Epilogue: Time


Despite the sadness in his heart, Peony laughed and shook his head.

"I'm leaving for who knows how many months and you're standing at the airport, without even a trace of emotion in your goodbye. Bastard," Peony said.

Jade pushed up his glasses and smirked.

"Oh I'm wracked with grief and misery on the inside, let me assure you."

People walked past dragging luggage and child along. Some were departing and some arriving but, Peony and Jade stood grinning at each other without any mind to the movement around them. Well, almost no mind.

"Just kiss him already!" Anise's voice sounded from around the corner.

"I'm sorry, I'm not here for your entertainment," Jade called to her as she peeked her mischievous face around the corner. "Anise, I believe I asked you to give us some alone time. This isn't a situation for nosey, little children."

"Little-? But someone has to make sure you behave civilly!"

"Grownup time," Jade said firmly.

"Boo! Fine, go at it! See if I care," she yelled, attracting attention from passersby. She disappeared behind the corner again.

"I'm glad to know I'm not leaving you all alone here," Peony said, fully aware that Anise was just beyond the corner, most likely eavesdropping.

"I wish you were. I don't enjoy babysitting."

Peony let his eyes wander from Jade's head to his toes and back up again. They'd spent the last two months stealing as much time together as they could. Peony would visit Jade at work in the cafe, and on Jade's breaks walk with him about campus. If Jade wasn't busy he'd meet Peony at the Dark Wings Theatre and talk with him and the cast. As a result, Jade had formed an awkward sort of bonds with the cast members. He didn't mind all that much, it was fun having new people around to drive up the wall.

"Your Majesty, I can assure you I am not going to change so drastically that you won't be able to recognize me by the time we meet," Jade said when Peony's eyes kept roving his body. Peony blinked and a doleful expression crept on to his face.

"Oh I know that, but I'm not going to see you for a while," Peony broke his trained gaze and drew Jade into a long embrace. Jade wasn't particularly fond of public displays of affection but, he had little choice in the matter. Peony placed a few chaste kisses on Jade's lips but the bastard wasn't responding. "Jade, you know I'm leaving today and not tomorrow right?"

"Of course, over the past twenty or so years I've become quite adept at reading a calendar."

"Then why aren't you...?"

"Just a silly notion I had," Jade said with a shrug and a glance at the corner, Anise hid behind. "I could have sworn I saw a flash from a camera, but no one would take a picture of me. All they'd get is my bad side."

"That...is actually a good idea."


"Anise!" Peony shouted and waved at the corner. Anise peered around the wall along with a blushing Tear.

"I-I'm sorry," Tear said coming closer with Anise sulking at her side. "The camera's mine. I said I wanted a group photo but, there didn't seem a good time to ask."

"How sweet of you Tear," Jade said frostily. Tear blushed redder.

"I'd like a group photo. Anise, go rally the others, Peony said.

Anise brightened instantly and dashed away calling everyone's names. She came running back, pulling Luke along with her.

"You better smile nicely, Jade," Peony said, letting him go. "I don't have many pictures of anyone. Besides, would you rather a group picture or a candid picture of us kissing? I wouldn't mind either actually."

"My my, you decide to use logic on our last day together. Very well I suppose cataloguing all our happy faces is a touching notion."

Luke and Guy turned to stare warily back at Jade.

"Coming from him, the idea doesn't sound that touching," Guy murmured to Luke.

Anise used her cute charm on the first person to walk by and rejoined the group, putting one arm around Luke and the other around Ion.

"Ready?" the woman holding the camera asked.

"I'd just like to remind everyone that Peony may be leaving us today, however," and though no one could see the dangerous flash in Jade's eyes they heard it in his voice, and shuddered, "I will be incredibly near for quite some time. Everyone say cheese."

Hey Tear,

I just wanted to say thanks for sending me the pictures. As I'm sure Jade's told you, things have been hectic for the past couple months. I was ecstatic to see that you sent the candid pictures of Jade's and mine's final goodbye, so I'm guessing Anise had her hand in the mailing process. Odd that you didn't delete the picture right away though ha ha...don't worry, I'm not giving you hell. The picture was cute, but I wouldn't let him see it. He can be a bit of a party pooper. The other picture of us all is kind of funny; nobody's smiling and everyone looks spooked. Well except for me, I'm grinning and Jade too oddly enough. I was kinda zoned out at that moment, thinking about leaving, but what the hell happened? Oh well. I still framed it and put it on my dresser.

I'm in yet another play (4th performance in 3 months, plus a commercial, though I just stood in the background...ha ha) and I know you guys are busy, but if any of you could make the trip, I'd get you a ticket, gratis. No offense to Noir, but wow are the stages nice here! One's outer walls are actually constructed from marble with cherubs and other winged beasts. Kind of reminds me of my home in Keterburg; I don't really like that stage, too stuffy in a grand kind of way.

Well I gotta go run lines, I've got a big role in this one so lotta lines. Thanks again Tear and Anise (you're brave souls).

Love Peony.

"He'll be coming back in a month then?" Guy asked, sitting on Jade's couch while the other made tea in the kitchen.

"So say the many, repetitive letters he sent me," Jade said with a troubled sigh.

Guy smirked discreetly while Jade had his back to him. You miss him, Guy thought. When Guy had excused himself to use Jade's bathroom he had accidentally wandered into Jade's bedroom. Their apartments were twins except for the bathrooms, so though he'd been in Jade's apartment before, the mistake wasn't unreasonable. He'd noticed his mistake right away, but curiosity trumped courtesy. The room was perfectly clean, except for a small pile consisting of a couple books and shirts. Other than that pile, the room was spotless, and had no creature comforts; just a bed, a nightstand and curtains. So the framed picture on the nightstand stood out like a rainbow on the white walls. The one from the airport, Guy thought with a sympathetic smile.

"It's been almost a year. He's only staying for the holidays, right? So he'll be here for Christmas?"

"Not exactly," Jade returned to his chair and placed a cup of tea on a coaster, in front of Guy. Guy thanked him and grabbed the mug. "You're welcome, but no, sadly His Majesty will not be spending more than a couple days in Grand Chokmah. His parents want him home for Christmas, so he'll be returning to Keterburg first."

"So you're going to Keterburg, then?"

Jade sipped his tea and shot Guy a calculating, curious glance. Guy had gotten used to Jade's barbs, but it was the looks that made him rub the back of his head nervously.

"No, the next time I go to Keterburg will be in another year and a half when my sister weds."

"Got some ghosts in your home town too?" Guy asked with a grim look on his face. "I've got some in mine, so I get it. Sucks that you won't get to spend Christmas with Peony."

"Not particularly, I've never really enjoyed the holidays, nor saw much point in them. It doesn't really matter what day it is that Peony visits."

"So long as he does, right?" Guy asked with a warm smile, forgetting who he was talking to.

A smirk bloomed behind the rim of Jade's mug and he set the cup down on the table, fixing Guy with a paralyzing stare.

"I took a class on alternative medicine a week ago. How would you like to be my guinea pig for acupuncture practice?"

Guy laughed nervously. "Maybe I should I actually help you get the TV set up?"

"It was just like old times," Peony said sleepily, nestling his face in Jade's hair as they lounged on the couch. "I spent time with my parents but snuck out to meet Nephry at the lake. Remember the one Saphir almost drowned in? Yeah, so that's how I spent my Christmas."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."

"Nah, I'm enjoying myself now," Peony said with a teasing smile and pulled Jade closer. "How was your Christmas?"

"If you continue to speak like that, I will most certainly be sick," Jade said and pulled away a bit. "I spent part of my Christmas in the Grand Chokmah Penitentiary and the rest with the problem children."

Peony drew away from Jade to get a better look at his face. When he found no trace of insincerity, a warm look replaced his disbelieving expression. "You visited Saphir."

"Hardly," Jade scoffed and looked away from Peony's idiotic smile. "The newspaper reminded me that he has another hearing in a couple months and Aslan called me about his condition."

"Wait, wait. Condition?"

