How Now, Brown Cow? (a Spam story)

1. Compass

Spencer opened the door to find Sam standing there.

"Hey, Sam, Happy Birthday! Whatcha doin here? I thought you'd be out celebrating."

"Nah, I was just at home. My mom gave me my birthday present. She threw me out."

Spencer was stunned. Sam had said it casually like it was no big deal, but he could see tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"What do you mean she threw you out?"

"She said I was eighteen now and she didn't have to deal with me anymore. Then she threw my stuff out the door and kicked me out. I didn't have anywhere else to go, so I came here."

Spencer could hear the tension in Sam's voice as she struggled not to cry. She had always maintained a tough façade and hated crying in front of anyone. Spencer opened his arms.

"Come here"

Sam fell into his arms, crying.

"I don't know what to do. Carly and Freddie already left for college and I've got nowhere to live and no job. What am I going to do?"

Spencer hugged her tightly. She was like a sister to him and he cared for her deeply. He knew how traumatic it had been when Carly and Freddie had left her behind.

"Hey, kiddo. It's OK. You'll figure it out. Look, why don't you just stay here for awhile until you can find a place? You can use Carly's room. I'm sure she won't care."

"Thanks, Spence. I knew I could count on you. Why are you so good to me?" she said wiping away the tears.

"I care about you. You've been a great friend to Carly and I know it's been tough for you. Now, how about some food? That'll make you feel better."

Sam smiled up at him. "You know me too well" she sniffed.

Over the next couple of weeks Sam would go out looking for a job while Spencer worked on his sculptures. He had turned the old iCarly studio back into his art studio and spent most of his time up there.

Sam burst through the door, a big smile on her face.

"Spence, guess what? I got a job!"

Spencer, sitting on the couch, looked up at her with a smile. She looked so happy. She looked so beautiful.

"That's great!" he said. "Where are you gonna be working?"

"I got a job at the Bagel place."

"Box of Bagels? I love that place. I'm so proud of you."

Spencer jumped up and gave her a big hug. Sam smiled even wider. No one had ever been proud of her before.

"Sooo" she said slowly and cautiously "I guess I'll be moving out as soon as I find a place."

She really didn't want to. She really liked living here. Carly's room reminded her of her friend and the great times she had. Plus she really liked hanging out with Spencer. But she was worried she had overstayed her welcome.

"You know," Spencer started, hesitantly. "You don't have to go. You could stay here. The bagel place isn't far. I mean, you could pay rent and just live here."

Sam looked at him.

Oh, no. he thought. I said that all wrong. Now she'll think I think she's been a freeloader.

"I mean" he said before she could answer "you could just stay. I mean you don't have to pay rent. I don't want you to pay rent. I just thought maybe it would make you feel more like it's your place too…."

I just keep making it worse. He really did want her to stay. The apartment was empty without Carly and he really enjoyed being around Sam.

Sam thought about it for just a moment then said brightly "That'd be great. Thanks, Spence!"

He looked at her smiling at felt a great relief that he hadn't offended her. He was also afraid he might have come on too strong. He just liked having her around.

"Well, why don't you just stay in Carly's room? If you want to move some of her stuff I'll get some boxes and store it in the basement. That way it'll be your room.


She finally had her own place. Sort of.

Sam had been working at the bagel place a few weeks. Spencer had taken to stopping in every day for a bagel and coffee just to say hello. One day he noticed her doodling on her order pad.

"Hey, how's it goin Sam?"

"Eh, alright I guess."

"Watcha doin?"

"What do you mean? I work here."

"No. I mean your drawing."

"What, this? I'm just doodling. This job is either way too busy or way too boring. Nothing in between."

"Can I see?"

"What? Nah, it's just a doodle."

"No, really. Please. Let me have a look."

Sam handed over the pad. He took it and began to look carefully at what she had scribbled on the various pages in the back. She looked at him curiously.


"These are pretty good."

"They're just scribbles" she said.

She was embarrassed to show him her sketches. She just liked to sketch the strange people who came in sometimes. But they weren't very good and she didn't mean for anyone to see them.

"No, really. They're really good. You have talent."

She thought he was just being kind. Although she did recall Carly telling her about Spencer's brutal assessment of her drawing skills.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah, totally. You should take some lessons. I think you could really be good."

She was surprised and delighted. No one had ever told she was good at anything before. Except fighting and getting into trouble. And Spencer was an artist, so he would know. She smiled at him.


"Yeah. Hey why don't I show you how to draw even better at home?"

Sam's face lit up.

"That'd be great. Thanks, Spence."

Sam suddenly frowned.

"Didn't you give Carly lessons? She told me that didn't work out too well."

Sam looked at him nervously. Had she insulted him? She hadn't meant too.

"Yeah" he said still smiling. "But she really had no talent. But don't tell her that."

His face showed concern. He loved his little sister, but honestly, she had no talent.

"Don't worry" Sam said. "And you're right. That girl could not draw to save her life."

They both laughed thinking of Carly's bunny picture.