''Uncle Jack.''

''Little nephew, it took me a lot to finally find you.'' Jack smirked.

''Including your Carter's life, your son?'' Chuck asked angry.

Jack's smirked widened what made Chuck realise that it did, Blair just looked at Chuck and Jack and back at Chuck again.

''You're sick!'' Chuck scoffed.

''No, little nephew, I just did what I had to.''

Blair took Chuck's hand and stepped back.

''And what do we have here, huh, who may this beauty be?'' Jack asked as he winked at Blair direction.

Out of disgust Blair took another small step back, Jack's smirk turned bigger. Jack took two steps forward and tried to grab Blai's hand, but Chuck was faster. He pulled Blair back and groaned at Jack.

''Do not touch her.'' Chuck warned him.

Jack just laughed, ''What are you going to do, huh, little Chuck?''

''What are you going to do?'' Jack raised his eyebrows and Chuck knew he was talking about what happened all those years ago.

Even though Jack was stronger Chuck could have killed him, but something inside of him stopped him, he just couldn't kill his own uncle. Jack called him weak and Chuck just ran and never talked about it again. Since that day he decided he didn't have a heart, but Blair made him realise he did.

Chuck punched him, right in the face, but that didn't really cause much damage, Jack just simply laughed and Blair froze.

Jack slowly turned towards Chuck again and punched him back, harder, Chuck fell on the ground. Blair let out a short scream, what made Chuck realise she was there two.

Jack looked over at Blair and began walking her way. It remembered Chuck of Carter, he had walked over to her exact the same way the night they went out for the first time, but this time he wasn't going to let it go so far. His eyes changed and his teeth grew, eight days ago he would only use it to have his drink, from a random woman... now it was necessary

He ran his vampire run over to Jack and pushed him away as hard as he could.

''Blair! Are you-'' Jack jumped on Chuck's back, stabbing him with something he had picked up from the street.

Jack knew the weak spots of a vampire, so after a few stabs Chuck was exhausted, Chuck just fell to the hard and cold ground and remembered something.

It was his fault Blair was in danger all of the time.

''Wait here, I'll be back in a second.'' Chuck smirked.

Blair rolled her eyes and took a sip of the martini Chuck had ordered for her, Chuck walked over to Serena and Nate.

''Are you insane, Chuck!'' Serena yelled just as he stood still.

''Chuck, what are you doing man!'' Nate screamed at him.

''What are you two talking about?'' Chuck asked innocently.

''You know what we are talking about Chuck!''

Serena pointed over at the waiting brunette Chuck had just met and felt strangely magnetic to.

''Why did you took her to this club, Chuck, she is mortal and you know how dangerous it is around here!''

''Relax, little Sis, she's perfectly safe when I'm around.'' Chuck smirked.

''Okay first: don't you dare call me sister again and second, no she isn't what if Carter finds her, and then, huh?''

Just as the words left Serena's mouth Chuck's smirk fell, that was something he hadn't thought about.

''You didn't even think about it!… did you!''

Chuck just looked over at Blair again and then their eyes met Serena and Nate looked over at her two. Chuck just stared at her and she stared back.

''I didn't but... there is just something special about her…'' Chuck whispered almost impossible for Nate and Serena to hear.

And then suddenly Chuck frowned as he scolded:


Another punch made Chuck wake up.

Jack was hanging over him punching him hard in the face, then he took a wooden stick out of his pocket.

''Now, it's time to finish the job.'' he smirked and then his smirk suddenly fell as Chuck could see something stuck out of his chest.

Jack looked down as blood ruined his shirt, Blair had stabbed him from behind, Chuck threw Jack off of him and took Blair in his arms. Blair began to sob, she had never stabbed someone.

''Thanks'.'' Chuck whispered against her hair

''Is he… is he dead?'' Blair choked out.

''No he isn't.'' Chuck whispered as he pulled away slowly.

Blair was confused, Chuck turned around towards Jack who just smirked up at him.

''Blair I need you to close your eyes.'' Chuck said to her.