"No one enjoys imprisonment, Your Majesty," Jade said placidly, "Our princess is no different. Aslan was just worried about Dist's demeanour, however he doesn't know how much of a drama queen he is."

"Why didn't you write me about this?"

"Because Dist is fine and you need not worry yourself-"

"Yeah I do, Jade," Peony said quite seriously. "Saphir is still my friend, whether he's crazy, sad or happy. He's my friend and, like I'm not leaving you, I'm not leaving him."

"Did you fly all the way here to argue with me?" Jade asked with a smirk.

Peony ignored Jade and shook his head. "I'm worried about him."

"Then rest your simple mind," Jade sighed, "He's lost some weight, was sick for a little while but he still had enough energy to spit venom at me when I visited."

"What did you say to him?"

"Are you going to admonish me like Nephry?"

"No, well, not tonight at least," Peony said huddling close to Jade again and closing his eyes as he rested on Jade's shoulder. "I just came home, I don't want to fight."

Jade gave Peony a curious look from the corner of his eye. You spent 24 years growing up in Keterburg, but this apartment is home? How odd.

"What?" Peony asked.

"Nothing," Jade said and took his glasses. Peony instantly, and expectedly, began fawning over Jade's face with light kisses. My my, so easy to distract, Jade thought with a smirk. "Dist spends his days sitting behind bars, most likely muttering to himself. Lorelei knows he's got enough voices in that head of his to hold up a decent conversation. However, he was quite despondent when I visited. At first he didn't believe I was actually there, and when I convinced him that it was not some clever trick, he began his normal theatrics. You know the snivelling, crying and endless apologies. I reminded him that he was the one who created the psychotic replica and had to atone for that little faux pas. That's when he became quite animated."

"So he was sorry, then," Peony commented, ignoring Jade's last couple sentences.

"Probably more sore he got caught, although he didn't try very hard to hide his illegal work."

"I think he's sorry, but he keeps getting buried beneath that dark cloud Dist," Peony stopped his pestering and teasing of Jade and adopted a thoughtful air. "He needs help, Jade, and we should be there for him."

Jade just hmmed in response, for once not desiring to annoy Peony. Besides, he partially agreed.

Dear Peony,

Congratulations on making daytime TV. Stay at home mothers and hopeless romantics will rejoice in seeing your face five days a week at 4:00 PM sharp. Anise is already bragging about how she personally knows Skye Cresentmoon. I must say, I'm quite proud of you, Your Majesty. You've reached a level of success I could never attain.

Nephry also wants me to remind you her wedding date has changed from the 15th to the 13th. She desperately wants you to attend. I feel quite wounded that my only sister keeps insisting on your attendance yet she hasn't even asked if I'll be attending. I'm also not sure if I like being considered the mediator between His Highness and my sister and the problem children. I know you've gained a little bit of fame, but please reply to the others. If I have to send one more letter requesting an autographed photo and then receive said autograph to pass along to a squealing Anise, I will cease writing you.

My school life is quite enjoyable at the moment; we're continuing autopsies and vivisections. I'm thinking of becoming a coroner instead of an actual doctor. I think I'd enjoy it more; there are more opportunities to delve into curiosities and the patients would be far quieter.

As you requested, I'm sending a status report on Dist; his hearing went better than expected. I was called in as a witness and perhaps it's my charm that swayed the tide, but Dist will be released into the custody of the Grand Chokmah Mental Hospital for rehabilitation. He didn't seem ecstatic about this but when I asked him if he'd rather be sent back to prison he then seemed inclined to go.


Jade Curtiss.

There was a knock at the apartment door. Jade had been sitting on the couch with the TV on, half listening while he read. He set the book down and made his way to the door to discover Tear waiting patiently.

"Hello Tear. What brings you here today?"

It wasn't all that unusual for Tear to be visiting. They worked together in the cafe on campus and Tear was also studying for a medical profession. However, she'd never visited on her own and what made it even odder was she looked quite upset.

"May I come in?" Tear asked, her voice forcefully level.

"Of course," Jade showed her in and took her coat to hang on the back of the door. He offered Tear something to drink, but she declined politely.

Tear stood awkwardly next to the coffee table, looking about the room and letting her gaze rest on the television. Warmth crept into her eyes when she recognized the soap opera. Jade came to stand next to Tear and followed her gaze to the TV.

"You watch this because Peony's on it?" she asked.

"Oh no, I have such a soft spot for pointless, melodramatic plotlines and horrible acting," Jade said, watching Skye Cresentmoon walk on set and reveal himself as a long lost brother to the girl he happened to be deceiving by sleeping with her husband. "I saw that one coming, Skye's been hinting for weeks that he knew quite a bit about her family life. I wouldn't be surprised if they are later revealed as twins. Now, what did you come all this way to discuss? You looked quite serious."

"Oh, yes!" Tear started and blushed. She happened to enjoy soap operas every once in a while; they were full of cute moments and since Peony was part of this one, she had a viable excuse for watching. Tear's stoic composure was back as she said, "I come bearing sad news. Ion has passed away and the funeral will be in a week. Anise thought it would be best to tell you as soon as possible so you could pass the message on to Peony."

"I see. I suppose Anise was too distraught to bring me the news herself? Very well, I will notify Peony."

Peony looked quit drained, and at a funeral he fit in well with the crowd. When the service was over and the coffin was being lowered into the ground, underneath a bright blue sky, Peony couldn't hold back his tears. Not that he had been because he didn't see any shame in crying, but at the moment that Ion's body made its descent, he was reminded of the only other funeral he had attended.

Jade had been standing by Peony's side, eyes fixed on the coffin, but as it began sinking, he looked around at the other grievers. Ion was certainly well liked, I'm the only one with dry eyes. An odd thought hit him then and he didn't feel inclined to dwell on it; at my funeral, who would come and would they cry? Peony's hand fumbled for Jade's. Jade looked at Peony's watery face and immediately understood what he was thinking.

Peony stood, staring over his shoulder, as the organ music started when the ornate double doors opened. Nephry was a beauty any time of day but, in her elegant white gown and hair intricately set with tiny-petaled flowers, and graceful step to the music, she easily had everyone's attention. Jade caught many people's attention too as he lead his sister down the aisle. The dark suit he wore only accentuated the fact that he was pale and lean, and for this occasion he had cast aside his glasses, making him look years younger than he was. When they reached the alter, Jade bowed his head to place a quick kiss on Nephry's hand and turned to take his seat next to Peony. Before he'd taken more than a step, Nephry caught him and threw her arms around his neck. She hugged her brother close, her bouquet crushed against the back of his head.

Peony had been standing behind Jade when his sister embraced him, eyes fixed on the back of Jade's head. For some reason, he couldn't tear his eyes away from the bouquet meshing with Jade's hair, some of the petals clinging to the strands as he returned to his seat. At Jade's wedding, would Nephry throw her arms around him just as ecstatically? Peony thought. His eyes widened in self surprise. Whoa, wait, would Jade even want to get married? Jade took his seat, along with the rest of the guests. Peony continued to stare at Jade, very interested with his internal debate. You wouldn't, would you? As though he knew what Peony was thinking, Jade turned his head while his sister said her vows, a questioning look on his face. Peony winked, pulled a couple petals from Jade's hair and turned his attention back to Nephry. He was aware that Jade continued to stare at him until Nephry and her new husband kissed.

The phone was ringing. It was 3:30 in the morning. And Jade had his finals tomorrow. Needless to say, his hello brimmed with tired sarcasm and distaste.

"You sarcastic bastard," Peony's voice said very loudly at the other end.

"My my, you have my most sincerest apology for not spinning you a heartfelt sonnet instead of a hello," Jade yawned into the phone, "Forgive me, I was distracted by the joyful thought of when I'd get to see your wonderful face again."

"I'm not talking about your greeting asshole, I'm talking about the invitation you never sent."

"I see no problem with that since I know of no event to send an invitation for," Jade said honestly, although if he wasn't so tired and aggravated he would have figured it out in a heartbeat.

"Like hell, you told Nephry."

"Peony," Jade's face broke into a smirk as he said with a deviant infliction, "are you actually upset? You sound furious."

