A/N: This is the sequel to my first thiefshipping fic, "And It's Only Freshman Year!". I know that I just ended that story a little while ago, but I've had a few friends ask me when I was going to post this, so I figured, why not type it up now? This is the first time I've had two stories going at once, so it should be rather interesting.

Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh! is the property of Kazuki Takahashi, who I am not, therefore I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!. Any questions?

Marik Ishtar opened his locker for the last time on the last day of what had been the best school year of his sixteen-year-old life. Well, the last three-quarters of the best school year of his sixteen-year-old life, that is. The first part of the year he preferred to just forget about.

He had been suspended for things he didn't do, attempted suicide, spent almost a week in the hospital and been grounded for said suicide, and had failed his history project because his partner had been too worried about him to do any work! (Not that Marik was exactly complaining about that last part, but history was his best subject, even if it was his least favorite after math. It would have been nice if his partner had done at least a little work.)

Sure, the first couple of months of freshman year had been absolute crap, especially for Marik, but the rest of the year had been simply fantastic. Marik couldn't help but grin when he thought about it.

"What are you smiling about?" A voice behind him asked. Marik's smile grew as he recognized the voice.

"Just remembering the good times from this year," he responded.

"I hope that I'm a part of those good time."

Marik turned around to face his smirking boyfriend, Bakura Touzoku.

"Of course you are. Is there any reason you shouldn't be?"

"No, I suppose there isn't." Bakura glanced up and down the hallway. It was pretty much empty, and the few people who were left were preoccupied with cleaning out their lockers, so he dared to quickly kiss Marik on the cheek. He then continued talking as if nothing had happened. "So, any big plans for the summer?"

"Well, my sister's graduating, so my parents asked her if there was anything she wanted to do before college. She asked to visit Egypt, since she's so interested in our heritage. She was kidding, but it turns out my parent's were planning a trip there anyways, so I'll be spending a week in Egypt."

"A whole week away from me? How will you survive?" Bakura asked teasingly. Marik laughed.

"It won't be easy," he admitted. "But I guess that's what cell phones are for."

"That's true," Bakura replied, pulling out his cell phone. "And you are number one on speed-dial."

"Shouldn't that be 911?" Marik asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Please, you're way more important than 911."

"You know, that's funny, because last time I checked, I pretty much owed 911 my life."

"Hey, I'm the one who called 911 in the first place! Are you asking me to change my speed-dial?"

"No, because then you'll be trying to call me and wind up getting an operator wondering why the hell some kid is asking them out for Friday."

"That is...probably true," Bakura admitted.

"So, since you asked me, do you have any plans for the summer?"

"To tell the truth, no. I'm really just gonna be hanging around, doing nothing. Except for trying to find a job. That is my main goal for this summer."

"So you still haven't had any luck with that?" Marik asked sympathetically.

"To be perfectly honest, I really haven't been looking too hard. I've been busy with other stuff. School, chores...you." Bakura looked at Marik in such a tender, gentle way that the blond Egyptian immediately felt butterflies pooling in his stomach.

Unfortunately, the moment was spoiled by the sound of harsh, cruel laughter.

"Well, well, well, isn't this cozy?" Bakura rolled his eyes.

"Jerk alert," he muttered, turning to face Seto Kaiba, the richest, meanest kid in the school. The arrogant, blue-eyed, brown-haired teenager was the son of a billionaire CEO and raised to believe the same ideas as his father. Some of these ideas being that money can solve anything as long as you have enough of it, people are pawns that can be easily manipulated, the Yankees are the greatest baseball team ever and the Red Sox suck, and people who liked the same gender are pests that must be exterminated at all costs. This made Marik, the one kid in the whole school who was openly gay, the center of Kaiba's torment. However, the torture had been slightly toned down a bit over the course of freshman year. (There were rumors going around that Kaiba was secretly afraid of Bakura, Marik's bisexual boyfriend, but these rumors had yet to be proven true.)

Kaiba didn't even look at Bakura as he turned his verbal abuse on Marik.