''No… Chuck are you-''

''Blair please!'' Chuck snapped.

Blair turned around and closed her eyes.

Chuck looked down on Jack who was still losing blood.

''So you are going to kill me after all, huh?''

Chuck took the wooden stick from the ground that Jack had dropped.

He knew what he had to do, what he should've done a long time ago.

''Well done, little nephew, I'm impressed.'' Jack laughed.

''Why did you kill Carter?'' Chuck asked his last question.

''He was a failure… just like your dad… just like y-''

From that moment Chuck had stabbed the wooden stick right in his heart, he had finally done it, now it was over… finally over. He felt Blair's warm little hand take his. She hugged him from behind. And just held him close to her. It was just a simple hug but it was enough for both of them, as the two of them cried softly.

''So Eric you are going to stay with us now?'' Nate asked, he had become good friends with the younger boy.

Eric happily nodded and received another hug from his sister.

The door slammed open and Blair stumbled in with Chuck leaning on her.

''Oh my god, Chuck, are you okay, what happened?'' Serena yelled hysterical.

Nate ran over to the kitchen and came back a moment later with a glass of blood, Chuck took the glass of blood as Blair explained what happened.

3 moths later…

''No, Blair! Forget it!'' Chuck yelled.

Blair had begged for it for months now, but he didn't want to give in.

''Why not, Chuck! We talked about this already!'' Blair began feeling a little irritated. ''Why won't you turn me, for god's sake!''

''Because it's a-''

''Curse and something that ruins your life, I know! I know!''

Chuck sighed, ''I don't want you to make the wrong decision and regret it for the rest of your life.'' he said a little softer.

Now it was enough! Blair ran over to Chuck took his face in her hands an kissed him passionately. As they had to pull back for air Blair pressed her forehead against his, ''Chuck, listen to me… I love you! Very, very much!''

She took a deep breath, ''I love you so much it hurts when you're not around.''

He looked at her with love and understanding, he felt the same, whenever she wasn't around he felt like dying. He knew the feeling. He knew what he felt for her… love. Something he had never felt before… maybe only for his mother, but not the same way as for Blair.

''I love you two.'' he whispered and he gave her another kiss.

''I am sure, I want this… and as stubborn as you may be, I will continue begging you until you will turn me out of hate.''

He smiled at her and couldn't hold himself back as he kissed her again, ''Okay.'' he whispered, ''But it will hurt a little.''

Blair shrugged and smiled at him, ''Nothing hurts more than not being with you.'' she whispered.

Their foreheads still pressed against each other they kissed again as if it was the last time, then he pulled back.

''Take a deep breath and close your eyes.'' he whispered.

She did as she was told to, he was going to do something really hard: hurting the woman he loved, he took a deep breath and his eyes changed of colour and his teeth grew.

''I'm sorry, Blair, I love you.'' he whispered as he set his teeth in her neck.

-100 years later…

''Daddy, daddy, look a butterfly.'' a little brunette said to her father, as she pointed her little finger at the sky high above.

''I see, princess, it's beautiful.'' Chuck took his daughter in his arms and kissed her cheek.

''Can we go search for mommy, aunt Serena, uncle Eric and uncle Nate now, daddy?''

''Sure, gorges, let's go find them.'' Chuck kissed her nose.

Little Sarah Elizabeth Bass was a hundred and one years old, she stopped aging when she turned six, she was a vampire after all, just like her parents, Blair turned out to be pregnant after Chuck and Blair had slepped together for the first time, apparently the condom had broke.

Even though it meant hurting Blair, turning Blair was the best thing Chuck had ever done in his life, he still was thankful every day for meeting her and falling in love with her, cause ever since that day, since the day he had met her, he learned what love really was.

Blair Waldorf had showed him.

The Fucking END! I finally finished it. Thanks for the reviews everybody and for reading! Special thanks to: QueenBee10 and TriGemini you guys stayed with me threw the story so thx ;P. I will update my other stories soon.