"Yeah! I am! And stop smirking, I know your smirking just by the tone of your voice. You don't deserve to smile until you invite me."

"To what?"

"Don't be-"

"Peony, I have no idea where you are but in Grand Chokmah it's close to 4:00 AM. I'm tired and I'm trying not think so that I may fall asleep again as soon as this conversation is over. If you don't tell me to what I was meant to invite you to, then I will hang up and I won't meet you at the airport the next time you visit."

"...you threatening bastard."


"Wait! Okay," Peony yelled and began laughing. "You never invited me to your graduation."

Jade sighed and slouched on the bed. "Are you serious, Your Highness?"

"Yeah, you never invited me."

"My apologies, but you misunderstood. What I meant was you can't seriously want to go."

"What? Why not?"

"Because it's a waste of time and money. You would be visiting so you can spend a couple boring hours sitting in Grand Chokmah's university, after taking a couple days off work, and flying for who knows how many hours here and back. It's not worth it, Peony."

"Jade, come on. Someone's gotta cry as you walk up on stage and grab your diploma."

"Nephry can have that honour."

Jade walked on stage, receiving various honours and shook hands with the dean. He happened to glance out at the crowd and caught Nephry and Peony's eye. Peony waved while Nephry dabbed at her eyes. The scene was made even worse by the fact that Peony had gained some popularity by now and couple people took the opportunity snap a picture of him while he stood to wave.

"Oh what a bother," Jade said, walking next to Peony along the gravel path that wound through gardens and neatly groomed grass. This is not how I want to spend my time with Peony.

"As a studied doctor, I think you know how important it is to treat this situation with care," Nephry said from his other side.

"My apologies, you are very right."

Peony smiled, grabbed a hold of Jade's hand, and leaned over to place a kiss on his cheek.

They were lead further into the facility to wait outside of a room in a spotless corridor, painted with soothing pastel colours.

"You'll be called in one at a time, dears," a pleasant, motherly nurse said. "He's been doing very well, but we ask that you try not to upset him. He's quite sensitive and very nervous about today."

With a smile the nurse entered the room to alert Saphir that he had guests. Nephry and Peony turned to stare at the indifferent man between them. Jade sighed and put his fingers to the bridge of his nose.

"I will behave, don't you two fret."

Nephry was called in first. Jade and Peony found chairs by a window not too far away and sat down. Peony was slightly worried about Jade, but not entirely because he thought Jade would misbehave. They had had a horrible fight last night about what name the other thought was right to address Saphir as.

"He's still Saphir!"

"Peony, would you open your mind to the possibility that he is not the same person he was five years ago? He's been in the hospital for over three years, so yes, he's probably not as deranged as before, but it's an even surer fact that he has not become your loveable Saphir again!"

"So what? Do we call him Dist and remind him of the horrible things he's done? The nightmares he's been striving to get away from for these past couple years? Good idea Dr. Balfour," Peony whipped at a catty Jade who sat on the couch. At Peony's last barb Jade turned his face to the side with an exasperated expression.

"Believe it or not, but my goal in life is not to destroy that man's being, he's done a fine job of that on his own."

"Bullshit, Jade!" Peony spat, standing over him. Jade glared at Peony with a curious expression. "You've had a major impact on his 'being'. For over twenty years he loved and adored you. You were his world, pathetic as that may sound to you. And you hurt him. And so did I."

"Oh trust me I'm very sorry I ever had any affiliation with that man now."

"You cold, heartless bastard! What the hell is wrong with you, huh? Are you so depraved that you only feel sorry for yourself? Well too, damn bad. This is about Saphir's feelings now," Peony said with finality and stalked off to their bedroom.

"Dist," Jade said casually over the back of the couch. Peony swore creatively at him and disappeared into the room.

A couple hours later when they'd both calmed down and thought about what the other had said, they met each other in the kitchen.

"Peony, forgive me for acting so childishly. We should not be arguing over what to call him, that is for him to decide. And I," Jade paused and looked into Peony's sad, tired eyes. "I am sorry."

"I'm sorry too, Jade. It seems whenever we fight, I say really harsh things."

"Harsh, but true."


"I have been treating this situation with contempt and indifference, which is inexcusable. Tomorrow I will strive to do better."

Peony stared at Jade with sadness in his eyes, and came to the understanding that Jade was just as upset as he was. Peony pressed Jade against the counter with his body and took the mug from Jade's hands and set it down.

"Peony, don't-"

Peony kissed him once on the lips to silence him and then just rested his forehead against Jade's, with his eyes closed.

"This is as much for me as it is for you, bastard," Peony said. "Besides, I know that you're trying and I know that you want Saphir back as much as I do. That's why it's easier to call him Dist. That way your hopes don't get shot to hell if he..."

"You read so much into things that you begin making up your own lines," Jade sighed.

Nephry came out of the room with tears in her eyes.

"Peony, love, you'll be next in just a moment," the kind nurse said from the doorway, with a smile. "We're just cleaning ourselves up a bit, right love?" she said over her shoulder, supposedly to Saphir.

Peony gave up his chair to Nephry with a quick hug and a kiss, then went to stand by the door. In ten minutes he was ushered inside.

"You better be kind, Jade," Nephry said, wiping tears away. Jade glanced at her curiously, wondering what had gone on in that room. "So help me Lorelei, I will never forgive you if you hurt him now."

Peony followed the stout nurse in and was able to see Saphir sitting down over her head. He had his glasses off and his eyes looked red as though he had been crying. A waste basket sat next to Saphir as well as a box of tissues. He was sitting at a small table, alone, but there was a doctor in a chair at the far corner of the room, a pen and pad of paper in his hand.

"Ignore him dear," the nurse said to Peony, "he's just here to observe, he won't bite. Please take a seat."

She offered the chair in front of Saphir, which Peony sat in. She moved to place a hand on Saphir's shoulder.

"Are you alright, love?" she asked Saphir and he nodded. She patted his shoulder once more and took a seat next to the doctor.

Peony waited tensely for Saphir to speak but, for a moment he just sat with his head bowed and his hands in his lap.

"Saphir, are you-?" Peony began but Saphir raised a hand and cut him off.

"I have something for you," Saphir began shakily, raising his head to look Peony in the eye. "I-I have a letter that I wrote...for you."

Saphir's hands came up from beneath the table with a piece of paper grasped in their shaking clutch.

"I have to read it to you. I hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all, man," Peony said with a warm smile.

"Okay...Peony, this letter is an apology for all that I have done wrong, and the reasons why, so that we may both put the past to rest and move forward."

As he read, his gaze flickered from the paper to Peony's face, his eyes already brimming and filled with fear. Peony wanted to tell Saphir that all he wanted was for them to be friends again. He didn't need the paper and words, the answers and feelings were painfully obvious in Saphir's eyes.

"I'm sorry for spurning your friendship when you tried to hold on to me. I was hurt at that time and gave little mind to what I was doing; for being selfish and hostile, I am sorry. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you and I-I'm sorry I didn't contact you for months. During that time I was back in Keterburg making poor choices," Saphir glanced at the nurse who nodded her approval, "and, well, I really should have been asking for your support, b-because despite all my hateful feelings, you kept o-offering help."

"Saphir, if you can't..." Peony started saying reaching his hand forward, but Saphir shied away.

"Peony, I have to, so..." Saphir pushed the tears sliding down his cheeks away and searched for his place in the letter. When Saphir saw the next line he had written, he squeezed his eyes shut in pain and took several deep breaths.

"Saphir, c'mon," Peony said gently, extending his hand, beckoning for him to take it. Peony looked over at the nurse and asked her, "He's allowed to hold my hand, right?"

"Of course, dear," she said with another warm smile.

Saphir eyed his hand warily. "You won't want to when I keep reading."

"Sure I will."

Saphir tentatively laid his hand in Peony's and gave him an apprehensive look but carried on.

