Third Chapter of Neverending Chapters. Three OCs Introduced. First OC vs Sui-Feng

Days before, the Gotei 13 travelled and put into plan of going to Hueco Mundo and Karakura Town, before Orihime Inoue was kidnapped, a small incident in Gotei 13, sent an academy student into the Nest of Maggots by pure accident. The student's name was Shiro Kongou, a freshman who seemed the weakest of all the new freshmen. Today they were being visited by two captains. The First and Second Division's Captains, Sui-Feng and the Captain Commander Yamamoto. The freshmen were now really nervous. They had to perform; Kido, Kenjutsu, Shunpo, Reaitsu Control and Hakuda to see how well they do and if any particular would be placed in the highest divisions.

The first few students walked to the line and began to perform the first Kido. Two succeeded in obliterating the target, the other seven failed and were sent back. The Two were asked to stand in front of the targets and used as practise targets for the next batch. This worked until there were only three who survived the ordeal. These three looked different from the rest; one had silver hair, the other had a skeletal mask on and the last one had a scarf covering his mouth. Each of them had dodged with ease the kido blasts. The second text commenced sword skill. The students unsheathed their weapons and were split into pairs and told to fight. The winner would fight the winner of the next pair and so on. The test finished with the skeleton mask guy and two others. Whilst watching, Sui-Feng was observing the one with a skeleton mask and the silver hair student. Captain Commander was observing the one who had covered his mouth with a distinctive black scarf.

Two hours passed and everything was done, when the Captain Commander looked at all the students and asked if any had a request. The one with silver hair stood up and asked if he could challenge to take the Second Division's Captain's hair band. The Captain Commander smiled and allowed it. The students were confused what this male student was doing. Sui-Feng was furious, that this child was being overconfident. She would make him lose all his confidence. She stepped forward and vanished, appearing behind him and slamming her spear palm into his back. She hit nothing bit an after image.

"So that is how fast you are, Captain" said the silver haired student. He was standing behind Sui-Feng towering over her. She did not move a muscle, but then suddenly swung round, swinging her arm to hit the student. She hit another after image, it was annoying her. She looked at Captain Commander, who knew what she wanted and nodded his head.

"Reveal yourself child. We will be fighting seriously" said Sui-Feng. The same spot where the student was standing phased into existence. Sui-Feng, inside her mind was impressed by this student's skill of Shunpo. She asked for his name.

"Kongou Shiro," he said to her. She smiled; never reveal your name to the enemy.

"Well, Shiro, Death will be the last thing you hear before you pass away," she said. She vanished and appeared around Shiro, numerous images; she had the approval of the Captain Commander to dispose of the arrogant child, although she was curious why he had given her the approval quickly. Captain Commander looked at the two comrades of Kongou Shiro who were sitting with legs crossed and arms crossed. It seemed they did not fear for their comrade, but knew his skill. Captain Commander called a teacher of the Academy and asked the names of the two students. The one with the skeleton mask was a troublemaker; his name was Gensou Tamashii, whose name meaning was Soul Illusion which fit him well. He was from one of the lower noble classes, but a known one for their destructive power, but as the Captain Commander had seen, the student right there, was speed rather than strength. He received the second name of the one with dark blue hair, different coloured eyes and the black/blue scarf over his mouth and nose. That student was a prodigy in the skills of sword fighting, Hakuda and leadership. Tetsu Youmei Ranmyaku opened his eyes and looked over at the Captain Commander, staring at the man's stature. The Captain Commander opened his eyes and sent a small wave of reaitsu at one individual, Tetsu. Tetsu received it, but did not weaken or fall down, he sat still and unaffected. Captain Commander was pleased there was a student who had the spirit in him to care for others and trust his comrades' skill. He turned his head and with his staff hit the ground which was the signal for the beginning of the battle. Sui-Feng who was already, in after images and clones was around Shiro. She attacked all at once and threw needles before her. The needles went through Shiro and Sui-Feng was bewildered but still attacked. She took out her sword and sliced through Shiro. Since there were numerous after images, the slashes that appeared on Shiro were multiplied five times.

Sui-Feng arrived back at her spot and sheathed her blade. She was pleased and had taught a lesson to the arrogant student.

"That is all" said Shiro as he still stood. His image phased and dispersed. He was sitting on a roof edge, with his legs dangling. He was holding all the needles that Sui-Feng had thrown at him. She was getting really annoyed. She usually never let her emotions get through, but the last time, someone made a fool of her, it was the previous captain of the second division, and just thinking of that made Sui-Feng blush. She focused herself back to the battle. It was time to put an end to this battle. She held her sword, and spoke.

