Skelley's Kid

Disclaimer: The characters Mark Sloan, Steve Sloan, Amanda Bentley and Jesse Travis do not belong to me, they are owned by CBS & Viacom. I am not making a profit out of using them. I DO own Ally Blake, though.

Summary: Who could imagine the trouble that one twelve-year-old kid could get someone into? After taking custody of Ally Blake, Jesse begins to find out just how much trouble he's landed himself in.


Alicia Blake whistled down the street, and turned the corner into the alley. She climbed the stairs to her apartment that she shared with her father, and put her key in the door.

"Hey, Dad!" Ally called. "I'm home! I brought some groceries…"

The moment she walked in, she knew that something was up. The house was too quiet, and the blinds were shut.

"Dad?" Ally called out again. Still no answer.

She then noticed a small container on the counter in the kitchen. As she neared it, she also noted the envelope next to it. Then, she saw the foot that belonged to her father. There was blood pouring from a gash in his head. "Dad?" She felt for his pulse. She sighed as she felt nothing.

Even in the given situation, Ally knew that she had to keep calm. She turned to the envelope. It had her name on it and inside was a letter.

Dear Ally,

I am so sorry, Ally. I'm sorry for this whole mess. This may seem selfish, like I am taking the easy way out for myself and no one else, but you are in a lot of danger, and this is the only way to keep you out of it. You know that I've been in trouble all my life, but this time I owe Frankie Pasco so much money that I can't pay it, and he threatened to hurt you. I could not let that happen.

You are not alone, Al. As usual, I've got a plan. There is someone who you can go to for help. Legally, he's a cousin of mine, but otherwise, he's a guy who owes me a favour or two. I haven't seen him in about five years, but I've been keeping a check on this guy in case the situation got to this. He's in LA, and he works at Community General Hospital. Los Angeles is a couple of hours away, down south, and I booked you a plane ticket. It's on the counter. Anyway, go to Community General Hospital, and ask for JESSE TRAVIS, okay honey? You've seen him once. The short, blonde guy, remember him? He's an okay kinda guy, a legit guy, and he'll know what to do. Just remind him about THE DEAL, got that? Remember, for both your safety and his, tell him to keep you out of sight for a while.

I really am so sorry about this, Ally. I love you so much, and I will always be lookin' out for you, no matter where I am.

Love always,


Ps. Before you even consider it, that's a strict NO on taking my car, and that is an order.

Trust you, Dad, Ally thought to herself. I only took your car once, just the one time. And since then you've hidden the keys, so I wouldn't be able to have taken it again, would I?

Oh, and Dad, I am not taking the plane. I hate airplanes, remember? So, I'm going to take your motorbike instead. You said nothing about that, so I'm guessing that's okay.