The next morning, by the time I got downstairs, mom was already walking out the door.

"Hello!" I yelled to my mom.

"Oh sorry honey... I left money on the table for bus fair for you, I'm sorry I have an important meeting... see you tonight!"

I faked a smile as she walked out of the door.


I wish she had told me last night... but I guess she was too busy crying on the phone to grandma about how dad had checked into a hotel a few miles away.

The last thing I heard about their "relationship" was they they were taking a break.

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be happy or sad about this.

I mean, on one hand they weren't for sure getting a divorce...

but on the other hand, they weren't really together.

As I was about to look in the fridge to figure out, my phone rang.

I sighed, and searched around for it in my bag.

I smiled, once I saw who was calling,


"Hello?" I said, happily into the phone.

"Hello Clare..."

"Whats up?"

"Ugh... just hiding out from my mom, I grabbed some money from her dresser a few seconds ago..."

"Why do you need money don't you have a job?"

"True... but I'm saving that money..."

"For what?" I asked, curiously.

"Not sure yet..."

I sighed and opened the fridge... hmm maybe I could have cereal?

"So... whats new with you?"

"Trying to figure out a breakfast plan... and I have to take the bus." I said glumly.

"Oh... you need a ride?"

Okay, I was having cereal.

I grabbed the milk and put it on the counter... now just to find the cereal.

"Um... yeah kinda."

"Well I could pick you up."

I almost dropped the Life cereal I was holding when he said that,

"Really? That would be amazing."

"No problem I'm ready to get out of this house anyway. I'll be there in ten,"

"Okay," I grinned, and he quickly hung up.

I smiled to myself, and quickly went to finish my cereal.

Eli came right when he said he would.

As I got into the passenger seat, he smiled at me,

"Hey... where to?"

I rolled my eyes at him, I really wasn't in the mood. Although it was nice to see him. He was the one thing in my life I really could count on.

"School it is," He smirked as I shut the door.

I sighed as we drove off.

"So..." I said, looking out the window.

"So?" He said, and kept both eyes on the wheel.

"How are you?"

"Fine," I said sharply, focusing on the road ahead of us.

"I am so tired of these uniforms, I'm ready to rebel."

I wanted to laugh, of course Eli was ready to rebel. He rebelled against everything.

The rest of the ride we talked about uniforms and the new rules and about Bianca and Alli.

Not very exciting.

I was trying to so hard to hide the fact I was depressed.

Which is weird, because I'm not one to get depressed easily.

I was also feeling kind of lost.

I am a Christian, and have always turned to God with my problems.

But lately, my interest in Him has kind of gone out the window.

I just...

I was feeling very insecure all of a sudden. With who I am, and what I believe.

I guess I could explain this to Eli, but would he say?

I'm sure he'd be thrilled if I stopped dressing like a church girl, and maybe started wearing more make-up and took my purity ring off my finger..

Maybe I should...

maybe that wasn't the real me.

After all, I had been like this forever.

Not that that was a bad thing, but it was a little boring. Maybe I should mix things up a bit? Go a little crazy? That could help me take my mind off my parents problems...

"Are you ready?" Eli said, staring at me.

I quickly realized we had come to a stop, and were parked in the Degrassi parking lot.

"Yeah," I nodded up at him.

His eyes narrowed, as I grinned at him... maybe I should...

Before I could really think about what I was doing, I quickly pressed my lips to his passionately.

His eyes widened, as I put my hands on his cheek, yet he kissed me back happily.

After a few seconds, I drew back, and he looked at me, kind of in shock I guess.

But I wad glad I did it, after all we couldn't kiss at school anymore.

"Let's get to class!" I said, blushing.

"Okay," he nodded, his eyes still wide.

I smiled and opened the car door to get out.

"Oh my God!" someone yelled from the hallway.

I was standing by my locker when I heard commotion coming from the cafeteria.

I was concerned of course, so i ran to the cafeteria.

As I walked in the door, I saw a group of people were gathered around watching something happen.

I craned my neck, and saw two people fighting.

I sighed, and fought my way through the group of people.

I almost screamed when I saw who it was.

Alli and Bianca! No way!

"You are gonna get it," Alli yelled, and pulled Bianca's hair.

Bianca glared at her and swing her wrist right at her face.

Alli managed to duck, and pushed one of the tables into Bianca.

Bianca swore, and jumped over the table and ran towards Alli.

The whole time the crowd was cheering, egging the girl fight on.

I wondered what this was about... Hah, like that wasn't too hard to figure out.

I had to do something, Drew! I'd get Drew... and he could break it up.

There was no way I was going to Principal Simpson with this, he would have a huge fit! And probably expel both of them.

I quickly rushed out of the room, and walked down the halls searching for Drew.

I eventually found him sitting on a bench talking to Adam.

"Hey," I said, and barely looked at Adam.

Drew stared at me, I guess kind of confused I was talking to him. It's not like we were friends or anything.

"Whats up Clare?" Adam said, looking at me worriedly.

"I just witnessed world war 3..."

"Huh?" Drew looked at me confused.

"Alli and Bianca are totally duking it out in the caf, you have to stop them." I said firmly, and Drew's face went from total shock, to total outrage.

"Are you kidding me! I can't believe this,"

He quickly got up and started walking fast towards the cafeteria.

"Wait, I'll come with you!" Adam, yelled and followed his brother.

"Good luck!" I yelled to them, and Adam turned around, cringing at me.

I sighed, as he looked away and followed his brother.

"What was that all about?" a voice said from behind me.

I smiled and turned around, Eli was standing there.

"Alli and Bianca got into a fight," I explained, as he came closer towards me.

"No way!"

I nodded, and he smiled, "So why are we standing here?"

I shrugged. Maybe because I didn't like to see people get hurt?

"Well c'mon its not everyday we get to see a cat fight!"

I rolled my eyes, and he grabbed my hand.

I of course followed him. he did have a good point. I was just worried about Alli. Once her very strict up-tight parents found out, she'd be dead for sure.