"Peony, I was jealous of you because you had everything I didn't. When I found out you were dating Jade, I started to h-hate you," Peony squeezed Saphir's hand lightly with a reassuring smile, even though the words stung. "I w-wished, well, I wished that Jade would leave you for me. I'm sorry for being inconsiderate, for not supporting you and Jade...I was a damn idiot."

"Saphir, honey, just read what's in the letter," the nurse chimed in.

"I'm sorry I let my negative feelings get in the way," Saphir wiped at his eyes, feeling very foolish for blubbering so much. He took a great breath and held gazes best he could with Peony. "The thing I'm sorriest about, is ruining your night after the play. Not only did I bring back painful memories and cause trouble in your relationship with Jade, but I told you I hated you. T-that is not something I should have ever said to you, despite how confused and alone I was. That is the night I regret the most, even though I thought it would be my happiest. I'm sorry that I tried to – to seek happiness through your pain. I'm sorry, Peony. I – I'm sorry. I'm-"

Peony squeezed Saphir's hand tightly and smiled at him, his own eyes tearing up a bit, but he held them back for Saphir's sake. Saphir blushed, making his face even redder and stared down at his trembling hand clutching the letter. How pathetic I am...

Knowing that look and his old friend's face, Peony took Saphir's one hand in both of his and said, "That took a lot of guts. Thanks, Saphir and I'm not mad. To be honest I'm thrilled that you're willing to be friends again."

"It was hard to get over the idea of you and – and, but I feel worse away from you two," he tried to laugh, but it came out more like a cry. "You, Jade and Nephry are really the only people I have."

"I know what you mean."

"Really?" he asked a little surprised, "I see you almost every day on that soap. The nurses say it's really popular now. Don't you have thousands of fans out there?"

"Maybe and I'm thankful for that but, they're nothing compared to my friends."

Peony left the room after a few minutes of chatting and after standing and giving Saphir a long hug. He noticed how thin his friend was and how much he began trembling. Peony understood why he had become so nervous when the nurse hurried them along so they could usher in the next person. Peony turned around, to the nurse's surprise, to see Saphir standing terrified next to his chair with a sick expression on his face. Peony walked back over and embraced him again.

"Saphir, you've gotta learn to ignore Jade. That's why he picks on you so much, because you react so badly," Peony whispered in his ear. Saphir just trembled and whimpered. "You're made of tough stuff. Remember when you fell off my bedroom balcony? Three floors and not a bone broken."

"O -okay," he finally said so Peony let him go.

Jade was slightly annoyed when Peony exited the room and shared a knowing, sad smile with his sister. Jade walked past Peony to where the nurse stood, beckoning him into the room. Peony stopped Jade with the lightest touch to his elbow.

He mumbled quietly so that only Jade could hear, "I told you so."

Jade's face remained stoic, not giving in to Peony's immaturity. He continued into the room and took the seat offered to him. The nurse had helped Saphir back into his chair when he seemed immobile, and now he sat with the next letter, quivering like a tormented animal. Jade sat calmly and still, only moving slightly when he breathed or blinked.

I have to do this. I want to do this. I have to do this. It's simple, just open your mouth and read the words. But they actually mean something to me! I'm sorry! To anyone that can hear me, I'm sorry! Please don't make me do this! Please! Dist is gone, I'll never ever resort to that false confidence again. I'm changed and I'm sorry! Just not this...it won't even mean anything to him. Please...I've felt enough pain and retribution. Even I don't deserve this, do I? Not Jade, not Jade, not Jade...

The nurse was at his side, rubbing his shoulder and asking if he needed a break. Saphir took a peek at Jade and saw him just sitting there with cold eyes.He told her no, that he would carry on and she went away. I know I'll only be stalling and Jade will still be there when I come back.

"J-Jade...I have a letter for you," Saphir began, his face so close to the paper."I have to read it, so..."

"Very well," Jade said.

"Jade, this letter is to apologize f-for the things I've done wrong, t-the things I did that I believe hurt you," Saphir closed his eyes tight in an attempt to keep his tears from falling. When he stole a glance at Jade, he realized Jade looked uncomfortable too, but he kept his eyes on Saphir. Immediately Saphir's eyes jumped back to the paper where words like 'sorry' and 'forgive' read more like 'pathetic' and 'mercy'. "It's also to explain why I...I want to first apol-apologize for not being a very good friend. I'd get angry or u-upset when we would play as kids and later when we'd visit as adults. I w-was too sensitive and I...I got angry too easily, which lead me to h-here. It's not your fault and I'm sorry for blaming you."

Saphir watched Jade blink at this but show no other sign of acknowledgement. In his mind though, Jade was quite shocked. These weren't words from Dist, or the Saphir he knew. The Saphir he knew didn't stand, well, attempt to stand on his own two feet, he never had the confidence. What really hit Jade, was the fact that Saphir was apologizing for reacting angrily after Jade had taunted him. My my, I've never apologized for that, have I? He thought back to the time at Curtiss Manor where Saphir had kissed him. What courage that must have taken. And what a bruise I must have left with my actions. Who's really the fool here, Saphir?

"I also want to apologize for the way I treated you. I lashed out b-because I felt betrayed by you, but really, I was betraying myself and you. I betrayed you. I'm sorry, J-Jade for that," Saphir closed his eyes tight and lowered the letter. He knew the next part painfully well. He'd read it over and over trying to imagine ever being able to say those words without crying. He was already this far so he put the paper down, and tried to hold Jade's gaze as best he could. "I'm sorry for trying t-to force my...my feelings on you w-when I knew they were unwanted. I'm sorry for trying to use them to...to change you and f-force you to do as I w-wanted. I was irrational and...I never really hated you...I...I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I can't – I-"

Saphir buried his face in his hands to hide his running nose more than anything else. He tried not to make a sound while he sobbed, but he knew his shoulders were shaking horribly. Jade was very uncomfortable. This was Peony's area of expertise; doctor he may be, but this was beyond organs and blood. There was no magical operation that could remove this painful awkwardness. The nurse stood so Jade followed suit.

"Thank you for listening, dear," the nurse said standing by the door. "You may go, but if you have anything to say to Saphir you may now."

Jade stared at Saphir hunched over and snivelling on the desk. Jade couldn't lie to himself; he felt repulsed, by Saphir, by that letter, by the feelings conceived in this room and he even felt repulsion for himself. Why is that? Why do I always feel repulsion for emotions? I ought to be more like Saphir, he thought while watching his friend dissolve on the table, he's attempting to overcome his fears and here I am, three years into my first long-term relationship at the age of 27 and I've never told Peony I love him. Well there are no eyes here to witness this so, perhaps I can begin to change too...

Jade walked around the table to Saphir's side. He drew a tissue from the box and tapped Saphir's shoulder. Saphir raised his head and without a word, Jade offered the tissue to him. Saphir was stunned and couldn't move. Maybe it's a trick or I've really gone off the deep end this time.

"You're a mess, take it," Jade instructed and dropped the tissue on Saphir's hand. "You're thin too. Start taking proper care of yourself, because Peony and Nephry are too busy to."

"A-and you?"

Jade just sighed and headed out the door with his hands shoved into his pockets.

Luke and Guy stood outside the house Natalia and Tear owned on the outskirts of the university. It was due to Natalia's well-off family that just her and Tear could afford the house all by themselves. And the big screen TV, they both thought as they walked into the living room, after being told to come in. Luke and Guy rounded the sofa on which Anise, Natalia, Tear and Jade sat, to see what they were watching. Their faces became sickened when they recognized the show.

"Soap operas on at night? I thought they only had them on during the afternoon so guys didn't have to suffer through them after work," Luke said.

"Well that was a chauvinistic remark!" Natalia snapped. "I'll have you know I just spent six hours volunteering at the homeless shelter and another six hours working. I missed the show so I paid extra to be able to view it when I have the time."

"That's all fine and everything, but what's Jade doing here?" Guy asked.

"Don't be silly, Jade works through the day so he misses it," Natalia answered as though Guy had two heads.

"No, why does he want to-"

"Shut up!" Anise hissed and then squealed, hugging Jade and Tear close with excitement. "Skye's about to propose to Samuel!"