"Sting All Enemies to Death, Suzumebachi," she said. She grasped onto Suzumebachi with her right hand, the entire sword glowed white and shrunk in size. When the emitted glow died out, it is revealed that Suzumebachi had now taken on the form of a black and gold gauntlet that has a small chain linking it to a stinger-like blade on her middle finger. Shiro was not surprised or showed fear to what he had seen what the Second Division had released. He seemed to stand up and jump off the roof. As he touched the ground, Sui-Feng was already in front of him. She stabbed forward, hitting something, knowing she hit his chest. She was surprised at what she saw next. Shiro had caught her hand before she hit him. He had enough strength to stop her and to react to her speed. She might off found a prodigy, she pushed forward anyway and with a hidden sword cut upwards, cutting his chest and face and eye. He stepped back, bleeding, but he was not screaming or withering in pain. He took off his shirt, revealing the cut was already healing. His reaitsu was healing him; it seemed he knew healing Kido. His eye which had been cut was now closed, and it was healing also slowly. He cracked his fists and cracked his neck, reaitsu coming from his body.

"Now you made me serious" he said. Captain Commander looked back to the fight and noticed Sui-Feng was backing away slowly, which made him wonder, what this student was. Would he be dangerous or productive? He would come and help her, if needed. Shiro put on white gloves from his pocket, which were fingerless and clenched them into fists. His reaitsu calmed down, but before that cracked the earth under him.

His comrades, Tetsu and Tamashii now were leaning forward and had their hands on their blades, respectively. Captain Commander noticed that and gripped his staff. He seemed to figure, that Shiro's colleagues knew his power and how it was affected by emotions and events in battle.

Sui-Feng took her composure and readied herself. She jumped forward to attack him again and slammed her hand blade into him again. As she touched something, she had been caught again, but this time, Shiro had his hand behind him. He forced it forward, thrusting it. He shouted one word as his fist hit her flat in the chest.

"Kaminari," he said. The force behind his fist was strong that catapulted Sui-Feng across the field. She stopped herself using her legs. She stood up and swung her arm to her side and shouted out.

"Shunko" she said. Her uniform ripped off revealing a more suitable uniform. Pressurized Kido formed around her arms and back and her whole body. She raised her arm and burst forward. It was an increased speed, which the ground tore up after she passed it. She appeared above Shiro and slammed down her Shikai engulfed with Kido. The force Shiro was hit was a devasting crater in the ground. The smoke cleared and the smoke dispersed around one figure. Shiro kneeling on one knee, and his hand was bleeding. He raised himself and arched his back.

"Pressurized Kido, hard thing to keep focus, I guess I have to use this" he said. He slammed his fists together and his body was engulfed with Kido, except this one was blazing red, like flames.

"Jigoku" he shouted and burst forward. Sui-Feng was amazed and taken back, but also charged forward. Shunko versus Jigoku, Flash versus Hell. There was a outburst of energy and the force pushed many students back except the two comrades of Shiro.

The smoke cleared and everyone was amazed. Sui-Feng was lying on the ground, barely breathing. Shiro was standing above her and his reaitsu was crazy.

"Fight to Death. Die" he said jumping forward and jumping down on her. His fist was stopped by a sheath, which was blazing hot. Captain Commander had taken out his sword, but still in its sheath, but not only that, Tetsu and Tamashii had appeared and had their swords out that were blocking the sheath of the Captain Commander.

"Enough!" shouted the Captain Commander forcing everyone to their knees. Shiro, Tetsu and Tamashii only shuddered, but Shiro fell to the floor out of energy. Captain Commander ordered two men to handcuff and take Shiro the Nest. Tamashii and Tetsu watched as their comrade was taken. The Commander looked at the two.

"You, come to my Division After this" he said to Tetsu and pointed to Tamashii then at Sui-Feng.

"You are in her Division, as a third seat" he said. Tamashii sighed and picked Sui-Feng up and flash stepped to the Second Division. Tamashii followed the Captain Commander.

Day later, Shiro Kongou was placed in the Maggot's Nest for nearly killing a Captain and his display of a destructive Kido. He was placed in a separate cell, his arms bound and his legs bound also.

Tamashii became a third seat of the First Division; likewise, Tetsu became a third seat of the Second Division. Until the next event, which was the Arrancar attacking Karakura Town, then the Gotei 13 travelling to Karakura Town and Hueco Mundo, leaving third seats to protect the Soul Society.

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