Okay, final chapter, finally. Lame, lame and again: lame.
Thank you for all of your reviews and patience [almost 2 years, wow]. Enjoy.
This chapter is not beta-read-ed.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Charmed and it's characters.

"Where is your brother?" asked Piper for the hundredth time in the past few hours. When Wyatt left, Chris took his little version back to the attic and removed the sleeping spell from the sisters. Then there was a lot of shouting and explaining and now the Charmed Ones and Leo were just worried.

"He's fine," Chris lied for the hundredth time also. The Source blocked himself out so hard, that Chris couldn't even tell if he was still alive. It unnerved him, because his brother never shut him off so completely. To distract himself from it he busied himself with vanquishing the trapped demons. Of course after he interrogated them a little.

"He should be back by now," Piper started again after a while.

"Piper!" Chris sighed, annoyed. She wasn't helping in settling his own worry. "He's the Source. He has lived among the demons for almost eight years. He knows how to deal with them."

"But he's still my baby," the Charmed One insisted.

"Oh, like I'm not!" the young Whitelighter shot back sarcastically.

"Of course you are, too," Piper soothed guilty. "But I have you here and I know you're okay."

Chris bit back a comment that he had on the tip of his tongue and decided to just ignore her.


Les have heard that Lord Wyatt could be extremely violent, but not even in his worst nightmares he expected something like that. Every fiber of his being, not only body, but essence also, hurt like hell. He couldn't even scream anymore.

"Now," the Source said in a bored voice. "Did you learn your lesson?"

The demon barely nodded.

"Good," Wyatt sounded pleased. "Let's talk about the Resistance now."

And so Les talked. He didn't even try to withdraw any information. He told Wyatt everything he wanted to know. And the Source listened, shocked. But at the end he was just furious. When he made sure that he knows everything, that there was to know, he vanquished the demon. Then he cleaned himself up and shimmered back to the manor.


"Wyatt!" Piper jumped to her feet happily, seeing her eldest son back. Leo smiled, relieved. The Source, however, ignored them and strode towards his brother, knowing full well, that he would be worried sick after he cut him off so completely.

"I'm sorry," Wyatt said, before Chris could even open his mouth.

"Wy?" the Whitelighter frowned. His brother still didn't drop the block on their bond. "What's wrong?"

"I need to get back, now," the Source growled, pushing him in the direction of the Book of Shadows. "There will be more of them coming if won't do something about it in our time."

"More?" Chris asked only a little worried. Not that he didn't enjoy having his brother here, but he was glad, that he finally decided to go back home. The evil Twice Blessed started to be really more of a distraction than any help or hinder in finding the one who turned him evil. And as for the more demons coming from the future, the Whitelighter knew, that Wyatt will deal with those on his side of the portal.

The Source eyed his brother carefully. "You're going to be fine here?" he asked, sparing a glare at the rest of his family. They had the grace to look ashamed. "You have your powers back?"

"Yes, Wy," Chris rolled his eyes. "Soon enough."

"Good," Wyatt smirked and waved at the Book. "Get on with it, then. I know you have wanted to since I showed up here."

"You have no idea," the Whitelighter muttered, searching for a right spell to open the portal to the future.

The Source walked to the shining shape of triquetra. Just before stepping through he turned back, "You call me if you need something, right? And be careful. You really pissed off a good part of the Underworld. Don't get hurt. Not a scratch. I'll be back if I feel even a twinge, you hear me? And don't let them-"

"Wyatt," Chris sighed in exasperation. "Bye!" And he waved his had, telekinetically pushing his older brother into the portal. He shook his head and looked at the Charmed Ones. "So.. When you''ll get your powers back we are going hunting!"

The End