-Dangerous Clubbing…

Chuck Bass was just doing his thing.

Flirting with women for a One-Night-Stand.

This time it was a tall hot blonde.

He already knew her, so she knew him, and what he was.

''Time for a drink, don't you think gorgeous?''

He asked with his Bass-Smirk.

The blonde smirked back and nodded.

He grabbed her by her hand and took her outside.

He took her to and lonely spot outside besides the building.

When they were finally alone, she gave him her arm.

And in a split second, his eyes turned into another colour and he bit her in her arm. She softly moaned and closed her eyes.

While he was busy with his drink he didn't

Notice that there was someone standing behind him, seeing everything.

''Oh My God!''

He heard someone yelling.

He stopped and turned around immediately.

His mouth dropped open.

It was a beautiful young brunette, god what a beauty! Beautiful dark brown eyes, just like him, with very cherry red lips. He noticed a strange feeling in his stomach, something he never felt before in his very long life. What is was he really didn't know. She looked very pale, and he knew she had seen too much, she looked shocked, but that wasn't really strange though.

''Oh My God!'' She yelled again bringing Chuck back to reality.

Chuck stood still, the blonde woman didn't know what to say either.

The brunette turned away abruptly and started walking away, first it was just walking and before she knew it, it was running.

But when he suddenly out of nowhere stood right in front of her, she had to stop.

''What?'' How did you? She stuttered.

''Hey there beautiful, whats you're name.''

He said calmly, looking into her bright beautiful dark brown eyes. He really hoped she didn't saw him putting his teeth in the blonde, the blonde that he didn't remember still standing at the same spot, the moment he saw the brunette.

She still was scared to death and calm she certainly was not.

''What did you… What was… Oh My God!''

Chuck knew she had seen way too much, but what was he suppose to do, kill her at this very spot.

''She wanted to show me something.'' He lied.

''No she didn't, you bit her!'' The brunette yelled.

''Ssh! Keep it down, please, listen…?'' he trailed off.

''What is you're name, beauty?'' He smirked.

''I'm not telling you my name!'' She frowned at him.

''No need to panic, beauty, I was not biting her, you don't need to call CIA.'' He said calmly, with of course his smirk still in place, it was getting annoying… that stupid smirk!

''But you… and there was…''

She paused for a moment and shivered while she continued.

''There was blood.''

She finally shivered out.

''No, I'm sorry you must have been mistaken.''

Chuck was a natural good liar, but when it came to the beautiful brunette before his eyes, it was very hard. She really made his knees weak.


Chuck remained silent.

He saw her opening her mouth for a second but it closed very fast.

Then she opened her mouth again and spoke.

''Well I guess… I'm sorry for the… disturb.''

''No problem at all.'' Chuck simply smiled, feeling his heart bouncing fast.

There was a delicious smell, something he never smelled before. It was a special sent, that he noticed was from her. He took a deep breath and breathed in the delicious smell. It smelled so special… so… delicious…He felt his eyes changing of colour and looked away fast, being afraid of attacking her at this very spot and drinking every litter blood her body had, he broke the silence. ''So who are you?'' he decided to ask to take his mind off a certain fantasy of sucking blood out of her. He turned his head towards her again.

''I'm… I'm Blair Waldorf!''

She answered already realizing what a mistake she may had made.

He put out his hand.

''I'm Chuck Bass, nice meeting you.''

She was clearly wrestling with her self, to shake his hand or not. She slowly gave him her hand. After shaking his hand she said:

''Yes, nice meeting you, I-uh I've gotta go.''

She said already turning around to walk away.

She didn't came far though, almost immediately after she turned around she felt his hand grabbing her arm.

She shivered at his touch, it felt good, but on the other side it felt horrifying.

''Do you want to have a drink or something, it's on me.''

She didn't know, did she want to? She felt attracted to him, but she also felt fear. He looked very handsome in his purple shirt under his black suit, Armani if she wasn't mistaken. At least this handsome, horrifying guy had good taste.

''Sure, why not.''

She said and before she realized what she had said, he grabbed her hand and took her inside the club, the same place he had left with the tall blonde, 'to have a drink'.

The blonde was still standing far behind them, and he didn't care one bit.

''But what about her?'' Blair asked when she saw the blonde still standing there with her arms crossed.

