I'm stuck with Just a Drink and I know what I'm doing with this story...

So here it is finally! Hope you like =D

M rated Chapter... Just skip to the end bit if you don't want to read the first part

Chapter 1

Rose's POV

We were wrapped closely together now, and I tilted my head to study him, the high cheekbones and artfully messy hair that made him so gorgeous. I remembered his mother's words, that regardless of what we wanted, he and I would eventually have to part ways. Maybe this was how my life was going to be. I'd always lose the men I loved.

I pulled him hard against me, kissing his mouth with a force that caught even him by surprise. If I had learned anything about life and love, it was that they were tenuous things that could end at any moment. Caution was essential – but not at the cost of wasting your life. I decided I wasn't going to waste it now.

My hands were already tugging at Adrian's shirt before that thought was fully formed. He didn't question it or hesitate in taking my clothes off in return. He might have moments of profoundness and understanding, but he was still…well Adrian. Adrian lived his life in the now, doing the things he wanted without much second-guessing. And he had wanted me for a very long time.

He was also very good at this sort of thing, which was why my clothes came off faster than his. His lips were hot and eager against my throat, but he was careful to never once let his fangs brush my skin. I was a little less gentle, surprising myself when I dug my nails into the bare skin of his back. His lips moved lower, tracing the line of my collarbone while he deftly took off my bra one-handed.

I was a little astonished at my body's reaction as we both fought to get the other's jeans off first. I'd convinced myself that I'd never want sex again after Dimitri, but right now? Oh, I wanted it. Maybe it was some psychological reaction to Dimitri's rejection. Maybe it was an impulse to live for the moment. Maybe it was love for Adrian. Or maybe it was just lust.

Whatever it was, it made me powerless beneath his hands and mouth, which seemed intent on exploring every part of me. The only time he paused was when all my clothes were finally off and I lay there naked with him. He was almost naked too, but I hadn't quite gotten to his boxers yet. (They were silk because, honestly, what else would Adrian wear?). He cupped my face in his hands, his eyes filled with intensity and desire – and a bit of wonder.

"What are you, Rose Hathaway? Are you real? You're a dream within a dream. I'm afraid touching you will make me wake up. You'll disappear."" I recognised a little of poetic trance he sometimes fell into. The spells that made me wonder if he was catching a little of spirit-induced madness.

"Touch me and find out," I said, drawing him to me.

He didn't hesitate again. The last of his clothes came off, and my whole body heated at the feel of his skin and the way his hands slid over me. My physical needs were rapidly trampling over any logic and reason. There was no thought, just us, and the fierce urgency bringing us together. I was all burning need and desire and sensation and–

"Oh, shit."

It came out as kind of a mumble since we'd been kissing, our lips eagerly seeking out the other's with guardian reflexes I barely managed to shift away, just as our hips started to come together. Losing the feel of him was shocking to me, more so for him. He was stunned, simply staring in astonishment as I wriggled further from him and finally managed a sitting position on the bed.

"What…what's wrong? Did you change your mind?"

"We need protection first," I said. "Do you have any condoms?"

He processed this for a few seconds and then sighed. "Rose, only you would picked this instant to remember that."

I was pretty confident I didn't want a baby in my life right now, not this young. With Dimitri, it hadn't been a concern thanks to dhampir infertility. With Adrian? It was an issue, as were the fact while disease was rare among both our races, I wasn't the first girl Adrian had been with. Or the second. Or the third…

"So do you have any?" I asked impatiently. Just because I was in responsible mode, it didn't mean I wanted sex any less.

"Yes," said Adrian, sitting up as well. "Back in my bedroom."

We stared at each other. His bedroom was far away, over in the Moroi section of Court.

He slid nearer, putting his arm around me and nibbling my earlobe. "The odds of anything bad happening are pretty low."

I closed my eyes and tipped my head back against him. He wrapped his hands around my hips and stroked my skin. "What are you, a doctor?" I asked.

He laughed softly, his mouth kissing the spot just behind my ear. "No. I'm just someone willing to take a risk. You can't tell me you don't want this."

I opened my eyes and pulled away so that I could look at him directly. He was right. I didn't want this. Very, very badly. And the part of me – which was pretty much all of me – that burned with lust was attempting to win me over. The odds probably were low, right? Weren't there people who tried forever to get pregnant and couldn't? My desire had an okay argument, so it was kind of a surprise when my logic won.