All eyes turned to the large screen.

"Hey, that's-!" Luke began but three pairs of angry female eyes glued his mouth shut.

Everyone was silent until the theme song and credits came on five minutes later. All the girls sighed and Jade just sat quietly between them.

"They always leave it at a cliff-hanger, it's infuriating," Natalia said standing up to grab her coat and shoes.

"It's a simple way to attract and keep viewers," Jade said detaching himself from Anise to stand as well.

"Well I'm attracted just by seeing Skye and Sam action," Anise chimed in, "Although I think Skye and Taylor would make a better couple."

"I think all the couples are cute," Tear said.

"And what about you, Jade?" Luke snickered along with Guy. "Who's your favourite?"

Jade sighed but didn't have to reply as Natalia, Tear and Anise jumped to his defence.

"Luke, you shouldn't judge other people's preferences when you have such poor taste yourself," Tear said glaring at him.

"Yeah! Like the time at the pool you wore that towel on your head! You looked ridiculous," Anise said standing on the couch with her hands on her hips. "You're just jealous that Jade gets to spend more time with us lovely ladies than you do."

"I agree with both Anise and Tear. It's a mark of a true gentleman to be able to view and comprehend the struggles of the heart. Jealousy detracts from that image, you know," Natalia said, her glare fixed on Luke. "Shame on you. Come on Jade, you can ride in my car to the bar."

The three girls walked out of the room to retrieve their shoes, with Jade following close behind, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh dear, you seem to have incited their anger," Jade said standing in the doorway.

"You bastard! You probably only watch that show because Peony's blackmailing you to or so you can make fun of Peony," Luke said peeved.

Jade just shrugged. "Oh my Guy, that smile could set a world record."

"Hey better Luke than me."

"I heard Peony's staring in a movie," Saphir said as he walked with Jade around the gardens at the hospital.

"Yes, it's based off the play he wrote, oh four years ago?" Jade replied.

Saphir lowered his eyes and his face became downtrodden. I remember that play...he thought. Jade caught the dismal look on Saphir's pale face and tched.

"Well, I understand if you don't want to go to the premier, but you'll have to explain that one to His Majesty," Jade said.

Saphir's eyes went wide and his tongue tripped when he tried to speak. "I can't go, I, well, I'm here. I can't just leave."

"Why not? It's not like you're doing anything of great importance here. And correct me if I'm wrong but, don't the lovely nurses and doctors keep trying to discharge you?"

"Well, yes..." Saphir struggled to explain why he couldn't leave but he didn't know how to explain it, especially to Jade. Sure Jade had been a little kinder these past couple months, but how far would that understanding go? Again Jade caught the worry and struggle going on in his friend.

"Why don't we take a seat so you can explain things? It sounds like you've been keeping secrets."

Jade lead Saphir to a bench beneath a shady tree and sat with his attention focused solely on Saphir. For a moment Saphir would only look at his hands and not say a word.

"I've never been one to have great amounts of patience, Saphir," Jade warned.

"Fine, but just don't get angry," he gave Jade what he hoped was a serious look, but Jade just shrugged. Saphir continued nervously, "I just don't know what I'd do if I left here."

Jade sighed, "Saphir..."

"You don't understand!" he whined but checked himself. "You don't understand. When you left with Peony all those years ago I felt lost. That's partly why I chose then to tell you – well you know. I didn't know what I'd do if you left because I'd always planned my life around you. We made an amazing team in school, so why not in the work place? But you left and when Dist," Saphir scrunched up his face, "I mean when I pursued fomicry again that's how I thought I'd spend the rest of my working life. But what do I do now? I'm not as stupid and obsessed as I was before. Where is my life going?"

"Saphir, you have plenty of options. You graduated from the Keterburg University with top marks," Jade said reasonably, glad that Saphir's problem could be solved with logic and wasn't all that emotional. "You could go back for another couple years and get your PhD, or become an engineer."

"I know, I thought about all that, but there are other things..."

Jade tensed and said cautiously, "Other things?"

"Well, I was in one of the lounge rooms a day ago and just started flipping through one of those gossip magazines that someone had left behind, and I found an article on Peony," Saphir sighed, "He looked great and excited about his new movie. There was a blurb about how he's become quite popular with the ladies, but he's never had one on his arm, how he's constantly single..."

"If you're wondering if that's true I will tell you right now it is very untrue," Jade said tersely.

"I-I know that! But it got me thinking about how I – what I – never mind. This is something I should be talking with Nephry or Peony about," Saphir slumped against the bench, blushing and looking anywhere but at Jade.

A thought popped into his mind that had occurred to him days before, but Jade hadn't been around to ask then. He turned to Jade who had lost interest in him and was watching a squirrel climb the branches above. "Jade..."

"My my, two awkward, emotional conversations in one day? Fantastic."

"You don't know that! Fine, sulk if you want to and don't answer, but...do you get jealous when you see Peony kissing someone else on screen or on the stage?"

Jade's attention immediately dropped from the squirrel back to Saphir, his eyes cold.

"What a ridiculous question."

"N-no it's not! It's completely valid."

"Not if you know me. First of all I'm not one to let petty emotions cloud my judgement and second of all I know it's Peony's job to act, not enact an adaptation of his actual life," Jade said frostily, "Peony doesn't get jealous when I examine other people at my job, so why would I-"

"Fine, forget I asked!" Saphir said looking away, his face red with embarrassment and anger. "I'd get jealous if I saw my boyfriend proposing to someone else, even if it was just acting, cold-hearted..."

"You've been talking with Peony behind my back, haven't you?"

Saphir remained stubbornly quiet but, his darting eyes and squirming gave him away.

"He asked you to ask me this, didn't he?"

Again Saphir didn't answer.

"Did he ask you to ask me anything else?" Jade asked with a suspicious edge to his voice.

"No, he did not! He didn't ask me to ask anything at all!" Saphir snapped. Lorelei, don't let him know what Peony wanted me to check out...

Jade allowed for the conversation to be dropped, but made a mental note to have a chat with Peony the next time he saw him.

"Wow...everyone looks so elegant," Tear said, looking around as everyone filed into the theatre.

"Yeah, can you imagine getting this dressed up just to see a movie? It'd be nice to be this loaded..." Anise said with a sigh.

"Cheer up Anise, Peony bought us all wonderful outfits," Natalia said with a puzzled frown. "You don't have to worry about looking outclassed."

"You can be really dense sometimes, Natalia," Luke said.

Anise shushed everyone and pointed frantically at the screen. "It's starting! Shut your trap."

"Where's Peony?" Saphir whispered across Nephry to Jade. Nephry turned her head to look questioningly at her brother.

Jade just shrugged and that was the end of their conversation for the rest of the movie. He wasn't really sure and wasn't particularly bothered by this either. He thought back to three months ago when Peony had visited him earlier than expected.

"Did you not want me home?" Peony asked, sitting on the edge of their bed next to a prone Jade.

"Your method of reasoning astounds me, Your Majesty," Jade wheezed. There had been an outbreak of a rather nasty stream of flu at the hospital he worked at and after evading the bug for a month, Jade had finally caught it.

"You just didn't sound pleased to see me. Is it the fever?" Peony asked putting a hand to Jade's forehead, a grin on his face.

"Peony, I really don't feel like lecturing you for wasting your time, at the moment," Jade paused to cough and shoed Peony's hand away so he could massage his own pounding temples. "By the way, who told you I was sick?"

"Oh you're going to have a long list of people to torment if I tell you," he said, brushing Jade's hands away to take over their job. "Does that feel better? Man you eyes and nose are runny, I thought you were Saphir for a moment there."

Jade just lay quietly, honestly too tired to argue or exchange witticisms. If Peony wanted to come visit a week earlier than planned and Jade was too sick to entertain him, then fine. That's how it would be, and Jade would berate him in the morning for it. Actually, if Peony was going to be sitting there any longer he'd receive a different form of punishment that Jade had very little control over. Jade threw the covers aside to Peony's surprise and walked out of the room and down the hall.

