Author's Note: I don't own anything.

Summary: Sebastian gets a letter from a secret admirer and goes to meet them!

Sebastian the crab was finishing a new composition for King Triton and his daughters. He promised King Triton that he would write a piece for his lovely daughters to sing and each would have their own solo. It was a masterpiece and everyone would surely love it!

"Yo Crab!" whispered an unfamiliar voice.

Sebastain looked around to look for the voice. "Where you be man?" asked Sebastain.

Out of nowhere a letter randomly floated down and it was addressed to Sexy Crab. "You sure this is for me?" asked Sebastian but no one answered him.

With his baton, he carefully poked the note, not sure whether or not to touch it. It slowly opened itself and it smelt like a bouquet of flowers. And the note read:

Dear Sexy Crab,

I've noticed that you've been watching me and I have got to say that you've got the sweetest lips I've ever seen! I would love to kiss them and to worship them.

I must say that you are the sexiest crab I've ever known and I have a mad crush on you. I've kept it a secret for so long because I was scared. I think now is the perfect time for me to tell you. I know other sea creatures have their eyes set on you. But I want you to be mine and no one elses. I really hope that you feel the same way I do. You sexy crab you!

If you would like to know who I am, come meet me by the reef at 11 am tomorrow! If not, thanks for breaking my heart you oh so sexy crab!


An Admirer

Sebastian burst out laughing at the note! It must have been a joke on him, but curiosity struck him! Who would write such a thing? He had no idea that someone had a crush on him. Who had a crush on a crab? SERIOUSLY? And who would dare to call him a sexy crab! Sebastian didn't feel sexy at all. He felt like a crusty, icky crab.

So Sebastian decided that he was going to go and find out who wrote this note because it was bothering him.

The next morning at 11 am….

Sebastian was waiting by the reef for his secret admirer. Would they show? Or would they chicken out? He waited around for ten minutes and he grew tired of waiting. Someone had just played a cruel trick on him and it broke his little crab heart. Just as he was about to swim away he heard a sultry voice say, "Oh sexy crab!"

Sebastian turned around and came face to face with Ursula wearing a polka dot bikini which barely covered herself. It was basically too small for her. Sebastian's jaw dropped and he ran screaming in the other direction. "DAMN YOU SEXY CRAB!" Ursula yelled after him.