"I can't take the risk," I said.

Now Adrian studied me, and at last, he nodded. "Okay. Another time then. Tonight we'll be…responsible."

"That's all you're going to say?"

He frowned. "What else would I say? You said no."

"But you…you could have compelled me."

Now he was really astonished. "Do you want me to compel you?"

"No. Of course not. It just occurred to me that…well, that you could have."

Adrian cupped my face in his hands. "Rose, I cheat at cards and buy liquors for minors. But I would never, ever force you into something you don't want. Certainly not this– "

His words were cut off because I'd pressed myself against him and started kissing him again. Surprise must have kept him from doing anything right away, but soon, he pushed me away with what seemed like great reluctance.

"Little dhampir," he said dryly, "if you want to be responsible, this is not a good way to do it."

"We don't have to let this go. And we can be responsible."

"All of those stories are – "

He came screeching to a halt when I tossed my hair out of the way and offered my neck to him. I managed to turn slightly so that I could meet his eyes, but I said nothing. I didn't have to. The invitation was obvious.

"Rose…" he said uncertainly – though I could see the longing spring up in his face.

Drinking blood wasn't the same as sex, but it was a yearning all vampires had, and doing it while aroused – so I'd heard – was a mind-blowing experience. It was also taboo and hardly ever done, so people claimed. It was where the definition of bloodwhore had originated: dhampirs who gave their blood during sex. The idea of dhampirs yielding blood at all was considered disgraced, but I'd done it before with Lissa when she needed food and Dimitri when he'd been Strigoi. And it had been glorious.

He tried again, his voice steadier this time. "Rose, do you know what you're asking?"

"Yes," I said firmly. I gently ran a finger along his lips and then slipped in to touch his fangs. I threw his own words back at him. "You can't tell me you don't want this."

He did want it. In a heartbeat, his mouth was at my neck and his fangs were piercing my skin. I cried out at the sudden pain, a sound that softened to a moan as the endorphins that came with every vampire bite flooded into me. An exquisite bliss consumed me. He pulled me hard again him as he drank, almost onto his lap, pressing my back against his chest. I was distantly aware of his hands all over me again, of his lips upon my throat. Mostly, all I knew was that I was drowning in pure, ecstatic sweetness. The perfect high.

When he pulled away, it was like losing part of myself. Like being incomplete. Confused, needing him back, I reached for him. He gently pushed my hand away, smiling as he licked his lips.

"Careful, little dhampir. I went longer than I should have. You could probably grow wings and fly off right now."

It actually didn't sound like a bad idea. In a few more moments, though, the intense, crazy part of the high faded, and I settled back to myself. I still felt wonderful and dizzy; the endorphins had fed my body's desire. My reasoning slowly came back to me, slowing (kind of) coherent thought to penetrate that happy haze. When Adrian was convinced I was sober enough, he relaxed and lay down on the bed. I joined him a moment later, curling up against his side. He seemed as content as I was.

"That," he mused, "was the best not-sex ever."

I fell asleep against Adrian, getting the best night of sleep I'd had in a long time.

When I woke, I couldn't help but admire Adrian's perfect chiselled face. I remembered all that happened last night and so wanted it to happen. Then I had an idea.

I wasn't entirely surprised that I was able to get out of bed, shower, get dressed, and even blow-dry my hair without Adrian waking up. My friends and I had spent many a morning trying to drag him out of bed in the past. Hungover or sober, he was a heavy sleeper.

I spent more time on my hair then I had in a while. The telltale mark of a vampire bite was fresh on my neck. So I wore my hair down, careful to style it with a part so that the long waves hung heavy on the bite side. Satisfied the bruise would stay camouflaged, I pondered where to get the stuff. Either go to the health store here or steal his keys to his room.

I didn't want to wake Adrian, though. He was tangled up in my sheets and slept peacefully. If I woke him up, I'd be obligated to stick around while he got ready and my surprise would be ruined. I got his trousers off the floor as quietly as I could and got the key out of the front pocket. Just in case he did wake up, I left him a note saying I went out for a morning jog and would be back soon, and drew lots of x's and o's.

There were people out and about already when I walked out of my building and I tried to not be as noticeable as possible. Of course, the news about what I had said had spread so now I was the big celebrity at Court. For different reasons than I would've imagined myself if I was ever going to get famous.