"What the- oh..." Peony said and chuckled a little. He went to the bathroom door and asked, "Are you throwing up, Jade?"

"Now is not the best time, Your Majesty," Jade said from beyond the door.

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry man," Peony said and tried to open the door, but Jade had locked it. "I said I'm sorry."

"Yes...congratulations after almost thirty years you've learned you manners."

"So open the door."

Jade laughed weakly from the other side. "That wouldn't be polite."

"What's not polite is I flew for fifteen hours to visit you and you lock me out. That's not polite," Peony tried jiggling the doorknob but, to no avail.

"I've locked you out of my bathroom, Peony, not the apartment."

"Our bathroom, it's still our bathroom."

Jade tried to retch as quietly as possible, really wishing Peony had the common sense to just walk away. Jade flushed the toilet, but didn't leave the bathroom yet, his stomach was still rolling and he was sure he'd lost all trace of colour in his face. He didn't like being this sick, well no one really does, but it affected his pride quite a bit. Headaches were especially annoying to him, but vomiting was just disgraceful, so why would he let Peony watch him do it? Jade could hear Peony laughing from the other side of the door.

"Everybody pukes, Jade!"

Jade decided to remain silent, even if he agreed with the statement. If he had known what this situation would bring up, he might have opened the door but, as smart as Jade was, psychic he was not.

"Open the door. Please? You need someone to hold your hair."

"I do not."

"C'mon. I flew here early so that I could help you, not sit on my ass outside the door with my fingers in my ears and yelling 'did it all come out in the end?' That's not why I came home, and I'm not that weak stomached."

Jade was leaning over the toilet again, infuriated with how disgusting this whole scene was. When he was young, he'd lock himself in his bathroom and after the first couple times his adoptive parents learned there was no point in knocking. If he died choking on his own vomit, he didn't want to know about it, or anyone else. He flushed the toilet again and listened for a sound beyond the door. Peony was quiet, except for a sigh and a light thunk. Jade assumed Peony had slid down the door and plopped himself there. Likewise, Jade leaned back against the wall, wiped his mouth with a tissue and closed his eyes.

"Jade...this is stupid. I only get to see you when you're healthy?"

"That was a stupid question. You've seen me when I've been sick, sicker than this. Remember my stress migraine? You coddled me then."

"Against your will. You had the door closed and told me nothing was wrong."

"That should have given you a good clue as to what I think of help."

Peony laughed at the irony. "This coming from a doctor?"

"I am still considering coroner."

Peony put his tired face in his hands and let his head fall back to hit the door with a thump.

"Probably shouldn't say this..." he murmured to himself. "Aw fuck it."


Jade still had his eyes closed and was drifting off a bit.

"What, Your Majesty?"

"...In sickness and in health."

Jade's eyes flared open and he stared intensely at the door, hoping Peony could feel the force of his glare through the wood.

He hadn't taken much of the movie in, too busy thinking about recent events, and question after question form unending fountains. He didn't want to been seen with Peony right now or, if he had his way, ever. There was a bombardment of flashes to their posse's right and Anise began to wander over to see if she could spot any big name stars. Natalia tapped Anise's shoulder and they regrouped by a black limo.

"Friend's of Peony Malkuth?" the driver asked from beside the limo.

"Jade Curtiss and Nephry Osborne," Jade said, pulling his sister forward.

The driver nodded and she opened the door for them. The other's said their names as well and were ushered into the limo.

"Hi, everyone! I'm Noelle and I'll be your driver for tonight," the driver said hopping into the front. "I'm usually Peony's driver, but he's entrusted me with your transport for the evening. So...did you want to wait for him at his hotel suite or sightsee?"

"Are we staying at the hotel too?" Tear asked.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Wait, wait, wait! Do we get to use the facilities that Peony does?" Anise asked.

"I believe so," Noelle said with a smile.

"Then take me to the hotel!" Anise said enthusiastically, throwing her fists in the air. Noir rolled her eyes.

Jade made sure his sister and Saphir were accustomed in their separate rooms. He met Tear, Guy and Natalia wandering the halls of the luxurious hotel. They informed him that Anise, Florian and Luke had headed straight for the pool and they were about to join them. They said Jade was more than welcome to come, but he declined politely and went to wait in his room. It was nearing midnight by the time Peony knocked on his door. Jade opened the door and Peony strode in with a huge beam on his face. Jade closed the door and stood with his arms crossed, staring intensely at Peony.

"What?" Peony asked, throwing off his jacket and tie and unbuttoning his cuffs and shirt.

"You know how I feel about this," Jade said placidly, walking over to sit on the loveseat.

Peony smiled sadly and fidgeted with his shirt sleeves. "I'm sorry."

"Nonsense, don't be, Your Majesty."

Peony shot Jade a dry look and said with no enthusiasm, "After all these years, you still call me that?"

"It seems to fit you even more now," Jade said looking around the suite. It reminded him of Curtiss Manor, only with warmer colours and better company.

"To be honest, I hate this suite, this hotel, and this city, but right now it's home. Well, if you're here it's home," Peony sat on the arm of the loveseat, looking down at Jade. He was still wearing the pants and dress shirt Peony had picked out for him. Peony thought Jade looked quite good like that, with the top button undone, his glasses off and eyes staring out the window taking in the new cityscape of Batical. Jade turned to catch Peony staring unashamedly at him.

"Close the blinds," Jade said lightly, his eyes flickering to the windows and back. Peony stood with a sigh and pressed a button on the wall that lowered the blinds. He toggled another switch and the sconces above the couch came on to light the surrounding area with an ember like glow.

"I didn't think you'd act this paranoid," Peony said coming to rest on the arm of the couch again.

"I really don't want my personal life splattered all over the cover of some teenage magazine. Could you imagine if Anise was privileged more information about our private lives than she is now?"

"Fair enough, but to the point of not being seen with me, ever?" Peony asked amusement the only thing present in his eyes. He shook his head and chuckled out, "That's just not possible, my friend."

"Yes, I realize that," Jade sighed, "and just when my life was starting to set into a steady pace."

Peony's amusement vanished to be replaced by stunned excitement. "You've actually thought about it?"

"You asked me to consider it outside the bathroom door. I had very little I wanted to think about in there."

Peony slid off the arm and into the seat of the couch. He didn't move to hold or touch Jade, he gave him his space to think or be cold-hearted, whatever. Peony had worried that Jade might go into hibernation mode again to 'deliberate', but at the time Jade had been too sick to control his own body, let alone what distance Peony decided to put between them. Peony couldn't stay for more than a week anyway, but from the letters he received from his friends, Jade had been normal.


I asked Jade a couple questions when he visited me, but I think he may have caught on. The last thing he said to me, well actually, he laughed in my face and told me I wasn't very subtle...

Dear Peony,

I talked with my brother last night, and he seems well. He did sound a little agitated, but that may just be because he had company over. Although I think it had more to do with said company eavesdropping on our conversation than my interruption. They may have overheard something that Jade would prefer to keep quiet...

Awww Peony!

It's sooo romantic! Have you asked Jade to marry you yet? If not then you better let me see the proposal. If you don't, I may just let this information slip. Also, you have to let me help with the wedding planning. Gotta make sure I end up at a table loaded with rich, handsome guys...

Dear Peony,

I'm sorry to have found out through illicit means about your proposition to Jade. Anise grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall to listen in; she said it was a life or death situation. I apologized to Jade the next day, and took Anise along with me too, which may have not been the best idea in hindsight...I will admit that the situation is kind of cute...

Dear Peony,

Anise told me about your engagement to Jade. I think it's so sweet to make that promise to a childhood friend. I asked Jade about the circumstances of your proposal and he said it took place in a bathroom. How crass! I sincerely hope that was just one of Jade's ridiculous jokes...

Hey Peony!

What the hell are the girls talking about? I ask them directly about whatever they're laughing at and they just giggle more. I get that it has something to do with Jade, but he's not saying anything! This is such a pain! Something about Jade being merry? Like hell! That bastard's as cold as ever!...

