Lizzie: All right, so this is a new drabble series. It's going to be a series of pairings with Judai!
Muse Judai: -Wary- What do you mean?
Lizzie: What I mean is any reviewer can send in a pairing with you they want, with a prompt and I will write a drabble on it! My only rule is no OCs!
1: O'Brien x Judai: Bubbles. Requested by Sarah-chan!
Warnings: BoyxBoy
Setting: Season 3: Before they are transported to the other dimension.
O'Brien watched apathetically as Judai ran around, popping the bubbles Johan was blowing. He couldn't believe that this was the boy who had saved Duel Acadamia, maybe even the world, twice. He was just too... Innocent.
O'Brien had seen many things in his life and many people, but nobody he had ever met ever displayed as much innocence as the young brunette did.
Even Johan, who many claimed to be Judai's twin, had his cynical side, though it was rarely displayed.
O'Brien wondered what it would take to break Judai. Putting his friends in danger seemed to be the only option, but that just made him more determined to fight.
O'Brien was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice a bubble floating over to him until it landed on his nose and popped, making him jump. He heard Judai laughing at him and he shook his head and rolled his eyes.
He may not know what would break Judai's innocence, but if someone found it he would protect the brunette from it.
Because Judai's innocence was too precious to loose.
Lizzie: Yay! A crack pairing! XD