Three weeks. That's all my wrestling coach back in Canada gave me. He told me that I would never make it, that I was never 'good enough' to be a Pro Wrestler. But here I am ten years later and still proving him wrong. All of the training in Canada, England, Mexico and Japan paid off. Last month whilst I was wrestling in Mexico I was scouted by the WWE. You honestly have no idea how good it feels to be told a company that you have aspired to work for most of your life wants you. ME! Little ol' Lillie Stanford from Orangeville (Yeah, I know. I' never heard of it either until I moved in with my Dad eleven years ago.) But on the plus side, that's where I met him. So I truly wouldn't have had it any other way.

Turning off the engine to my red Volkswagen Beetle (rockin' car, I know) I looked up in awe and amazement at the colossal building before me. WWE Headquarters. I stepped out of the car locking the door behind me and stood tall. I smoothed out my LBD that showed just enough skin for this 'job interview' and headed inside. Four inch heels loudly clicking on the sidewalk I tried my hardest to gain composure giving myself some lame pep-talk in my head.

"Come on Lillie. This is all you've wanted and more! Don't you dare give up now!"

(I suppose my brain knows best, right?)

Taking a long, deep breath I walked (as gracefully as one can in four inch heels) through the automatic doors. Only to be met by one of the most amazing buildings I have ever set foot in.

"Holy Jabroni. This place is HUGE!" I squealed, just a little too loud for myself.

"I know right!" Came a typical Californian voice behind me.

I jumped and spun around to see a woman, probably about my age standing behind me with long blonde hair and her hands on her hips. A wide grin was plastered on her face.

"Never seen anything like it, huh?"

"Nope" I replied after a somewhat awkward silence.

She stepped closer to me and extended her hand.

"Hi, I'm Zoey. Newly signed WWE Diva" She said proudly, motioning to the contract in the free hand.

I smiled at her excitement.

"I'm Lillie. Hopefully about-to-be-signed WWE Diva." I smiled to myself. Just saying that makes me want to jump up and down and have a five second dance party (Yup, I'm that much of a weirdo.)

Suddenly her face lit up as if she'd just come up with some great idea.

"OH MY GOSH! We can be newbie's together then!" She laughed. Honestly she looked like one of those girls where 'butter wouldn't melt' (You know the kind, right?)

I laughed along with her to cover up the fact that I'd probably spaced out for a bit. But she quickly brought me back to reality.

"So, what time is your meeting?" Crap. I completely forgot about that. I spun back around and looked at the big clock behind me praying that I wasn't late. 12:55. Shoot I have five minutes. I took off down the hall not bothering to say goodbye to Zoey. I was halfway down the hall when I heard Zoey call out to me.

"Do you even know where Vince's office is?" Even from this far away I could tell she was raising her eyebrow. She could obviously tell from the way I stood, frozen in the hall that I had no idea and before I know it she had a tight grip on my arm and was dragging me down the hall towards the elevator. Stepping in, with me still tightly in her grasp, she stabbed at one of the many buttons on the elevator wall (Jeez. How many floors are in this place?) with her perfectly manicured fingernails. The doors opened on floor ten and stepped out, finally free from Zoey's grasp. She pointed down the hall to a large double door with a plaque that read:

Vincent K McMahon

WWE Chairman

I nodded my head in thanks to Zoey, to afraid to speak and set off down that hall until I reached the door. I raised my shaking hand and knocked three times on the oak door. I heard the faint sound of footsteps fact approaching on the other side.

"Breathe Lillie, BREATHE!" My brain screamed.

I turned one more time in the direction of the elevator just in time to see Zoey.

"Good Luck" She mouthed and gave me thumbs up as if I was a little kid on my first day of school. The elevator doors closed and she was gone. I was on my own now. I reluctantly turned back to the door and took one last deep breath.

"Here we go…"

[ I know it's not very long but it's sort of like an intro to the story. I know there's no Edge yet. But there will be very soon. I promise :) Peace and Love! B ]