"What are you doing here, Ishtar? Shouldn't you be cutting yourself in some back alley, hoping to carve away the remainder of your pathetic life? Or are you 'happy' with your life now?" Kaiba made sarcastic air quotes around the word "happy". He took a step closer to Marik and lowered his voice to a threatening hiss. "No one wants you around here. You should have died that day, but nooo." He turned his glare on Bakura. "Someone just had to go and save his puny, pathetic life."

Marik cringed. He had grown used to Kaiba's abuse - both verbal and physical - and, since he had started dating Bakura, he had been able to ignore it for the most part, but Kaiba had hit a bit too far below the belt that time.

Marik suddenly felt a slight pressure on his shoulders. He looked up. Bakura had wrapped one arm protectively around him and was glaring openly and defiantly at Kaiba. It was a comforting gesture, yet at the same time stupid to do in front of Kaiba.

"Shut up, Kaiba," Bakura said. The rich boy smirked.

"Or what? What could you possibly-Ow!" Kaiba's words were cut off as he was suddenly hit in the back of the head with something orange and round. He spun around angrily.

"Who threw that?" he demanded. Rex Raptor, a member of the basketball team, looked at Kaiba innocently from his locker across the hall.

"Sorry, Kaiba," he called, not sounding the least bit sorry. "The ball kinda got away from me. Could you toss it back?"

Kaiba growled something under his breath before turning and striding down the hallway, shoving people out of the way as he went.

"Thanks, Rex," Bakura called.

"No problem. No one can stand that guy, anyway. Unfortunatly, no one can stand up to him, either." The three boys chuckled without humor at the ironic truth in Rex's words.

"Okay, now seriously, give it back." Rex's face and voice were now dead serious as he held out his hands for his precious basketball to be returned to. Bakura bent to pick up the ball and tossed it back at Rex. Well, maybe "tossed" isn't quite the correct word to use.

"Oof!" Rex grunted as the ball smacked him hard in the chest, knocking the wind out of him.

"Sorry about that!" Bakura said. He leaned down towards Marik slightly. "I so wish someone had gotten a picture of that," he whispered in Marik's ear. When Marik giggled, he continued. "And a picture of Kaiba's face when Rex hit him wouldn't be too bad, either."

"Dude," Rex called, wheezing slightly. "You have got to try out for the softball team! or the football team. You've got a great arm!"

"Uh, thanks."

"Oh, Marik, make sure you tell Malik that me and him have got to do some one-on-one basketball this summer so that we're sure to make the team next year."

"Okay, I'll tell him."

"Alright. See ya around." Rex slung his backpack over one should and started jogging down the hall, dribbling his basketball. Bakura turned back to Marik, smirking.

"Well, then, Marik-"

"Hey, guys!" Bakura sighed impatiently.

"You and I can't get two seconds alone today, can we?" He asked as their friend Yugi Mutou came running up to them. "What do you want, Yugi?"

"Are you guys still coming over to my house tonight?"

"You bet I am and Malik's coming, too," Marik responded while Bakura raised an eyebrow.

"Would someone care to enlighten me on what it is we are talking about?" he asked.

"Oh, right, you don't know," Yugi said. "Well, at the end of every school year, everyone comes over to my house and we hang out, watch a movie talk about the school year and plans for the summer. And," he continued when Bakura opened his mouth. "Don't say you're not coming, because I've already told Ryou about it and he says that he'll drag you along no matter what."

"Well, apparently I don't have a say in anything anymore, now do I?" Bakura said. "But, if Marik's going, I suppose I might be able to manage it."

"It starts at my house at seven," Yugi said, starting to walk away. "Don't forget it!"

Well, it's longer than the first chapter for "Freshman Year" was. That's possibly a good sign. (Maybe.) Just to let everyone know, the updates with this will probably be a lot less frequent than the updates for "Freshman Year" were, because school's starting. Odd...I just now realized that I wrote a school fic during the summer, and now I'm writing a summer vacation fic during the school year...That doesn't really seem to make sense, does it?

R&R, please!