I decided going to the health store might bring even more attention if they knew what I was buying and it would spread like a wildfire to add to the already burning forest. Probably wouldn't have made a difference since people already thought something had happened in Vegas.

I hurried to the Moroi rooms and dodged past the guards. I considered stopping by Lissa's room, since it was close by, to talk to her a bit but decided not to. I had one thing to do today and it was going to get it done, today.

I opened his door and walked to where I thought they were. His bed was made but he did sleep in mine last night so no surprise there. I saw the nightstand next to it and searched in the bottom draw. Bingo.

Walking back out made me feel like a spy breaking into somewhere. I sort of was but he was my boyfriend and he wouldn't mind when I was finished with him. Actually he would be grateful. Very grateful.

I was pretty nervous on the way back but calmed myself down before I opened the door. Nothing had changed since I left so I just went back to my bedroom and he was still there in the same position I had left him in.

I put the box on my nightstand and went to get changed. I walked over to my closet and stripped down to nothing then changed into some better underwear. I got one of the small square packets then slipped back into bed and put his arm around my waist. He barely shifted. Great. "Adrian. Adrian," I tried whispering to get him up.

Seems like that wasn't working either. Looks like trying to be sexy and waking up someone didn't work in this case. "Adrian." I said louder. Still nothing. I repeated his name again and hit his arm.

He mumbled something that sounded like, "little dhampir" in a sort of groan.

I leaned towards his ear and whispered, "wake up sleepy head. I have a surprise for you."

"Later," he mumbled and buried his head into the crook of my neck. I just about heard it.

"It's either now or never. Just open your eyes and then you can tell me if you want it or not." I held the packet between my index and middle finger in his line of sight. I saw him open his eyes into slits then widened as he noticed what was there.

I turned his face towards mine and kissed him passionately which he returned eagerly. He took the packet out of my hand and put it on the stand for later and hovered over me, kissing with urgency.

I was just as hot and desperate as before, and Adrian was getting it just as bad, if not worse. God, I wanted him so badly right now. I pressed up against him restlessly and my fingers dragged along the back of his neck and hair. He removed my underwear barely even noticing it.

Adrian reached over to get the packet, ripped it open and slipped it on quickly. I didn't expect him to get hard that quickly. He hastily reached down to align our hips up, then I felt his blunt tip push against my entrance. My hands were digging tightly into his shoulders, his muscles went tense, and his face took on a look of concentration. He slowly slid inside and didn't stop pushing until our bodies were fully connected.

We both paused. I was getting used to feeling Adrian inside me. I was all heat and so was he. Trust me, this was so different than with Dimitri. It might even be better, not sure though, bit hard to compare right now. Adrian pulled back slightly, eliciting a gasp from us both.

"Don't stop…" I pleaded. I noted a feverish sound to my voice.

In response, Adrian slowly pulled out again and my clamping muscles seemed to take him in. Adrian pushed forward, rolling his hips in one smooth motion. I surged up to meet him. A lone, broken cry left my mouth. "Ah—!"

We fell into sync bodies glistened in sweat. Heat sparked with every motion. The need was all consuming. The pleasure was intense, and growing to an impossible level.

I shivered and trembled beneath him in the most delicious ways. Adrian hastily pressed a desperate kiss to my mouth, then had to break away again as another intense wave of pleasure ripped through the both of us. Adrian seemed to slow down and I could tell it was forced

"What are you doing?" I asked breathless. There was desperation in my voice.

He didn't answer, and only focused slowly sliding out of me. He paused, then back in. Adrian repeated the action again, slowly pulling out, pausing, and back in. The feeling was torturous but amazing. He groaned in pleasure. I, on the other hand, was on the verge of falling into madness.

"Don't do this to me, Adrian."

"Do what?" His voice was hoarse. He was enjoying the way I attempted to squirm against him, as he firmly held my waist down.

"Don't… tease..." I said in a shaky voice.

Adrian continued on a couple more times, prolonging the torture for us both. I could tell he as struggling to keep this up and I hoped he wouldn't be able to cope soon because I was this close to losing it.

"Oh, god…" I pleaded. "Please Adrian, I need more…"

He finally decided it was time to end it for us both. To put us out of our misery.

