Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter(Tears) or Teen Titans(Even more tears)
A/N: Yaaay! The Teen Titans go to Hogwarts! Pls no flames for getting any events or characters wrong! It's only fanfiction, so I don't really care if I mess up something.
Deep underground Gotham City, Robin the Boy Wonder was repairing his Bo-staff when a tawny brown owl swooped in out of nowhere and dropped a letter into his lap. It was addressed perfectly to him, so without hesitation, he ripped open the envelope and began reading the letter that was inside. He was motionless for a minute or two, except for the eyes of his mask, which slowly grew with disbelief. He finished reading and looked up.
"Well.' He said."At least I'll be away from here for a while." He ran out of the room.
High in the Alps of Nepal, Raven was meditating on-top of a monastery. Quietly she chanted her mantra.
"Azarath Metrion Zinthos...Azarath Metrion Zinthos..."
A monk silently ran up to her and handed her a thick envelope. As he ran off, she peeled open the seal and took out the letter. She unfolded it and read through, an eyebrow rising silently as she floated a meter above the ground. She quickly refolded the letter and placed it back in the envelope.
"I'd better get going."
Somewhere in Africa, Beast Boy was resting after two hours of chasing a villain with his team, the Doom Patrol. A white owl dropped out of the sky and came to rest on the log next-to where he was sitting. It was holding a plump envelope in its beak so he gently took it out. It was addressed to him so shrugging, he opened it. He read it and ran off to the rest of the team without making a sound.
An hour later, over the tops of the trees, you could hear someone yelling "Yes!"
Many light years away from Earth, on a small planet called Tamaran, Starfire was combing her hair, when a letter flew in from the window. Curious to see what it was, considering that letters weren't used on Tamaran, she flew straight to the library.
Two days later, Starfire, after figuring out what the letter did and what was written on it, was packing for the journey to Earth.
"Perhaps it will be fun to learn of this 'Craft of Witches'..."she mused.
At a small home in Jump City, Cyborg was playing computer games when a plump grey owl landed on a windowsill and started tapping at the glass of the window. He paused the game, wandered over to the window and pushed up the glass. He saw that the owl had a letter that was addressed to him in its beak so he prised it out and the owl presently decided to peck him, not that it worked, because his hand was metal. He opened the envelope, read the letter and chuckled.
"Sounds like a bit of fun. Might as well go."
So how did you like it? Pls don't ask how the letter got to Tamaran, cos I have no clue. Please R&R!