Strange new girl

Summary: Tianna is the new girl in Forks High. She quickly becomes involved with Bella and the Cullens. But Tianna is not what you call normal. She possesses powers that even herself is known to. Is this new girl a danger? But why has it got both Cullens and Quilettes interested?

Chapter 1

First day at Forks High turned out weirder than I had expected. As I stepped in the school, I had practically everyone staring at me. Millions of eyes were following me, watching my every move. Oh God help me! I bumped into a pale girl called Bella. She helped me to the main office where I got my timetable. Bella gave me a tour of the school. It turns out that she is a senior and I'm a junior so we won't have classes together but she promised to save me a space at lunch. I had chosen biology, chemistry, psychology, maths and english.

As soon as biology finished, I followed the flock of students to the canteen. I saw Bella smiling as I approached. She waved at me and pointed to the empty seat next to her. Bella was sat amongst a group of seniors. Obviously. I joined Bella. She introduced me to the other members sitting around the round table. There was Jessica, Eric, Mike and many more. They all were quite friendly. There was a table in front of ours. Around it sat five stunning people. They looked like they were some kind of super famous actors. I swear they all were just breathtakingly beautiful. They all had golden eyes. But they were staring at me. All of them were. They had a surprised and a somewhat interested look.

"Bella," I whispered.

"Hmm?" she replied.

"Why are they staring at me?" I said. She followed my eyes to the group.

"Oh. They are the Cullens. Come let me introduce them to you," she said.

"What?" I said.

She had already stood up and led me to their table. I kept my eyes low as they took in my dark chocolate wavy hair; my big brown eyes, my 5.5 ft height; my average body; my black skinny jeans matched with a red top and red dolly shoes.

"Hey everyone, this is Tianna," said Bella.

"Hi," I said with a friendly smile.

"Hello I'm Edward, Bella's boyfriend. This is Jasper, Emmet, Rosalie and –"said the younger looking one.

"And hi I'm Alice," said a short girl with jet black spiked hair in a high tone.

"Nice to meet you all," I said politely.

There was something about them that shouted danger but they seemed friendly enough so I ignored the feeling.

Chapter 2

Emmet saw me the next day morning as I was walking towards the school.

"Hey," he said with a friendly smile revealing his oh-so-cute dimple.

"Hi," I replied.

"You walk to school?" he asked.

"Duh! Do you see me come out a car like you?" I said. Was it not obvious?

"Oh right. Whereabouts do you live?" he quizzed.

"About fifteen minutes away. A few streets down from Bella's house," I said casually.

"Could you not ask her for a lift?" he gaped.

"Um, thanks but I don't need a lift," I said.

"So you walked all the way?" he said.

"Yeah," I laughed at his shocked tone.

"Did you not get tired or cold since its autumn?" he asked.

"No I have walked more before so it's not that tiring. I like the cold. The fresh breeze in the morning is just bliss. I like walking in the morning," I said with a smile.

"Ok," Emmet nodded. "Where have you moved from? Because you are obviously new."

"I've moved from London. I live with my younger brother and my mum. My mum owns a boutique. So yeah, any more questions Emmet?" I said.

He chuckled and then said, "That's interesting. What's your first lesson?"

"English," I said.

"Hey I'm in your class too because I'm not all brains in the English section. So come let's go," Emmet said.

"Ok," I nodded.

"Tianna?" I looked at him. "Don't worry you are not alone. We'll look out for you. I know you are new and may not have made friends yet but Bella's friend is my friend and our friend. So now we are friends. Ok?" said Emmet.

"That's so sweet. Thanks Emmet," I said and gave him a genuinely happy smile.

He messed up my hair and ran to his seat. "Hey," I yelled. I combed my hair using my hand in an attempt to make it look decent again. The teacher introduced me to the class and told me to sit in the empty seat next to the one and only Emmet. Great. He smiled as I sat down next to him. I just shook my head.

I was playing with pen while the teacher was giving us a lecture. Accidently the pen flew out of my hands and landed on the floor. As I reached for it at the same time so did Emmet. His hand brushed mine. I gasped at the coldness. I looked at him with wide eyes. There was a slight change of shade.

"Sorry," he said quietly as he put the pen on the desk in front of me. I was still staring at him. I finally managed to ask why he was so cold.

"You are freezing cold. Are you what cold-blooded or something? Because this cold skin of yours is so not normal," I said. He just shrugged.

At lunch, I bought lunch from the canteen with Bella. I asked her why Emmet was freezing cold and why his eyes had a colour change. She was shocked at first but then shrugged the matter off. Ok so something is definitely up. The Cullens all seemed a bit cautious at lunch. This just adds to the doubts I have about them. What could they be? Obviously not completely human. They must be different. That's for sure and by acting like they way they are now, well that just confirms it.

Bella gave me a lift to my home. I climbed into her red truck. The journey to my home was a very quiet one. I thanked Bella for the ride and walked inside my house. My pink bedroom was the place that I was headed for. I dropped my bag and jacket; grabbed a book from my wooden bookcase and lounged on my bed.