Hey Peony,

I'm not one to pry, but I wanted to check with you first before I talk to Jade (I thought that would be safest). The girls seem to be hanging around him more than ever and the rumours I hear are quite unlike the image I have of Jade. For example, I think Anise is wrong picturing Jade in any sort of dress. So are the rumours true? If so, then I'll find an excuse to get the girls away from Jade for a bit. I know how stubborn he can be about these types of things, and the girl's hovering probably makes him think even less of marriage. I've got your back buddy...

Peony couldn't help smiling at the thought of those letters, earning a wary look from Jade.

"What is so amusing, Your Highness?"

"We have a great group of friends, just so you know. Natalia's right though." Peony said and Jade looked at him incomprehensively. "The way I brought up the subject was kind of..."

"Tactless, crude, insensitive, disgusting."

"And you'd still use those words to describe my proposal if I'd lit thousands of candles and showered you with loving words."

"Of course," Jade said with a smirk, but his eyes became serious. "That is not what I dream of, Peony, in fact I never even considered a simple relationship before, let alone attachment."

"Then we don't have to get married."

Jade sighed and put a hand to his forehead, but before he could speak Peony rested his hand on his shoulder. "I'm serious. If you don't want to we don't have to. It's kind of silly, if I have to be logical, it's a waste of time and money."

Jade felt guilt weigh heavily in his stomach like he had when Saphir had read his apology letter a couple years ago. Those are my words, Peony. How is that at all fair to you? What makes you do that, give things up because I don't like them? Is it easy for you? It wouldn't be easy for me, in fact I know it isn't. How many years and I've never said those words to you? My my, and I said I would change...

Peony was looking away from Jade, just gazing thoughtfully about the room. Jade surveyed Peony's face, looking for any sign of discontentment or sadness, and he thought, perhaps, Peony's eyes looked a little depressed and his body deflated. I feel compelled to do as he wishes, Jade thought, I want to see him happy but...how do we balance these different ideals? Will our life together always be a push and pull situation? My my, I think I've been enlightened. Doesn't the world work because of opposing forces? Yes, it leads to conflict, and we are no different in that area, but we have far more moments of love than hate. There's that word...its full meaning still eludes me, yet Peony seems to understand it perfectly. Or maybe he doesn't. Maybe he's not as concerned about every little detail, or finding the path of least resistance, or even being able to control things when they get out of hand. Perhaps that's why he enjoys my company, because I have those traits at my disposal, but I don't believe that's the extent of it. This thought process hardly get me anywhere with Peony. I still don't have one solid answer, just a hundred likely guesses. Perhaps I should, every once in a while, give up some of my ground as he does. It's painful and annoying, but...I think it's necessary now that we've come this far.

"Peony, I've been thinking..."

"What else is new?" Peony yawned, unaware of the subtle change in Jade's mindset. He glanced over at Jade, but continued his staring as he said solemnly, "Really, Jade, don't think on it."

"Then I won't, but I feel as though I should say this, and forgive me if it's brief or sounds insincere," Jade paused and tried to just empty his mind. Peony glanced at him, but when he didn't say anything immediately, Peony began to look away again. "Peony, I love you."

Much like how Jade's head had turned to glare at the bathroom door, Peony's whipped around with shocked eyes to look at him. Jade just shrugged, as though it hadn't taken years of calculation and failed attempts to say.

"Jade...you...you said..."

"It's rude to point."

Though he honestly didn't care; Peony's reaction was amusing, so Jade allowed a smirk to play on his lips. Jade didn't say anything else, or give any indication as to what he had said was anything to gawk about. He waited for Peony to make the next move because one: after such a display he didn't feel like making another and two: on the inside he was slightly unsure, not that he'd ever admit or show it, of course. However, Peony was openly unsure; he didn't know if this meant Jade wanted to get married or if he was saying this to appease Peony or if the bastard just wanted to screw with his mind. Doesn't seem like any of the above, he thought just watching Jade smirk, it doesn't seem like there's any hidden motive. Hell, what do I do now?

"Jade, thank you and we don't have to get married. It was just something I said to get you to unlock the door."

"Peony, I didn't say-"

"I know, I know and that's just it; I know you and I know that isn't what you want. You didn't even want me in the beginning, so I'm lucky you're with me now."

Jade feigned a hurt face and said with false sorrow, "Oh, I feel like such a heartless monster at the choice of your words."

"Hey," Peony said gently and laid a hand on Jade's leg, "I'm happy right now, and yeah, maybe I would like to get married, but we can talk about this later."

"Later when, Your Majesty? We're thirty years old and with full-fledged careers. With our working lives settled, I'm surprised you haven't been pestering me about this."

"'Cause I knew you'd be smart about this, you're not one to cry over a ring and run off into the sunset with me. You'd want to know where we'd live, if you'd have to find a new place to work, how often I'd be away and if it were possible for you to come with me," Peony smiled at Jade's smirk and kissed his cheek, "See? I know you."

Jade held Peony's gaze levelly and said, "How quaint, but aren't you curious?"

"About what?"

"I think that should be obvious."

"About...what your answer would be?"

Jade stared at Peony, impassive except for that smirk. Peony grinned and lowered his head so that his long blonde hair covered his face as he laughed silently. "Fine, let's play...

"Putting all questions aside and pretending that our jobs don't interfere, and that you wouldn't rather be seen dead than ogled by Anise and the other ladies at the wedding, Jade," Peony shifted so he was facing Jade head on, "would you marry me?"

"That was quite the speech."

"You aren't even going to answer me?" Peony's grin grew even bigger. Bastard, I should have seen that coming.

Jade stood up and Peony stretched out on the empty couch, his hand put to his head. Jade you ass, I'll get you back eventually. I can't believe you'd pick this moment to get the better of me. Well played. He wasn't upset, it was an odd emotion, a reminiscent one. It reminded him of times in their childhood when Jade would say one thing but do another, just to annoy those around him. It frustrated Saphir to no end and at first Peony fell for the tricks. But then Peony ignored what Jade said and started filling in the sarcasm with his own lines. That pissed Jade off, but also earned Peony the right to be respected by Jade.

"I see no point in answering a hypothetical question, but I'd answer an actual one. I believe one was asked outside my – forgive me our bathroom door. I answered it about ten minutes ago while you were staring into space."

Peony took a moment to think about what Jade meant. "You can't just give me a yes or no?"

"That wouldn't be any fun, now would it?"

Peony surveyed Jade again with thoughtful eyes, all the while Jade stood with his hands tucked in his pockets, and a cunning gleam in his eyes. A grin began in one corner of Peony's lips and spread like wild fire to the other side. Jade's expression became amused and expectant.

"Guess this is where I take your confession as a yes, and you tell me I'm a fool for thinking you're so soft-hearted?" Peony asked.

Jade turned away and walked to the door.

"I believe it is time for you to leave, Peony. How suspicious it would seem to the media that you spent the greater part of the night with me. You have other friends to visit."

"Alright, I know when I'm not wanted," Peony pushed himself up with a sigh. "But, just so you know, it's impossible to keep this a secret. Even you couldn't keep it a secret. How could you be so careless as to let Anise eavesdrop? You're a horrible babysitter."

"Oh, I don't know. It's not like the children are starving, and I don't beat them senseless. There's no point when none of them have much sense to begin with."

"Fair enough. Have a goodnight," Peony pecked Jade and made to leave, but Jade held him back. "Or we can both have a goodnight."

"Button your shirt up before you leave, Your Majesty."

There weren't any flowers because Jade didn't particularly want any and also, because the frosty air of Keterburg would have killed them in an instant. Had the wedding been inside, Peony might have included a floral arrangement or two, but Jade's one request was to hold the ceremony outside. Peony felt bad for their friends (with the exception of Nephry and Saphir) who assumed that Keterburg in summer was warm and green. Excitement was more than enough to keep Peony warm and Jade had some magic trick to keeping the perfect temperature wherever he went. It was hard to tell whether their friends were crying out of joy or pain.

