Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Academy.

Tall, dark eyes, shoulder-length brown hair, light layer of stubble, lean but strongly built. He would definitely be classified as my type of guy, had he not been Moroi.

"Lissa, look!" I elbowed her slightly and nudged in the direction of the new kid. She briefly checked him out before turning her attention back to the dark haired, emo kid in the corner.

"Liss!" I nudged her again.

"What?" her voice tittered on the edge of annoyance.

"Look at him. He's so . . . God-like."

"Rose! Using God as a comparison is a sin. Say sorry."


She sighed in exasperation. "Just say you're sorry to God," she explained.

I stared at her incredulously. Had she lost her mind? "Liss, I'm showing you a totally hot guy, why the hell are you talking about my sinning?"

Lissa glanced over at the new guy and then back at me. She shook her head. "He's not my type. More like yours."

"He's Moroi."


"Oh come on, Liss! We both know Moroi and Dhampirs don't hook up. Besides, he's Royal. You guys would be perfect together."

Lissa rolled her eyes, probably because she knew I was lying. Okay, so Lissa and this new guy were both incredibly good looking. Lissa being the thin, light haired, fair skinned, tall, peaceful Moroi and the new guy being all tall, dark and brooding, strong and dangerous looking. They both were really nice to look at but in all honestly, put together; they would look kind of weird.

"Besides," Lissa went on, breaking me out of my mental analysis. "I like Christian. Maybe you should look at him. He's so dreamy . . .

I scoffed at her. "Dreamy? That's the best you could conjure up? And anyway, if you like him, why should I look at him?"

A small smile touched her lips. "Because, Rose, you can look but don't touch."

"You're quoting Poison?"

She laughed. "No. That's 'Look but you can't touch'. I'm quoting Ashley Tisdale."

"Oh," I muttered. "That's not my style. I'm more of the Nickleback, Skillet, Three Days Grace type."

"I know you are. I'll never get why, though. They're just so wild."

"Nah, just emotional. Anyway, you're off the topic."

"There was a topic?'

"Well duh. The new guy's hottness," I told her, looking at her like she was stupid.

"Right, well I don't think he's that 'hot'," she replied, using air quotations.

"Not hot? He's like hottness incarnate. Liss, have you gone crazy?"

Lissa grinned. "I am for Christian. And your 'hottie' is named Dimitri, for the record. You seem to able to sniff out a Royal in a crowd and yet you can't name them."

I shrugged. "Go say 'hi' to him."

"What? Why? I don't want to."

"Please, Liss!"


"Not even for me?"

"What if Christian sees me talking to him? He'll think I'm flirting. I need to give off 'I'm single and I want to mingle with you' vibes."

I huffed. "Fine! Be like that. I'll go say 'hi'."

"Good luck!"

I stormed me wat over to Dimitri and fixed my hair on the way.

"Hey," I greeted him.

He nodded his head in response. "Hello to you, too."

"So . . . you're new?"

"Yeah," he stuck out his hand. "Dimitri Belikov."

"I'm Rose. Rose Hathaway," I told him, shaking his hand. "What grade you in?"

"Twelve, actually. You?"


He nodded and glanced down at his watch. "Hey, I'm sorry but I've got to go. Lunch is almost over and I need to find my class . . ."

"Sure. Where are you?"

He shuffled his stuff around, managing to pull out a small slip of paper. His timetable.

"Room 201."

I nodded. "When you leave the cafeteria, go down the left corridor and turn right twice. It's the room in front of the drink vendor."

Dimitri gave me a small smile. "Okay, thanks, Rose."

"No problem. I'll see you around," I answered before walking back over to Lissa. I'll get you, Baby.

Hope you guys liked. Now, if you liked it, go check out my other stories and go check out the user 'Night'sDelight'. That's my friend Isabelle and I. We wrote 'Lover's revenge' so read that and then maybe answer the poll on our page?

hehehehe review!~I'll update soon.

xx Neha