The book was no ordinary book. It contained details of the different legends. This book had no name. The ancient book was handed down to me by my grandma. The book had a dark brown hard cover. Despite being many decades old this book looked no more than a year old. She left this book along with a letter for me before disappearing. What was in the letter? Just a bunch of secrets. Secrets revealing my true identity. Secrets so dark that no-one should know. Secrets? Who doesn't like to keep a good secret? But the letter is the one thing I refuse to read because all I know is that I am human.

I flicked through numerous pages until I landed on a page titled 'Vampires'. There were many descriptions of these creatures. But one description made me gasp. The words: cold-blooded; speed; eye-colour; paleness, stood out the most. What surprised me the most was that it actually mentioned their surname. There was a reference that instructed me to look at another page related to them. I turned to that page. My hands were filled with goose-bumps as I read about the Quilette legend. The hairs on the back of my neck were stood still as I took in the legend. Cullens and werewolves both nearby, great, I thought.

Chapter 3

Next day lunchtime, I thought it was perfect to confront them. I was sitting with Bella's gang. Instead of confronting the Cullens as I had originally planned, I was too busy chatting away with Jessica. She was practically taking my interview. Jessica buzzed me with ten times more questions than Emmet asked.

Luckily, at the end of lunch I passed Emmet a note which read: 'I need to talk to you, and all of the Cullens. I will wait for you all by the front gate.' I passed the note and walked off to my next class. I had a huge dose of Maths. We had to do so many questions. At the end of the class, my head was filled with Maths and endless Maths. I had to shake my head to clear the Maths away. I stood by the front gate and waited for them. Tyler horned at me. I furrowed my eyebrows in a confused state.

"Hey Tianna," Tyler said playfully. "Want a lift?"

"No thanks. I'm actually waiting for someone," I replied.

"Ok. Anyway do you wanna go for a movie or something with me?" he asked.

"Um," was my oh-so-genius response to him asking me out on a date. Before I could reply any further, Emmet was at my side and he led me away. All I could hear was Tyler shouting bloody murder at Emmet. All I could see was a blur of faces pass me until I stopped at the Cullen's silver Volvo surrounded by the Cullens. We were at the car park. It was lined with cars just two minutes ago but now there were only two cars left, the Volvo and a jeep.

"So...," said Emmet as the rest of them stared blankly at me.

"Um, I know what you guys are so no need to pretend or avoid me," I said.

"So according to you, what are we?" asked Jasper in his southern accent.

"Vampires," I stated.

"Are you not afraid?" questioned Edward.

"I know about your diet so there is nothing to be afraid of and besides I know you won't hurt me," I said.

"Who told you what we are?" asked Alice.

"No one, I figured it out myself," I said.

Emmet was the one who was now laughing really hard. When we all looked at him, he said, "Sorry but that I just so hard to believe that you figured it out overnight. It's almost impossible."

"Wait hang on, you know what we are so now you tell us what you are," said Jasper. This time all eyes were on me.

"I don't know what you are talking about," I said.

"Are you kidding us that you don't know what you are?" snapped Rosalie.

"Rose, be nice," warned Emmet.

"Darlin' you smell like vanilla ice-cream yet no matter who you meet, their scent will not stay on you. And your scent does not stay on them," explained Jasper.

"Oh my god Jazz now even I'm confused," said Emmet.

Jasper sighed and then explained further, "You hang out with Tianna. You come home and we won't be able to smell her on you. If Tianna was with let's say, Jessica, Tianna won't get Jessica's scent on her. It's like she kind of camouflages the scent. I mean your scent does not leave a trail or anything. You scent can only be smelt in presence and it leaves as soon as you are gone. This is so not normal. You are very observant. You figured out what we are overnight, which is just crazy. Plus none of our powers work on you."

"We need to take her to see Carlisle. Maybe he knows what she is," said Edward.

"Let's go now to the hospital," suggested Jasper. Edward got in his Volvo along with Jasper and Rosalie. Emmet opened his jeep and motioned for me to get in. Alice sat in the backseat of the jeep.

"Are you ok?" asked Emmet.

I raised an eyebrow at him and replied, "I'm fine. Am I not supposed to be ok?"

Emmet shook with laughter and said, "No just checking."

"So Tianna, do you like shopping?" asked Alice.

"Don't say," started Emmet at the same time I agreed.

"Really? Do you want to come shopping with me on Saturday?" said Alice in an overexcited tone.

"Sure," I replied.

"Enjoy and don't say I didn't warn you because when it comes to shopping Alice is...over the top," said Emmet. I nodded. "You know when you smile you look very cute."

I blushed scarlet. "Um thanks."

"Aww she blushes too. Do you want to be my blushing sister?" asked Emmet sweetly.

"Ok. You're more of a big brother type anyway so sure why not," I said. I heard Emmet squeal in response.

The jeep stopped outside a hospital. Emmet led me to Carlisle's office. Carlisle was the good-looking, vampire, young doctor.

"Nice to meet you Tianna, Edward told me about you," Carlisle said. I smiled. "So as you are aware that you are immune to our powers. Do you mind if I take your blood sample?"

"Sure. Go ahead," I said. I removed my jacket and rolled up my sleeves. I hate injections but he's a doctor and he'll probably find out what I am. "Ouch," I said as Carlisle pricked me and got the blood sample within seconds.

"Thanks. I will get back to you," he said.