Jade was able to see one person in pain, if only during a moment of weakness on their part. Curiosity had turned Jade's head in Saphir's direction as the end of the ceremony came about. No one else was likely to see due to the climate's cool distraction or Jade's subtle glance. Saphir had turned his face to look down at his hands and his lips became taut. His shoulders shook as though he were chuckling or sobbing without a sound. When he looked up his eyes were red and his nose was wet. Jade was well aware that people cried at weddings all the time, but not for Saphir's reasons and not like this. When Saphir realized he had an audience of one, he quickly fixed a flickering smile on his lips and nodded his head in encouragement. Jade smirked as he usually did and lightly tapped his own nose. Saphir blushed and began searching, blindly, for his handkerchief. Nephry passed Saphir hers with a kind smile and tears in her own eyes. Jade turned back to Peony.

The kiss was unique because Jade initiated it and because it was very public. Peony was surprised by Jade's sudden tenacity and couldn't help smiling when he felt Jade's lips break into a smirk. Despite the cold, Anise bounced out of her seat and cheered while the others applauded and chuckled a little nervously. No one was really quite sure what was going through Jade's head at the moment, or how he would respond to the people who clapped at his wedding. When Peony allowed Jade to break the kiss, Jade stared hard at the audience. Some of the clapping faltered, but as Peony beamed and waved at them, they began their applauding anew with heartier laughs. Jade sighed and uttered a 'my my'.

"They are very ridiculous, Your Highness."

"Really? The girls think they're adorable."

Jade looked down at the blob of a creature snuffling and squeaking in its cage. Others like it ran about the different levels of the extensive, maze of a cage. This is what he spends his wealth on, Jade thought with a canny grin.

"I will not be taking care of them while you're away, Peony," Jade said as Peony opened the cage to select one of his pets. "Let Saphir take care of them. He knows all about small, squealing things."

Peony held the little, white blob of fur out to Jade. Jade gave the animal one glance and didn't take his hands out of his pockets to hold it.

"They aren't things, they're my cute, little guinea pigs. Just hold one," Peony offered the pet to Jade again and practically dumped it in his pocket. Jade held the thing in his cupped hands. "Cute, right?"

"I believe I preformed vivisections on something like this," Jade said.

"Poor, little Saphir. That was rude to say," Peony said and took the guinea pig back from Jade.

"You named that one Saphir? I enjoy that."

"Yeah, he's adorable, right?"

"No, just the way he squeals is reminiscent of our old friend," Jade watched Peony put Saphir back in the cage. The creature skittered around making gentle oinking noises and snuffling.

Peony straightened up and surveyed Jade with a long, sorrowful look. Jade stared back indifferently.

"I miss you when I'm away," Peony said.

"I realize that. You miss me about 400 gald's worth."


"That was how much the phone bill cost last time you were away."

"Bet I can get it up to 1000 gald."

"Your Majesty, though you are an extremely sought after actor, you still should show self-control. You're setting a bad example for Anise," Jade said this with a smirk and Peony grinned along with him. They both knew that Anise fully enjoyed stardom and set her own rules regardless of what Peony did.

Peony pulled Jade into a hug and didn't say a word. Over the past four years, quite a bit had changed. Peony was incredibly famous and had starred in quite a few movies as well as won a couple awards. Meanwhile, Jade had become one of the highest paid doctors in Grand Chokmah before quitting and starting anew as a coroner. Peony still travelled, though for not as long and every once in a while, Jade accompanied him. There had been instances where the media had gotten in the way due to Peony's increasing popularity. However, the paparazzi gave Jade a wider birth than Peony after Jade gave a biting interview to a very unlucky reporter. At the end of the interview the reporter had no more information about Peony's marriage than when he started, and had effectively wasted two hours wading through sarcasm as thick as mud.

"Your driver is waiting," Jade said pointedly. Peony responded by holding Jade tighter and taking a deep breath.

"You can't come this time?"

"Peony, I have-"

"Work, I know," Peony pulled away so he could see Jade's face. Peony could recall memories from decades ago and they'd appear like photos in excellent condition. Maybe the memory wasn't exact, like maybe there weren't clouds in the sky or maybe not everyone was smiling like he remembered, but he knew how he felt and what the memory meant then. So as he looked at Jade, vivid memories of years they spent together as friends and lovers, drew a wistful look into Peony's bright, blue eyes. He recalled when Jade was young and they weren't friends yet, the day they became friends and how Jade's lips had curled at the corners. He remembered the fires they sat near and how the glow of the flames added a rosy tint to Jade's pale face and how dark Jade's eyes seemed when he became furious. He could see Jade's face paler with sickness and the light purple bags under his eyes when stress gnawed at his brain. There were so many expressions of Jade but most people only saw his one, and it meant very little to them; his indifferent face. The face Jade was now giving Peony.

"I know," Peony said again and gently kissed Jade.

Jade indulged himself in the kiss, allowing it to last for more than a few seconds. Peony would be gone for a week and for that week there would be no one to draw out kisses with. Jade remembered perfectly how life had been before he had friends; solitary, but not lonely, and for all the intelligence he had and would ever have, he had no knowledge when it came to caring. Jade cared about Nephry, but he thought he only did because of some instinctual blood relation. Then when Saphir came along Jade thought the 'care' he felt was for the other boy's intellect. Then along came Peony who Jade couldn't say he cared about because of kinship and definitely not intellect. Without either of his friends, Jade would have remained in his solitary microcosm. Privately, though undoubtedly Peony knew, Jade could admit that he enjoyed having Peony's romance. It was a vibrant splash in his uniform world. The subtle things now, like feeling the bed sag when Peony shifted or entering their home to see shoes and coats lying on the floor, those were things that Jade was acclimatized to.

Jade pushed Peony away and opened the door. The convenient thing about their new residence was that Peony didn't have to lug his suitcase down two flights of stairs anymore. Peony took his bag out to Noelle and when he returned Jade glanced pointedly at the guinea pigs.

"Come on, man, they aren't that hard to take care of. You don't even have to love and cuddle them like I do."

"Perhaps not, but I will have to smell them."

"Trust me, I'd love to take them with me, and I planned to, but I don't have a smaller cage. C'mon, you can play nanny for a week."

Peony held Jade's hand and looked at him with concern as he said seriously, "I love these little guys almost as much as I love you. What will I do if my poor little Saphir doesn't get the cuddles he deserves, what will I do if Luke doesn't get tucked in at night-"

"Your Majesty, I don't-"

"What will I do if my cute, little Jade is left all alone?"

"Between you're obsessive calling and the random visits of our friends, I can hardly say I'm alone."

"I meant the small, furry and awesomely cute Jade."

Peony looked pointedly at the cage and Jade followed his gaze.

"Peony, I suggest you leave them with Guy, unless you've named one after him."


"Because in my old age, I feel I've forgotten some of the procedures I learned during university, pertaining to vivisection-"

"Fine, I'll drop them off at Guy's. Happy?"

"I'm always cheerful."

Jade smirked and Peony grinned at him. Jade watched the sadness creep into Peony's eyes. Jade sighed and shook his head.

"Would you like me to accompany you to the car?"

"Yeah," Peony said with a smile and grabbed Jade's hand.

For someone as wealthy and famous as Peony, the house he lived in had none of the expected grandeur. Years ago, Peony and Jade had debated on where they would live; Keterburg or Grand Chokmah? Condo or house? City or country? They decided on Grand Chokmah because Jade didn't particularly want to live close to his parents. They then narrowed down all of Grand Chokmah to just the oldest district, which had no apartment buildings, but several older houses. It didn't take long for them to find a two story house in a quiet and secluded part of town.

At the curb was Noelle in a sleek black car, waiting patiently. Peony waved his gratitude to her and she gave him the thumbs up, then looked away to give them privacy.

"When we first said goodbye, you acted as though you didn't give a damn," Peony said.


"And you still act that way, bastard," Peony held Jade close again and felt Jade lightly and fleetingly, twine his arms around his back. "Bye, Jade. I love you, man."

"My sentiments exactly."

Author's Note: Thank you for reading! Review so I know what worked and what didn't work. As long as you're honest, I don't care if the it's a thumbs down or thumbs up.