This is just a few random drabbles venting my frustrations as a vegetarian. It really sucks sometimes. Hope my notes in between them don't bother people too much.


Mood Killer (176)

It was after dinner. We started off sitting next to each other on the couch. Completely innocent. Slowly but surely I gravitated towards his shoulder. Then his side. And somehow, somehow, we ended up lying side by side on the couch. I was in front of him, my head on his shoulder, and his arm around my waist. Cuddling. Still mostly innocent. Gradually, the TV became uninteresting. Kendall's body became more and more appealing. I shifted in his arms. Facing him. I ran my thumb over his lips, over his cheeks, his jaw line, and his eyes. He endured it, but something, something, in his eyes grew with each pass of my thumb. He stilled my hand and began lowering his face closer and closer. I wanted it so badly-

"Don't even think about kissing me until you brush your teeth." I'm a mood killer. I know it. He sighed and went to brush his teeth. When he came back, we picked back up where we left off but it wasn't quite the same. Mood killer.


Yep. This actually happened to me. The guy in question was pretty mad. Heck, so was I. It was frustrating. It's hard to date someone when the things you eat are so different. Plus, he stole my toothbrush and I had to replace it.


Road Trip (131)

We're on tour. We're hungry. Wait. I didn't mean that. We're starving. And I can honestly say that it's my fault. Whatever they want to eat, I can't. We're starving and we're frustrated. Well, except Kendall, but even his patience is wearing thin. Finally, a Burger King is in sight. Everyone around me heaves a collective sigh. Even Kendall looks relieved. Everyone except for Kendall orders random junk and I get an extra large fries with a drink. Kendall is the last to speak up. He stares at me, as though he's trying to figure something out. I stare back, trying to figure out what he's thinking. Then, he smiles, turns towards the front, and orders the same thing as me.

Don't tell anyone, but I think my heart just fluttered.


Just for the record, most Burger Kings do have vegetarian/vegan fries. That's not saying that it's still not a good idea to ask though.


Well, this was written a few days ago… I just have a habit of not posting things if I have an idea for something to add. I kinda forgot what I was going to write though… Actually… I'm not a vegetarian anymore, I'm a vegan. And if anyone gives me hell about this I can guarantee that I will respond… With a long rant regarding whatever it is that you're spouting. Likewise, nice comments/questions will get nice responses. Yeah… I'm in a bad mood right now. Sorry. :P Oh! And I am going to add on to this.