He released his grip around my hips, and I surged forward again. We quickly fell back to the quick and hard rhythm of before. There was no more sense of will power, no more control. Just complete and utter abandonment as Adrian drove deep inside, feeling the wonderful heat and slickness, and picking up more speed and power each time. It came to the point when I could no longer keep up. Just could only hold on, and toss my head back and forth as Adrian kept up with the relentless pace.

Then all at once, the tension building up snapped. My body tensed up, and my back arched in the most beautiful way as I finally reached that elusive end. Every part of my body spasmed as my inner muscles clenched him tight, pulling him down with rhythmic contractions. Adrian had reached his high as well and was groaning.

I was in pure bliss and was disappointed when it ended and he pulled out. We just lay there next to each other panting.

"Couldn't wait, could you?" He turned his head to look at me and asked it with his smirk.

"Bet you couldn't either." I rolled over and lay on this chest to give him a quick kiss on his lips.

"You're probably right," he said thoughtfully returning my kiss. "You didn't go to the health store just to go get condoms this morning, did you?"

"No," I said it like I wouldn't dare do that just at the thought of having sex with him, but truth be told, I did think about going there. "I just stole your keys and broke into your room." We had never been this close before and I gave him another kiss.

"Just like you to go steal my keys. What can I say though? I'm irresistible."

"Sure," I said as I took my phone off the stand to see why it was flashing.

I opened it and it said: GUARDIAN ASSIGNMENTS – 18:00

I almost forgot about those. How could I forget the most important day of my life? Adrian saw my expression. "What's wrong, little dhampir?" he asked as he pushed a stray hair back.

"They're announcing the guardian assignments today and I almost forgot." I quickly got up and pulled on my robe. "I was meant to meet Lissa sometime today before we got them."

"Well we've got a lot of time before that anyway and I'm sure you don't have to work either. Won't all the guardians be there so they'll be no work so Hans can't bother you today."

"Yeah…" I trailed off. "I should get going to Lissa soon, I think she thought we would spend the whole day together."

"Mind if I come?" he asked sitting up.

I wasn't entirely sure, but I don't think Lissa would mind. "Why not?"

He smiled and walked into my bathroom. Hey it's my bathroom, shouldn't I be going in first. Oh well, couldn't do much about it now. I had to text Lissa anyway about where we were going to meet up.

Hey Liss, almost forgot it was the guardian assignments today. Where do you want to meet up then?

I got a response immediately.

That's surprising I thought you would be up all night thinking about it. The café near the hall?

Yeah, I was sort of up all night just not thinking about that.

Sure that fine. See you in an hour.

Adrian finally came out of the bathroom in just a towel followed by steam.

"Did you have a shower?"

"Yeah," he said casually.

"You better not have used up all my hot water."

I went in and had a quick shower knowing I needed some time to get ready afterwards.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped in around myself. When I walked out, Adrian was fully dressed and sat on the edge of my bed. His eyes widened and he wolf-whistled when he saw me.

"Wow, little dhampir, you look so hot."

"Thanks." I went to my closet to get some underwear and my guardian outfit. I was about to drop my towel and get dressed when I remembered Adrian was there and still watching me with big eyes. "Adrian look away," I ordered.

"Why?" He asked with puppy-dog eyes and pouty lips.

"Don't give me that face."

"I don't see why I can't see you getting dressed when I've seen you naked already."

"Doesn't matter. I don't want you watching while I get dressed."

He reluctantly turned away and I changed fast just in case he decided to take a quick peak.

"You can look now," I said as I got my hairbrush and brushed my sex-hair out.

"You know, your sex-hair is really wild."

"You can talk, have you seen your hair normally," I stuck my tongue out towards the mirror knowing he was looking at it.

"Well, my hair is styled that way and you know you love it."

I put my brush down, walked over to him, put my hands on his shoulder and looked him at eye level. "So what if I do?"

He looked momentarily scared but realised I was teasing. "Nothing." He gave me kiss and stood up. "I'm going back to my room to get some clean clothes, where are you meeting Lissa?"

"Just at the café near the hall."

"Okay I'll meet you there."

We separated and I spotted Lissa reading a book in the corner. I couldn't really see Dimitri there and thank god.


"Hey, you look happier than usual," she commented.

Did I? "Do I?"

"Yeah. Is it because of the guardian assignments." I didn't want to tell her there was a huge chance we might not get each other because I could tell she was excited but nervous through the bond so I didn't want to make it even worse.

