A/N: Hello, readers. Sorry it took so long to update. I have been extremely busy with school. I hope you like the chapter. I would be grateful if you all gave me some feedback. Flames, constructive criticism, and other reviews are all appreciated. Thank you for reviewing and putting this story on your favorites and story alert list. You all have made my day. Oh, thanks to NetbookHater for being the Cammie to my Liz and my bff [best fanfiction friend] TwinkleLights123. You two are the best! Everyone else should check out their stories.

Enjoy the chapter then!

When the four of us stepped out of Director Collins's office (Lizzie and Jonas were still in his office), there was a noise coming from around the corner. I could faintly see a man pushing a woman against the wall and kissing her passionately. As I got closer I could see that the two figures were Maddye and Richard Jenkinz. The newlyweds just got married 3 months, 2 weeks, 4 days, 28 minutes, and 31 seconds ago. But hey, who's counting? I don't actually care, but it's hard not being precise with details when you are a spy.

Alicia and I shared a look about this PDA. In a way it was sweet, but still it was a little much. Alicia cleared her throat while Ethan said, "Get it!"


Once again, my best friend and I were on the same wavelength because she slapped the back of his head and muttered about how perverted he was. Seth and I just laughed at the two of them. Maddye and Richard heard us and had the decency to pull away from each other.

They both looked like a hot mess. Richard's chestnut brown hair was sticking up everywhere and his brown eyes were clouded over. Maddye looked a teensy bit better with her red hair still sticking straight but her lips were swollen due to some heavy lip-locking. Her cheeks had turned bright red in embarrassment since she and her hubby had been caught. Why were they even out in the open like this? They a shared a freaking office for crying out loud!

"Did you need something?" Richard asked.

"Yeah, you two are blocking the hallway," Seth answered back in an annoyed tone.

"Oh right, sorry about that." He pulled Maddye and himself out of the way so we could pass.

Before we had rounded the corner to mine and Alicia's office, Alicia called over her shoulder, "Get a room next time!"

Did I mention my best friend is stupid? I didn't? Silly me! For future reference, my best friend is stupid and mental.

When we arrived at mine and Alicia's office, I quickly pressed my index finger to the identification screen to unlock the door. It was either that or give blood. There was no way I was going to shed blood every time I left the office.

"Welcome Agent Kate Naomi Sutton. Identify other personal," the screen said in its female computer voice.

"I am with Agents Alicia Tang, Ethan Shane, and Seth Newman. They don't need identification. Agents Shane and Newman are not coming inside."

"Access Confirmed for Agents Sutton and Tang. Access denied for Agents Shane and Newman."

"Hey! What's that about?" Ethan yelled.

"Oh shut up. Meet us at the left side entrance in 15 minutes," Alicia yelled back. Before Ethan could say anything, Seth said that the two of them would be there.

While Alicia stepped inside the office, Seth waved and said, "See ya later, Katie."

"Bye," I said shyly. Then I went inside the office and shut the door.

"I want deets now," demanded Alicia while she packed her purse/bag.

"Deets, really? Are we at Gallagher again?" I laughed.

She giggled and apologized, "Sorry. So… you like Seth, huh Katie? He's definitely hot." I wasn't shocked or in denial. We had learned a long time ago not to ask questions when it came to each other. We just assumed.

"Yeah and you like Ethan. He seems like a keeper." She nodded her head with a small smile on her face.

"Tonight should be interesting, don't you think?"

"Definitely! Oh, have you read the file yet?" I put said file in my bag along with my phone and keys.

"Nah. I'll wait until we get in the car. Then I'll read it to you, Kate."

"Okay. Well, I think we should get going, Alicia. We have to meet the guys in 5 minutes and 17 seconds."

"Let's go then," she said grabbing her bag. I held the door open for her while I yelled back into the office.

"Bye office! We'll miss you! Be good," I said shutting the door. Alicia laughed at my childish behavior. She didn't say anything though. She had learned to ignore my weird habits.

We walked in a companionable silence until we reached the left side entrance where Seth and Ethan were waiting.

"Well, we're going home. Let us know when you're on your way over. Oh, make sure you have enough clothes and weapons. Who knows what might happen?" said a serious Alicia.

"Okay. I'll text Katie when we're on our way. You don't have to tell us where you guys live. We already looked it up. What are we gonna do about dinner?" Seth asked. Dang, was it dinnertime already? I checked my watch. Wow, it was already 5:12 PM. Where had all the time gone?

"We'll get some pizza," I found myself saying, "is pepperoni okay?"

"Yeah!" the boys answered in unison.

"Well, see you both later," Alicia said holding the door for me.

"Later," they answered.

As Alicia and I walked over to our silver Honda Civic, I could feel the watchful stares of both boys on us. I was wearing my tight pencil skirt wasn't I? I quickly looked down at my skirt. Dang it. Oh well, might as well have some fun while it's still awkward. I whispered to Alicia that the boys were staring at us. She grinned an evil grin.

Alicia looked over her shoulder and shouted, "We know we look good, but-"

"You can stop staring," I finished. Seth chuckled and Ethan smirked, but they turned and walked to their own car. We giggled because we knew we weren't really cocky like that.

