A/N: Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, or Puck, Rachel, Finn, or any other characters. I wish I did but I don't

I'm calling this chapter a prologue because it really doesn't relate to the story at all. It was kind of "practice" for writing the characters and a little bit of fluff before the story kicks off.


After parking, Kurt walked around his large SUV to open my door. I guess I must have given him a funny look because he said, rather irritably,

"What, I'm not allowed to be a gentleman."

"No, you're fine. I just wasn't expecting it. No one ever opens doors and things like that anymore."

"I'll have to tell my brother off then. He should always open doors for you." He turned to walk toward the building muttering something that sounded suspiciously like, "unchivalrous oaf." I laughed, both at the expression on his face and his accurate, though slightly unkind characterization of my boyfriend. My bofriend. It still gave me a thrill to call or even think of Finn as my boyfriend, even after almost two years. It was just unreal that I, Rachel Berry, the quintessential geek, was dating Finn Hudson.

"Okay Miss lovesick, stop daydreaming about your boyfriend and let's go inside and show off my project." Kurt said, breaking into my thoughts.

"You sound like I'm a painting or something." I responded but began to walk with him. He linked arms with me as we entered the movie theater. I could see the rest of the group standing in a clump. As we approached Noah yelled to Kurt,

"Well its about time you got here Hummel, now we jut need Berry to hurry her ass up before we miss the…" I could actually hear his jaw drop along with the rest of the guys and Santana as they recognized me. "Wo-ow" Noah choked out while looking up and down at the new outfit, designed by Kurt, my loosely pinned up hair and Kurt-ified makeup. If I may say so myself, I looked pretty good. "Berry, you look…wow…" Kurt looked at Mercedes.

"I win."

"Fine, I'm buying snacks." She said grudgingly.

"You bet on me!" I yelled at them.

"Yep." Said Kurt looking satisfied.

"I said that he couldn't make you look good enough to leave Puck speechless." Mercedes explained sheepishly.

"And I said that I definitely could!"Kurt said gleefully. It could have been a compliment if he hadn't then began singing under his breath "Whenever I see someone less fortunate than I and lets face it, who isn't less fortunate than I?"

"Kurt, no singing" I warned him.

"Whoa, Kurt you're a miracle worker, how'd you reprogram her brain to actually say no singing?" Santana asked. I glared at her and she just smirked back.

"Guys, we're going to miss the movie if we don't get a move on." Mike, ever the peacemaker, pointed out. Noah walked over to me and held out his arm.

"May I escort you nin milady/" he asked formally causing Santana and Quinn to roll their eyes. I wasn't sure rather to be flattered or freaked out by his attitude. Finn stepped forward and slapped his arm down.

"My girl's off limits Puck, remember?" he said easily, draping his arm around me, though there was a menacing undertone to his words that no one missed especially not Quin who turned bright red, and Puck who backed away quickly and apologized softly. I tugged Finn toward the concession stand. As we walked he whispered,

"You look amazing, Rach."

"Thanks, I told Kurt, no sad clown hooker, this time." I whispered back making him laugh.

"Can you guys believe that this is the last Friday night we will ever be high school student" Next Friday we'll have graduated!" I commented to the group.

"And we'll all be going bowling or to another movie." Noah retorted. "Nothing's going to change because of a silly piece of paper. "

"But things will change in the fall because of that piece of paper." Quinn stated matter-of-factly. "After we scatter all over for college, the won't be any more quintuple + Mercedes and Kurt dates on Friday nights."

"Thanks for the singling out Quinn,." Kurt said dryly. Mercedes laughed at his pun.

"But seriously, we should do something special to celebrate our last Friday as high-schoolers." I returned to the original subject.

"Okay, all the girls can pay for once." Noah said. At the rude noises and slaps he sighed, "Okay I have some fireworks in my garage, we can go light them after the movie. There's an open field back in the woods about 15 minutes away, it's the perfect spot!" We all nodded our agreement."Now hurry up, we'll miss the previews."

A/N: So? Thoughts? Suggestions? Rotten Tomatoes? Let Me Know.