''She will find her way back in.'' He smirked, leading her inside.

Blair found herself amusing the way the blonde frowned at them and was throwing her arms in the air of anger.

When they were inside he took her to the bar and said she needed to wait here, and that he would be back in a second. She just stood there waiting. At least he had ordered a drink for him and her, before he left.

She took a sip from her martini.

And looked around in the club, she never been here before.

She saw Chuck standing with some other guy. He was blonde and also very handsome. There was a another blonde woman two. She was very tall taller than Chuck was.

She had a feeling they were talking about her. When Suddenly the three of them looked at her, she knew it for sure…

It scared her a bit.

''Hi there sexy!''

Someone said from behind.

She turned around.

It was a dark haired man, wearing a very expensive suit, like everyone in this strange club.

''What is a beautiful woman like you doing in a place like this?''

He asked with an annoying smirk, just like Chuck.

Only in some kind of crazy way she liked Chuck's smirk, even tough it was annoying in every way.

She could still feel his eyes on her, and it made her feel safe.

Just when she wanted to answer she felt a hand on the small of her back, it felt familiar. It was Chuck's.

She turned around to look right in his bright dark but sexy eyes. Chuck looked angry, but why?

He frowned at the strange guy now behind her. He was not alone, the blonde tall girl and the blonde guy followed him. They looked angry two, but the blonde girl gave Blair small smile. But when she looked back at the mystery guy again it disappeared.

Chuck said that Blair needed to go.

Blair frowned and shook her head.

''Why, you just dragged me-''

''You just need to go, now.'' Chuck interrupted her.

''This is Serena she will go with you.'' he said pointing at the very tall blonde girl behind him.

So her name is Serena…

Serena now stood beside Chuck and gave Blair another smile.

''Are you coming, Blair?'' Serena asked.

Before Blair could react Serena dragged her away. Serena was very strong, without any struggle she got Blair out of the club.

''What was that?'' asked a very confused and furious Blair.

''I'm sorry Blair, Chuck should've never took you to this place.''

Blair got more confused by the second.

''It's not a place for you, the club is… it's dangerous.''

''What do you mean? And how do you know my name?''

Serena stayed silent for a moment.

''Doesn't matter, just go and don't look back, okay?''

Serena yelled.


''You need to go, now!''

Blair was confused, so she decided to listen and to leave.

She began walking away.

Serena just stood there and watched her walk away.

In some kind of strange way Blair felt safe when she was around Serena or Chuck, when she left she immediately felt fear.

She kept walking without looking back, deep in thoughts.

When she suddenly didn't know where she was anymore she stopped.

''Great, now I'm lost.'' She murmured.

She turned around when she heard something.

She heard someone laughing, and it scared her more.

She almost had a heart-attack when she turned around, before her was standing the same guy from the club.

''W-w-who are you?''

She stuttered cause she didn't really wanted to know the answer.

He just smiled at her, and it scared her to death.

It was the same guy from the club only he looked different. He was paler and his eyes, his eyes, she thought he had dark brown eyes, now they were… lighter. No… it was impossible, it couldn't be, could it? Did they really change of colour? No!

''I'm Carter Baizen, and who are you beauty?''

''I'm not going to tell you!''

She yelled back, and she began walking the other way.

He just laughed at her as he grabbed her arm and spinned her around.

''Hey, let go of me!'' She yelled angrily, but there was still fear in her voice.

''I can't do that sweetheart, but don't be scared.''

''I'm not scared of you.'' she lied.

''Oh, I think you are Blair.''

Suddenly his eyes changed again, but now they changed into a different colour, suddenly they were white.

''Y-y-you're eye-eyes, what happened t-to you're eyes?''

Carter just grinned, and took a step forward, then he opened his mouth.

''Oh My God!''

As soon as he let go of her arm she made a run for it.

Of course she didn't come far though.

He stood right in front of her and before she knew it she felt a stitch in her neck.

It hurt her, and she began to cry.

It felt like forever, but it were only minutes.

She began to see black before her eyes.

Suddenly Carter let go of her and she fell.

She didn't saw very much, but what she saw was Chuck and the blonde guy were fighting with Carter.

They both were punching him in the face and then she

Saw black again.

The last thing she saw was Chuck bending over her, carrying her away…

And? What do you think?