"Okay, read the file," I said to Alicia while we were driving.

"Cameron Ann Morgan has been missing since May 27, 2010. Her reasons for disappearing are to keep her loved ones safe and to find the answers she so desperately desires.

"Hair is dirty blonde. Eyes are dark blue. Weight is 115 lbs. Height is 5'7". Codename is Chameleon. Most likely to be seen with Zachary Goode. Hair is dark brown. Eyes are dark green. Weight is 172.5 lbs. Height is 6'0". Codename is Mask."

"What else?" I asked.

"There's some information on her past, her friends, her family, and her latest CoveOps report. Oh, our covers, credit cards, passports, licenses, etc. are in here too. "

"Well read me the key points in Morgan's stuff."

"Okay." Alicia read some more stuff, but nothing gave any clues to where Cammie could be now.

"Wait! There's a note from Director Collins.

"Agents, go to the formal party on June 12 at 8:00 PM. It is at the Embassy Suites Atlanta-Airport in the ballroom. Look for Maya Ward. Black woman with black shoulder-length hair and extremely dark brown eyes. She is 120 lbs. and 5'4". She will have a thin scar on right cheek and a mole on her chin. She will give you information on Miss Morgan's location. I have booked two hotel rooms under Agents Shane and Newman's second covers. Your plane tickets have been bought under their first covers. Dress accordingly. Your disguises will be in your apartment, Agents Sutton and Tang. Your flight to Atlanta leaves at 7:13 AM. Don't be late. P.S. Do not let your emotions get in the way of this mission. –Director."

"Great, this should be just great," I said parking in front of Domino's Pizza.

"I know right. I'll go get the pizza though. One cheese and one pepperoni, right?" Alicia questioned.


She went inside and came out 10 minutes later with the pizzas. I opened her car door and let the delicious smells fill up the car.

"That smells incredible!" I sighed.

"I know right!" Alicia laughed. "Let's go home so I can eat."

"Sounds good to me."

I drove to our apartment building and parked in my spot. Alicia and I got out of the car, grabbed our bags and a pizza each, and walked briskly to the door. We went through the door and pressed the up button for the elevator. We waited 2.3 minutes for the elevator to come. We stepped in and hit the number 8 button and stood there waiting for it to reach our floor. There was finally a ding and the doors opened. Alicia and I practically ran to our apartment so we could demolish our pizza. I got my keys out and unlocked the door. We threw the pizzas on the table and went to go change out of our work clothes. Then I heard my purse vibrating. I must have a text message. I pulled my iPhone out and looked at the screen.

New Message:

Seth Newman

I touched the message to open it.

hey. we're on our way. :)

"how long?" I texted back.

10.2 minutes ;)

"ok :] cya then," I replied.

"They're on their way here, Alicia," I shouted, running to my room.


I shut my door and stripped off my work clothes. I threw them in the dirty hamper and grabbed some fresh clothes. I put on a pair of dark-wash denim Bermuda shorts, a white camisole, and a yellow form-fitting v-neck. I put a matching yellow and white striped headband in my hair. I looked in the mirror and realized I needed a necklace. I put on my long silver necklace with the owl at the end. I glanced in the mirror one last time. Cute. I opened my door at the same time as Alicia. We looked at each other's outfits to make sure the other looked fabulous. Alicia had on black short shorts and a white slim t-shirt with a big pink heart on it.

After our evaluation of each other, we gave each other two thumbs up. We both looked super good.

Alicia ran to the pantry and got some paper plates out for the pizza.

"What do you want to drink?" she asked me.

"Sprite and three slices of cheese pizza, please and thanks."

"Okay pig and you're welcome." I laughed.

She set our drinks and pizza on the table and sat down. I was about to sit down when there was a loud knock at the door. I quickly rushed to the door and looked through the peep hole to see a smiling Ethan and Seth. I opened the door to see they were in casual (hot) clothes too. I let them in while checking out what exactly they were wearing. Ethan was wearing a black polo and denim shorts with Nikes. His hair was spiked up in a cute kiddy way. Seth had on a blue t-shirt and khaki cargo shorts with black Converse. When I looked at his face, I noticed he was checking me out too. His hair was so adorable because it kept falling in his eyes. He must have felt me staring at his face because he stared straight into my eyes and grinned. I felt my heart flutter. Then we both glanced away. He was about to walk past me, but then leaned down to my ear.

"I can't stare at you, but you can stare at me? That doesn't seem fair, does it?" he whispered into my ear. I felt my face grow hot. I was literally speechless. I couldn't think of anything to say.

"I uh-," I tried to say something, but I couldn't concentrate with his lips by my ear.

"It's okay. I know it's not fair for me. How about we only stare if it's absolutely necessarily?" His grin turned into a smirk.

I turned my head so our faces were mere centimeters apart."Okay," I whisper answered. His eyes widened a tad bit. Then I smiled and walked away towards the lovely arguing of Alicia and Ethan.

Maybe tonight won't be as I thought it would be.

Wait, where are the guys going to sleep?

A/N: Well, how was my fourth chapter, loves? I will try and update every weekend, but I can't make any promises. I would appreciate if you all reviewed, but if not, that's fine too. Until next time Gallagher Girl lovers…
