Chapter 1 bravery

Hey I'm LivLovely from Fanforum,basically I've never done this before ,so be nice k?
This is going to be a little soap opery,but hey I think Eli needs to comfort Clare,when she loses her mind. Now a parents divorce is one thing,but it's not really breakdown worthy! I think I've come up with an even more shocking concept.

Prologue:While on winter vaction at her Gram Grams house,Clare recieves devastating news.

Clare's POV

The last week of vacation,spent christmas and now new years with my Grandma. I didn't want to deal with the arguing and bickering coming from my dad's mouth. I was beginning to lose all hope in them ever working things out. I was grounded,the day I got back. My parents didn't really want to watch me suffer anymore. As the holidays came along,so did more issues. Grandma slept a lot,so I was sneaking off to write fortnight fiction. I kept reliving what had happened at the vegas dance.I thought Eli was a gonner. I'd never been so scared. Eli must of been scared too, cause he hasn't talked to me since. I see his facebook status says 'in a relationship' I'm wondering if we still are together. Truth be told,I miss him. I tried to call him wish him a happy holiday,not really sure what he celebrates,but straight to voice mail,and i couldn't work the nerve up to leave a full message.. That night was much more than a 15 yr old could handle. I feel like it's changed me.

I'm finishing up my fortnight fanfic,and I hear Grandma calling. Mom is on the phone,and I don't really care to talk to her right now,I had enough of daddy,mama drama over christmas. "Clare! just talk to her." I take the phone..."Clare,sweetie I need you to come home...daddy was in an accident." I pinch myself at the words. "Dad,what happened?" I could hear Mom's voice shake ."We got into an argument,he went out to the bar,tried to drive,and hit a pole. He's in critical condition,and it's my fault." I could hear Mom crying,and could tell she blamed herself for everything that happened. I was frozen,I didn't know what to do. Was God punishing daddy for something? I dropped the phone,and slid against the padio doors,crying.

Grandma gave me a lift to the hospital. It was scary,daddy looked lifeless,yet I could see the breathing machine going. The fact that he was on life support didn't occur to me until later. The doctor said it's best if he didn't have visitors. At that moment,I said 'just one more minute please.' The doctor nodded and i leaned over his bedside and began to pray. "Lord I don't ask for much,but it feels like everything that means something to me is being taken away. first Darcy,now Eli and not Daddy." "I know I was mad at him,and i said things I shouldn't of,but you can't take daddy,please not daddy." I left the room crying.

Mom rubbed my back as we headed into the elevator,both of us crying. I could tell she was holding something in. "Clare the whole time we thought he was working late,he was seeing someone else.I looked at Mom my eyes lowered. I could feel tears coming on stronger than ever before. "He wasn't just cheating Clare,he had another family." At those words I began to curse and hit my fists. "How could he have lied to us like that!" I thought to myself,is daddy being punished for this God?'

Eli's POV

It was the last week of vacation. My dad was rarely home,and my mother barely wished us a happy hannukuh. I was trying to move past everything that went down at the dance,but couldn't shake that look on Clares face. I felt really guilty,putting Clare in danger like that all because of a stupid feud. I wanted to call her,found like 4 missed calls from her. I just didn't know what to say. A tiger couldn't change his stripes over night,or in a weeks time for that matter. I was skimming through my voicemail,could hear Adam saying 'Man i got a mountain bike,and the new rare comic book for christmas,it's limited man,like only 300 made.'I laughed at that one. Thinking about how my parents just gave me gift cards and an ugly sweater. Then I heard one play that sounded like Clare,frantic. "Eli...I uh" Then the voicemail said 'End of message." Maybe she was mustering up the words to say,or maybe she was trying to end it. Didn't we allready end it though? Now I wasn't sure what really was the cause of my holiday depression. I picked up the phone,and started to text Clare .."Clare I'm ..." I wanted to say sorry,cause I felt so low. I figured I'd show up at her door instead,that way she couldn't hang up on me. I went out into the snow,twirling my carkeys,got into Morty and drove to her house. I slowed down to see her Mother crying,hitting the steering wheel,causing it to toot. I jumped out of my car,and said 'Mrs. Edwards are you allright?' blotted her eyes,and rolled down the window. 'I'm sorry,are you a friend of Clares?' I guess Clare never mentioned me.. "I'm Eli,Clare's english partner...' She looked up at me ...'your Eli,your the boy who almost got my daughter killed!' I backed away from the car door. "You should know that Clare took off,and her father is in the hospital.' sounded really upset. Eli's eyes lowered to the ground,as if he was going to say something,but didn't know what to say. 'I'm so sorry Mrs. Edwards.' I managed to say,with that got into my herse,and drove away.

"Well that didn't go as planned,my possible future mother in law hates me." I thought while driving around town. Where would Clare go? I thought to myself. In only knowing Clare a short time,then it hit me!
The library,yah the library... I picked up my cellphone and called Clare,blocking my number. "Hello." Clare answered..."Yes I'm calling for directions to the local public library.' coughing,trying to disguise my voice... 'Eli...I'm there' Clare said. "No no Eli here."I replied. I could tell she had been crying. "Well sir I don't think I'm too good at giving directions,and going through a bit of a crisis,and upset because the guy I was with hasn't talked me all break.'Eli dropped the act...'Clare I' I said. "yah exactly."She hung up the phone. "Damn!. I proceeded to the library,took me about 8 shelves of books before I saw Clare sitting under the fiction section with her labtop open,rubbing her eyes. "Luckily I had a gps.' I scoffed. She looked at me,her sadness turning to anger. I watched tears slowly fall from her eyes,and she tried to say something,but couldn't. She must of been sobbing. 'your dad is in the hospital,I know.' Clare rubbed her eyes back and fourth,trying to muster enough courage to say something. "He got in an accident,he hit a pole,he was drinking." She held her eyes closed,trying to catch her breath. "He's dying Eli,He's dying." Clare pushed her labtop forward and put her head down hitting the table with her fist. 'Shh! Shh! Calm down.' 'Let me take you home.' i grabbed her jean jacket,and tried to help her up. Clare looked up at me 'I don't want to go home.' I thought for a moment,biting my lip...'Then where do you want to go?' I said. 'to church.' My eyes widened. 'really?' Clare started to cry again...'forget it.' she said. 'No I'll take you to a church.' I said. I walked her to Morty,and we headed to church. "You go here?" I asked. Clare got up and undid her seatbelt. 'yah I do. do you want to come with?' I raised my eyebrows and slightly rolled my eyes...'Look Clare incase you haven't noticed that's really not my style.' She looked at me and sighed saying 'Well is being a friend your style?' Damn! She had to go there. 'yah i guess.' I said,gazing out the window. 'I really need someone right now,cause I honestly don't think I can do this alone,if my dad dies.' I stopped her...'God and I aren't really on speaking terms Clare.' I left her off at the door,felt bad,but I wasn't ready to set foot in a church,since julia's funeral. I watched Clare walk into the church,do something that looked like she was crossing her heart entering the church. "I'll wait for you here!' I yelled. She looked back and nodded. I pulled around back to find a parking place,everything was packed,so I parked by a coffee shop. I waited and waited,and waited,trying not to fall asleep in the car. Finally bells rang and I saw her leave the church.
She got back into the car,waving at the priest or pastor,or something...'What did you do in there?' I asked "Just prayed and went to confession.' I heard her say...confession..confession 'That thing that nuns do?' I smirked. 'just drive Eli.' Clare closed the door,and we drove. 'Where too?' I asked. 'Whereever you want Eli,cause I don't care to go home right now.'
With that I hit the gas.