"No. Actually I haven't been thinking about them all day and yesterday. I was busy with…um…Adrian."

She gave me a skeptical look. "What do you mean busy? You didn't…"

I could tell what she was saying: Did you guys have sex?

I looked away because I really wasn't used to talking about this topic. "Uh…yeah."

"Finally!" she said a bit too loudly. I gave her a look to quiet down. I flicked my hair because it was falling into my eye and she eyed my neck and her eyes widened. "That isn't a…is it?"

Crap. The bite mark. My face gave it all away. "Rose, you didn't while you were doing it were you?" Dropping her voice.

"No! I would never do that." I was offended that she would even suggest that though when I thought about it last night I wasn't complaining though he didn't drink from me while we were actually having sex. "It happened last night but we didn't do it because we had no protection so I let him bite me." I kept my voice just as low so one else could hear what we were saying.

"I thought you said you did do it? And what about Dimitri?"

Ah Dimitri, now she asks. "We did it this morning because I got some from his room. And Dimitri is nothing to me. Why you're concerned for him and me now is a surprise now since you're the one who told me to give him space. Anyways he doesn't love me anymore."

She looked hurt and I wanted to take it back but at the same time I didn't. That was the truth and she needed to hear it. "Sorry. I didn't know." She put her head down.

"It's fine Liss. How you could have known he only told me yesterday."

"You could have told me afterwards."

"I was too upset to talk to anyone,"

"You said Adrian came over to your room yesterday, though."

"He came to my room and that was hours after so I was recovering. I had a fight with him earlier in the day anyway and I wanted to talk about what our relationship was."

"Oh," she simply said. Her eyes kept lingering to the bite on my neck. "Let me heal it otherwise people might get the wrong idea." That was probably a good idea.

She put her hand to my neck and I could feel the heat she felt through the bond. She pulled away and exhaled. "You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," she replied with a small smile. At that point Adrian walked in and came over to our table.

"Hey, Cousin. Hey, little dhampir," he greeted us with a smile. "I'm going to get some coffee, want anything?"

I realised I hadn't even gotten anything to drink. "Yeah. Just get me a coffee too."


"I'm fine."

He walked over to the counter and left us two for a few moments. Lissa leaned close to my ear and asked, "Almost forgot. Was it good?"

I was startled by her question since it had been so blunt. But answered anyway. "How about I just say, the gossip doesn't do justice."

Her eyes, if it were possible, widened even more as Adrian came over with the coffee. "Are you okay, Lissa? You look like you've just seen a ghost," he asked. I just stifled a laugh.

"Nothing," she said quickly with a blush on her face.

"Okay…" he trailed off. He looked at me and I just shook my head. Adrian just shrugged his shoulders, sat down, gave me a quick peck on the cheek and put an arm around me.

We talked for a long time until it was ready to go. Since we were so close to the hall it wasn't much of a walk. We got good seats near the guardians with the papers so we wouldn't have to stand in the massive queue.

The guardians were all in their uniforms including those who were getting assignments, which included me. Eddie and Christian along with Mia came and next on the side of Adrian since Lissa was on the other of me.

It commenced and seemed to go on forever just like back at the academy when we got our graduation results. Eddie's came near the beginning. "Guardian Eddie Castile." Surprisingly they called him 'Eddie' I thought they would do something formal, I knew they wouldn't call me just Rose when they read my name. "Lady Natasha Ozera."

My face went blank. Tasha had been my second choice but that meant if I didn't get Lissa then I wouldn't have Tasha. That might mean I have Lissa though, I just didn't know.

I saw Christian giving Eddie his congrats and the rest of us did too. I was really nervous now and the longer this went on the worse I was getting.

Someone squeezed my hand and I looked to my left. It was Adrian. He gave me reassuring smile and I returned it calming down a bit.

"Guardian Rosemarie Hathaway." The announcer's voice boomed. Finally my name. I tensed. "Your Moroi will be…"

Hope you like the chapter. Sorry if it was a bit long for you but I wanted to fit everything in ;)

There's a poll on my profile whether Dimitri should be in this story or not so go and vote if you do want him to be because I haven't decided.

I've going to write a bulk of chapters so you won't have to wait between but it might mean a long wait for a while but it'll be worth it ^^