Protection Detail

This is my first fiction ever. I have never even attempted to write a story. I typically write poetry. But hey I wanted to try so here you go. Please, don't be too mean. Thanks.

Disclaimer: Just in case you didn't know I don't own Covert Affairs. Though I do wish I owned Auggie.

Chapter 1

She was running late and everything you could think of was going wrong. Yesterday was so hectic with having to go undercover to get information from one of the most protégés companies in D.C. She didn't get done with the paperwork until 2am and when she finally got home she couldn't sleep. They finally got the intel that they needed to take down the CEO of the company. She was just thankful that the case was wrapped up. Then she found out the minute she got to work that three agents were killed. Good agents some of the best found mutilated.

"Who would do this?" the question that ran through her mind constantly since she found all of this out surfaced again.

"So, I guess you found out. I really wish I knew."

Wait did I really say that out loud? Ann thought. She turned around to see Auggie Anderson leaning against the door of his office.


"I really wish I could answer that question. Are you ok?"

"Me? I should be asking you that. Those agents were your friends since you started working here."

Auggie sighed how should he respond to the sweet women who somehow got past the barrier of his heart? Where did that thought come from?


"Huh? Oh yeah, I am fine." But was he really? He knew those agents. They had families. Anger surged but he bit it back. It happened; there was nothing he could do now.

Annie starred at Auggie, she knew him better than he thought and she could tell that he was lying to her. She couldn't understand why he didn't trust her as much as she trusted him. It hurt, but there was no use trying to get the truth out of him right now, he would just brush her off again.

"Well, I have to get back to work, talk to you later?"

"Yeah, sure talk to you later."

A few days later….

"Annie, can you please, come to my office?" Joan asked

last thing she wanted was to go to Joan's office. She wanted to go to her beloved techie and enjoy her morning conversation with him. But unfortunately it would have to wait until later.

When she walked in she saw Auggie sitting in a chair looking pissed and Joan looked worried. In fact, Annie had never seen her boss look so worried. Oh, man this was going to be bad, really bad.

"Annie, please have a seat. Look this is against Auggie's wishes but…"

"It sure is." Auggie replied

"But it is necessary, Auggie and you know it."

"What is going on?" Annie knew she wasn't going to like the answer.

"Annie, I am putting you on protection detail."

"Protection detail for who? Why?"

"This is ridiculous, Joan, I am more than capable of taking care of myself."

Oh my, this is not good. Annie thought to herself.

Joan looked up at Auggie with sad eyes regretting what she would have to say next. She quietly replied "No August, you're not. You were a very capable field agent; I would even say one of the best but…"

"Don't, don't you dare say it, Joan."

"I have to Auggie, you are blind. You wouldn't even know what was happening until it was too late to do anything. I am sorry but you are no longer a field agent. I am not asking you. I am telling you this is how it is going to be. Annie is being assigned to you and that is final."

Auggie stood up and with a look of such anger and anguish he left the room.

"Joan, what is going on? Why does Auggie need protection?"

Joan sighed truly hating her job right now. "We believe that Auggie is on a hit list that three other agents were on. I will not have another agent killed on my watch."

"Auggie, on a hit list but why? Why is he on this list? How can you be sure?"

"Annie, the only people that have been killed have been agents close to him, who were with him in Iraq."

"Oh my god, you think they died because they knew Auggie. That he is on the top of their list."

"That is exactly, what I think."

Annie sat dumbfounded. Auggie, the man that she adored from the moment they met, was in danger.

"Why me, Auggie needs someone with more experience to protect him."

"Because he said you were the only one he would allow to protect him and regardless of what you think you are one of my best and most trusted agents and I will only allow the best to protect him. He is more valuable than even you know."

Oh, I know how valuable he is. Annie thought. "Fine I will do it, but you should know I agree with Auggie. He is capable of protecting himself maybe more then you know." With that Annie got up to leave.


Annie stopped at the door but refused to turn around.

"One more thing, I will expect you to move in with Auggie immediately until this is resolved."

Annie turned around in total shock. "What is that truly necessary? Isn't it enough that he has to be protected? You are going to take his privacy away as well?"

"Annie that is enough, you will move in tonight. It's either that or another agent, which will make it ten times worse on Auggie."

"Fine, does he know?"

"Of course, though he is less then pleased."

With that being said Annie left the room.