:) I'm really happy! Thank you for all u r comment's (or what ever you call it) I'm really glad that someone read's this story and want's me to continue with it^_^ well I'll give you ALLLLL an invisible cookie :3 sorry I haven't been uploading in so long…blame the school not me I don't give my self home work that has no end… _

Every body just stared at her Sakura's hands begin to sweat. "U-um." Sakura blushed so hard of embarrassment. "Man that dude has pink hair is he gay?" Sakura could hear whispers around the whole classroom. Sakura begin to be a liiiittle annoyed. "I think he's some kind of cross dresser, ne?" Sakura's anger was beginning to leak out of her ears.

Sakura walked to the boy who said that she was a 'cross dresser' Sakura's bangs covered her eye's so she would me more scary well…she didn't do it on purpose…"What ya just saying, eh?" Sakura was now in front of the dude who called her a cross dresser. "Do I look like a freaking cross dresser? Well If you do look in a mirror your self." The teacher quickly patted Sakura's shoulder. "Now, now go sit in your seat." Sakura walked to her seat. 'Stupid school, stupid teacher, stupid BOY'S.' Sakura angrily thought as the class started.

When the class had ended Sakura stood up from her seat and walked out of the classroom as fast as she could. "S-sakurai w-wait." Kiku panted as he tried to get his breath back to his lungs. "Kiku?" Kiku looked at Sakura and grinned. "Why did you leave class so fast I thought we would go together to the next class?" Sakura blushed and looked the other way. "S-sorry." Kiku just grinned and got a hold around Sakura's arm and dragged her to the next class.

Now it was Sakura's turn to try to get her breath back, Kiku ran faster than a horse! Kiku slapped Sakura's back. "Don't die we have just be friend's for around 1 hour." Sakura sighed. 'I never agreed to be his friend.' Sakura took a deep breath before walking in the classroom with Kiku. 'Every body is going to stare at me like tha-' Before Sakura could finish her thought someone…glomped her. "HI PINKY REMEMBER TOBI." Sakura looked at the orange masked boy…wait


Shinuze opened the door. "these are your room mates." 'huuuuuuuh? No body talked about me having room mates.'. "TOBI IS A GOOD BOY." Sakura turned around to see a flying boy with an orange…mask around his face? Sakura quickly got out of the way before the boy would crash on her. 'wooo that was a close one.' The boy crashed the wall. "KEEP OUT YOU FREAKING ORANGE." Someone yelled form the room.


Kiku took a hold of Tobi's collar and tried to pull him of Sakura. "TOBI GO OF HIM." Kiku yelled. "NOOOOOO TOBI IS A GOOOOOOD BOOOOOOY." Tobi yelled at Kiku. "Boy's boys." A brown haired man walked in to the classroom with a black haired boy with him, the black haired boy smiled. "Your all such faggot's." "Says one." Sakura mumbled to her self to only be glared at by the teacher. "Sai, that's no way to greed a new school mate, and same for you Sakurai."ho-" "Heard it from Naruto." The teacher pointed at a seat that no one was sitting in. "Sit down." The teacher said in a warning tone. "My name is Yamato and I'm your teacher in English." Sakura walked to the seat and sat down. 'Stupid teacher.' Yamato walked to Sakura and putted a book on her desk. "Here." He walked back to the teacher table and started to babble something in English, Sakura was lucky that her seat was by a window English was one of the things she didn't like, instead she explored the out side from the window, the school was covered by trees but you could see a city near by, the sky was clear and it was hot outside. Sakura loosened her tie a bit. 'The air conditioner is probably broken.' The bell finally rang and every body rushed out of the classroom for air. "Sakurai-kuuun." Sakura slooooowly looked behind her with lazy eyes. '…oh f***.' Sakura quickly tried to blend into the group,but Sakura was thrown back out by some ones shoulder. "Oh sorry dude I didn't mean to." Sakura looked at the guy who pushed her. "it's ok…" Sakura stood up just to be pushed down again by the same guy, he had black hair that was long, and it reached down his hips. 'Pft what a bitch.' Sakura watched as the boys walked away from her. "Ah Haruno-san." A silver haired man walked to her. "Bullied on the first day?" Sakura glared at the teacher. "I'm Hatake Kakashi." Sakura stood up. "You'll be late for class Haruno-san." Sakura gasped and ran down the hallway"…Haruno-san…the classroom is the other way…"