Chapter 4

Rose's POV

I woke up in the same position that I had fallen asleep in. I had two days at Court until I had to head to Vegas with Christian. I knew I had to pack but I wanted to spend as much time as I could with Adrian. I moved him off me so I could get up and get dressed. I put my guardian outfit back on so I wouldn't look weird going out of his room with his shirt on.

I slipped out quietly, so not to wake Adrian up, and headed back to my room quickly to get a shower and a fresh change of clothes. I stopped by a café on the way to get some pancakes and coffee for us two. I was about to go into his building again when Christian stopped me.

"Hey, Rose, I thought we could talk about what's happening when we head off to Vegas."

Christian wasn't really the number one person I wanted to see right now. It wasn't because I had him instead of Lissa it was because I had an open wound from the break-up that only happened yesterday. "Can't we just talk about it on the plane?"

"Yeah, but I thought you might want the heads up," he commented with a raise of his eyebrow.

"Just tell me the time to get to the plane, the rest you can tell me on it," I said starting to get impatient now.

"It's two on the runway. Are you okay or something?" he asked.

"For your information I'm not okay because I had to break-up with Adrian because the fucking queen said I had to. Now I'm trying to spend as much time with him as I can until I have to leave," I replied a bit too harshly, I wasn't sure if it was just me or some darkness from Lissa.

Christian paused for a bit before speaking. "He could come with us if you want," he tried to suggest.

I almost scoffed at that. "You really think me and Adrian didn't think of that earlier? Didn't you hear me before: the queen said we had to. To add to it all the suggestions we came up with won't work so I can't see what else I can do. I'll see you on the runway."

With that I turned and headed upstairs towards Adrian's room. I had left it unlocked since I knew I was coming back and I doubted that anyone was going to break into his room. I took the food into his room, kicked my shoes off and got back into bed. I shook him to wake him up. I had to know that that wouldn't work, so I leant down to give him a soft kiss on his lips. That made his eyes flutter open.

"Hey," he mumbled looking into my eyes.

"Hey," I returned looking back. "I got us breakfast." I turned to get the coffee and pancakes then handed it to him once he sat up.

"So what are we going to do today?" he asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

I put my hand in his and started playing with our fingers. "I don't know. I thought maybe we could stay in today, just the two of us?" I explained looking at him. Strange how I was practically shouting at Christian earlier but now I as all soft.

Adrian gave me a smile. "Sounds like a great idea." He bent his head to give me a tender kiss on the lips. Once he pulled away I didn't want him to, but he did and it left a little pout on my lips. He saw and gave a little laugh. He leaned back down to peck my lips once more. "So what are we going to do in here then?"

"You come up with something."

"Well I would suggest drinking but I know you don't like that so we could watch movies, cuddle in bed and talk," he suggested and I can't believe I'm saying this, but he actually looked sort of shy.

It softened something inside me and I gave him a quick kiss. "Sounds like a brilliant idea." And that's what we did.

Then the two days were over and there I was on the runway waiting on Christian next to the plane. Lissa and Adrian were with me already and I was going to miss them so much. I knew I had probably been neglecting Lissa these past few days but to me Adrian was now more of the priority and it would hurt him a lot more. Dimitri wasn't here but I didn't even care about him that much now.

"What is taking Christian so long?" I sighed.

"You make it sound like you want to leave," Lissa told me.

I realised the meaning of my words. "I didn't mean it like that, Liss." She gave me a small smile I guessed she knew that too.

Speak of the devil; he was just walking casually to the plane. "You know when you tell me the time you think the plane will take off it usually means you have to be here too."

"Sorry, just had to talk to Aunt Tasha about a few things before we left," Christian told us once he got there.

"Yeah, whatever, we taking off now then?" I asked him.

"More or less."

Now for the hard bit: goodbyes. I went over to Lissa and threw my arms around her. "Rose, I'm going to miss you soon much. I can't believe we aren't going to be seeing each other for so long," Lissa exclaimed as she hugged me back.

"Don't worry, Liss, I threaten Christian if he doesn't let us come back now and then to see you," I told her and I could see from the corner of my eye that Christian had a very worried look on his face.

"You better or I'll–" she struggled for a word.

"Hey I said don't worry and compared to me your threats aren't as bad as mine. Plus tell Adrian to help you dream walk so you can visit me."

I let go of her finally and went over to the one and only Adrian Ivashkov. I took the one hand that wasn't in his packet and played with our fingers. "I'm going to miss you."

"And you think I won't, little dhampir?" He pulled me forward from our joined hands and wrapped his arms around me with my head on his chest. "Don't forget about me."

I lifted my head up so I could look into his eyes. "What made you ever think I would? You better keep in touch with me and make Lissa work extra hard so she can as well."

With that he lent down to kiss me for a few moments. When I pulled back, Christian and Lissa were standing next to each other but facing away. I just wanted to shout: "Get over it and kiss already!" But I held back and didn't.

There were tears threatening to fall over in Adrian's eyes and I swear there were some in mine as well but I wouldn't allow them to fall over. Guess Adrian wanted to seem macho and quickly wiped his eyes before anybody could notice them.

I went to say my final goodbyes to Lissa while Adrian went to say goodbye to Christian. They did that manly fist punch thing which all guys seem to do and Adrian said something to him but I couldn't hear.

"People sorry to rush you but we need to hurry because otherwise we'll be in the way," the flight attendant said from the door of the plane.

I gave my final looks to Adrian and Lissa then quickly walked to the plane. Christian had already sat down so I sat across from him.

"You okay?" he asked me.

"Okay as I could be." The plane's engines roared to life and we were off.

This was where real life began.

Sorry guys but it had to happen...

Don't think I'm not sad too ='(