Hey! So this is a new story. George/OC, as you've probably guessed. Its set during Goblet of Fire, and follows the basic story line. So, I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, that belongs to JK Rowling. I do own mia Homing

Chapter 1: Sittin' Round the Fire

Mia had always hated camping, but this! This was amazing. Camping the way the wizards did it. With real ovens in real kitchens. And comfy beds in separate bedrooms. Yes, Mia really didn't miss the Muggle life at all.

Mia was a Muggle-Born witch, and, after five full years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she still didn't know everything about the Wizarding World.

But she was proud to be a Witch, and she was proud to have been Sorted into Gryffindor House when she'd started.

As she traipsed around the extraordinary campsite, she ogled at the miracles of magic with eyes that were far too wide for her face, and a light brown colour. She kept an eye out for anyone she knew. Hopefully she'd find Angelina Johnson, or Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, or hopefully the Weasley's.

She'd met Fred and George Weasley on the Hogwarts Express on her very first journey to Hogwarts. Despite the fact that Fred had constantly gotten her name wrong for the first week they'd known each other (probably purposely, just to annoy her), and that the first time she'd met Percy, he'd told her that the twins would be a bad influence, Mia, Fred and George had practically stuck together like glue.

For almost forty-five minutes she searched the campsite, until, finally, she spotted many dots of fiery red. Grinning, she started to skip across the grass towards them. She stumbled a couple of times, but she wasn't sure whether that was due to the fact that it was quite muddy, or whether she was wearing three inch heels. Of course, it could have bee a combination of both.

She stopped behind two of the redheads. They were all sitting around a fire; there were a few she didn't recognise. One of them was a redhead, so she guessed he was Bill, the oldest Weasley brother who worked at Gringotts.

Everyone who was sitting opposite to where she was standing (Ron, Charlie, Mr Weasley and Harry Potter) grinned at her. Hermione, Ginny, Percy and Bill followed their gaze and smiled at her as well. Well, Ginny and Hermione smiled, Percy didn't look to happy to see her, and Bill had never met her. To him, she was probably some random person who had come to invade their privacy. There was also a rather large man who was talking really loudly and was holding a box which, Mia guessed, was being used for bets.

The last two people to see her Fred and George, who turned around once they realised the attention was no longer on them. Pushing her mousy-brown hair out of her face, Mia grinned.

"Did ya miss me?" She asked. Fred rolled his eyes whilst George's face practically lit up.

"Miss you?" He asked, "how were we meant to miss you with all the letters you were sending us?" He shifted so Mia could sit down between him and Fred.

"Yes," Mia replied, almost thoughtfully, "letters that I seem to remember, George," she looked at him pointedly, "that you replied to oh-so-quickly." She grinned, as blood rushed up to his face. "Hey everyone!" she greeted everyone else.

Everyone greeted her kindly, albeit Percy was more polite then kind, and Bill still seemed a bit confused. Noticing his confusing, Fred decided to introduce him.

"Bill," he said, "this is Mia, a rather good friend of ours." Leaning over, Bill held put his hand, and Mia shook it.

"Hi," she said. He nodded back to her, smiling slightly. As she leaned back, Mia shifted slightly, so that she was leaning onto George. He really had no choice but to put his arm around her. Either that, or let it go numb.

"And this," George pointed to the large man, "is Ludo Bagman, who we've just made a bet with," all three of them grinned.

"God help us," she muttered, "how much?" she looked from George to Fred and back to George.

"Thirty-seven Galleons fifteen sickles and three knuts," Fred told her, rather proudly.

"All their savings," Mr Weasley said gravely.

"You bet all of your savings?" Mia asked in disbelief, and they nodded, almost proudly.

"Who did you bet on?" she asked cautiously.

"We bet that Krum would catch the snitch-" Fred started.

"-But Ireland will win," George finished. Mia nodded, then her brow furrowed.

"… Who's Krum?" she asked, feeling slightly stupid, as she

"You don't know who Krum is?" Ron asked from the other side of the fire, Mia just shook her head.

"He's the best Seeker in the world! Plays for Bulgaria!" he told her, eyes wide with admiration for the man that wasn't there, "how can you not know about him?"

"Do you know who David Beckham is?" Mia asked, irritated, glaring at him. She heard Hermione and Harry snigger at her example (ok, so maybe it wasn't the best example, but it was still a pretty good one). Ron just shook his head. "Right, so don't question my knowledge, and I won't question yours. As little as that knowledge may be."

"Now, now, Mia, don't bite our dear brother's head off," George said, smirking.

"That head's hollow, George, it wouldn't make much of a difference, definitely make it easier to look a-at," she stuttered, ever so slightly, as George started drawing circles lightly on her arm. He smirked when he noticed.

"-Talk of the devil, Barty!" her head snapped up as Ludo shouted over to some guy. Obviously she had failed to notice that everyone around the fire had gone off into their own conversations. She watched as Percy all but kissed the floor the man the man walked on, but was obviously not cared for at all in return.

She soon got bored and closed her eyes, leaning her head against George's shoulder as he traced circles on her arm. She lifted up her free hand and copied him, dragging her finger lightly around on the arm he was using, smirking as he stopped drawing for a second in surprise.

"You're Muggle-Born!" she heard Fred exclaim. Opening her eyes, she looked over at him, not stopping the circles. "Well done," she told him flatly.

"So… who're you here with?" he asked her. Mia rolled her eyes; must she explain every little thing to him? Yes, obviously she must. "Sally Baker, she lives down the road from me," she explained, "She's a witch. She was really helpful when we found out 'bout me being all a Witch." Then she glanced at her watch, and sighed.

"Actually, I should probably be getting back… what box you in?"

"Top box! Best seat in the house!" Fred told her, excitedly. Mia blinked at him, and then glanced at George.

"You're kidding?" Fred shook his head

"Well, then, I'm guessing Sally's a seer, or she just got the same box as you lot by coincidence," Mia went to cross her arms to conclude her point, but George's arm was around her too tightly, which she was absolutely fine with. Unfortunately, she really had to go; she'd told Sally she'd only be a little while, and she'd probably been gone ages. She took forever trying to find the Weasley's tent.

She stood up, and George reluctantly let go of her, and walked backwards, so she could call out goodbye. "Oh!" She stopped walking, "How many OWLs did you two get?"

The twins grinned, "Six between us!" they both called out, seeming immensely proud of themselves. "You?" Mia pretended to think a minute, counting them up on her fingers.

"Five!" She replied, "But I don't have to share with anyone! See you at the match!" she ran off before they could call her a smart-ass.

Well, I hoped you liked this first chapter.

Please Review!