"That sounds reasonable," Arthur said, even though he was desperate to leave, he couldn't' let it show.

"Let's get to it then," The man gave an odd smile and clapped his hands together.

For the next two hours, Arthur and Ariadne had to wait while background checks where done on them, they had to answer a continuous stream of questions and fill out several forms. All the while Ariadne was looking worse and worse, and Arthur was getting impatient.

The next time the 'investigator' walked back in Arthur stood up before the man had a chance to sit down.

"Sir, is this really necessary? We've answered all of your questions, some twice and yet you still keep us here," Arthur reasoned with the man.

"I know it seems endless, but we just have to do a few more checks," the man told him.

Arthur knew that 'a few more checks' probably meant at least another hour. He sighed; he was going to have to pull out the big guns.

He put a hand on the inspector's shoulder, "Listen, my fiancé is two months pregnant. We've been here two and a half hours on top of a ten hour flight. We're both tired and she's not feeling well. Don't you think you could please let us go?" Arthur hated to beg, but Ariadne was looking like she could be sick any minute.

The man looked over at Ariadne, "Let me make a call," he said and exited the room.

Arthur walked back over to his seat and sat down. He leaned over towards Ariadne, "Have you got a hotel room booked?"

She shook her head.

He guessed she hadn't had the time, seeing as her place in the dream had been so last minute.

"You can stay with me for tonight if you like, my hotel suit has an extra bedroom," Arthur offered.

Ariadne gave a small nod, but didn't speak.

The door opened and the man in dark blue uniform walked back in. "You're free to leave," he said, "But we ask that you please stay in the city for at least a week, incase we need to call you back in. If we don't contact you within that timeframe then you may go as you please"

Arthur gave an inward groan. A whole week? He would have to cancel his other flights.

He put on a smile for the investigator, "Thank you," he said while shaking the man's hand.

"No problem and congratulations," he replied, nodding to where the young architect was sitting.

Arthur gave another fake smile and helped Ariadne up. He took her suitcase in one hand and readjusted the strap of his shoulder bag. They made their way out of the airport.

It was raining when they got outside and the taxi lane was bare. The pair sat down on a cold steel bench as they waited for a means of transport. Arthur was startled slightly when he felt a weight against his arm. He looked down to see Ariadne leaning against him with her eyes closed and brows furrowed.

He knew he needed to get her to the hotel, and soon.

Yay! First chapter up!

Next time - A new chapter in Ariadne's POV.

Oh and sorry if it was meant to be Fiancée and not Fiancé, I wasn't sure which one.