My first multi-chapter story- although it's just drabbles. Let me know if you think I kept them in character. Enjoy…

Disclaimer: I don't own Inception, blah, blah…

I liked the feeling of a gun in my hand.

It makes you feel protected, and in control. When the projections close in on you, you're not defenseless. They can't hurt you if you kill them first.

They can't hurt the girl you love either.

I don't feel worried, carrying one around with me. I should know how to use it by now, for God's sake. I'm a good shot- although Eames says otherwise.

Ariadne doesn't carry a gun during jobs. She says she doesn't feel comfortable. I try and convince her to, but… I don't know.

I mean, the people we shoot aren't real.

In our business, carrying a gun isn't really about preference- it's a necessity.