Hello lovely people. There was this annoying plot bunny hopping around in my head and I decide to post it up so it would stop annoying me and her it is! Its a little choppy but hey its 2 in the morning and this is what happens when inspiration strikes. Without further adieu my fic

I own nothing if I did Degrassi would be on now with new episode instead of this waiting until October business

I saw Clare walking towards the Dot; it was the first time since the lock down that I had seen her. If it was possible she looked even more beautiful then before. I try not to let that distract me but its hard when all I want to do is run up and kiss her and beg her to forgive me for being so hard headed and stupid. I sighed knowing that it was going to take a lot more then an apology to make her want anything to do with me anymore.

I look at her for a moment longer before deciding that the slap was going to be worth it. I walk up to her with a determined look in my eyes. Clare turns and sees me just before I kiss her. I pull her closer to me and put everything I've been feeling in to that kiss, how much I've missed her and how much she means to me.

I'm surprised when I feel her respond to my kiss. She grips my shirt bringing me closer and sighs against my lips. I take that as a cue to deepen the kiss, I'm surprised again when she responds so willingly opening her mouth letting me explore her mouth.

I reluctantly pull away, knowing this kiss is too intense to be viewed in public. She opens her eyes and glared at me. I look at her sheepishly.

"Hey Clare"

"Hi? That's all I get you practically violate me and all you have to say is hi? You've got some nerve Goldsworthy coming up to me and….." I cut her off bye kissing her again "The heck Eli you can't keep kissing me just because you don't like wha…." I roll my eyes and kiss her again, she weakly tried to pull away but I keep my hold on her, she sighed and wrapped her arms around my neck and finally kissed me back again.

I smirked triumphantly as I pull away "So, does this mean I'm forgiven?"

"Not even close Goldsworthy, but it's a start" She smiles and grabs my hand pulling me towards the Dot.

Alright so what did you think? lovely One-shot or disaster fic? Either one is fine as long as your honest so review and tell me to improve, and No I will not make this longer...unless you really want me too ;)

SN: Sorry I haven't been updating my other stories BUT I am working on them I have just have been swamped at school and haven't had a chance but rest assured I will not abandon my stories!