Anyone see the trailers for Alice: Madness Returns?

If you have, then you should recognize this. Betcha you weren't expecting a follow up, eh? Well here you go! And, depending on how the game Alice: Madness Returns plays out, I might write more Asura stuff.

Asura (c) Soul Eater
American McGee's Alice (c) EA Games

The night started out as any other ordinary night on the cold streets of London. It was just past midnight when the snow started to fall, and every window was dark, the only light coming from the street lamps. And all was quiet, save for the lone footsteps echoing across the cobblestone. But who would be out at this hour of the night?

It was none other then Alice Liddell.

She had grown quite a bit since her release from that cursed asylum. She wrapped her coat tighter around her frame, shielding herself from the bitter winter wind. She knew she shouldn't be wandering the streets this late, but it was a habit she couldn't break. She was like a cat, she preferred to roam the streets at night, when the general public couldn't see her and make snide remarks.

And yet, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being followed.

Alice shook the feeling off as she approached a small puppet cart, no doubt placed there to entertain the small children. With a small smile, she peered through the glass at the puppets as the musicbox melody chimed slowly. A rabbit, a mouse, and a man in a peculiar top hat all sat enjoying a tea party. As Alice peered at them, she felt the stirrings of a distant memory.

And then from a distance, a mocking voice called. "Alice~"

In the reflection of the glass, standing behind her at the fountain, were two figures. Two people she knew for certain had left this earth forever. But that knowledge didn't stop her from turning around to face the empty square.


She knew it was no use. Lost for a moment in grief, she failed to notice the stand behind her had begun to smoke. She completely missed the reflection of three glowing red eyes before the voice sounded again. More of a bestial hiss then a mocking tone rang through the night.


She turned just in time to see the cart burst into flames before four scarves shot forward, also on fire. They wrapped themselves around the girl, who tried to run, to flee the burning flames. But the scarves gave an almighty heave and pulled her into the torturing fire, wrapping themselves more firmly around her frame, and covering her mouth before she could scream.

All Alice could hear was a dark voice mocking her by calling her name in sing song. And a chuckle followed by a voice positively dripping in insane glee.

"Welcome back to Madness, little Alice."

Hope you enjoyed!