Welcome! This story will be a nice long one, growing AU-ish as time passes. The story begins with Dooku's plan, and Ventress's dislike of said plan.

But first, I, crazy4asajj, solemnly swear that the following characters are not my own property, nor is the Star Wars universe. Sue me if you dare.

"No! I've done a number of difficult, irritating, and infuriating tasks, but this I won't put up with!"

"Ventress, you will do as you are instructed."

"I won't! If it's such a brilliant plan you do it then!"

"You will follow my plan, or face the consequences."

"I'll take the consequences then. I don't want anything to do with-"

"The consequences are death. As a last resort. Otherwise you will be forced to follow my plan."


That was when the super battle droids caught her by the arms, holding her up in the air. "You will follow the plan." Dooku left the room without another word. Now he just needed Kenobi, and his plan was complete...

Count Dooku really had outdone himself this time. The place was completely secure. He'd inspected the whole room, and no way out. Not without a lightsaber anyway. He was now just waiting in the room, waiting for whatever it was Count Dooku wanted. Unless it was Ventress who had captured him... The idea of seeing her was both pleasing and horrible at the same time. Seeing her always made things more...complicated. Things got complicated because he was pleased to see her. And he was pleased because...The door opened, and his suspicions were dashed as Dooku stepped in, flanked by two battle droids. But wait, behind one of the droids followed Ventress, looking exceedingly angry. Two more droids followed her.

"Will this be satisfactory?" Dooku wasn't speaking to him, but to the assassin at his side.

Her lip curled into a sneer. "No. Kenobi is not satisfactory." They were talking about him? He'd never seen her look so displeased. Obi-wan soon found out why.

Dooku ignored her remark and spoke to his prisoner for the first time. "Kenobi. I assume you find this cell inescapable, as you're still here."

Obi-wan smiled slightly. "Quite correct, Count. You've done a brilliant job, really. Only one escape."

Dooku looked horrified. "Escape? Where?"

"Oh, I'll find one." He smirked at the pair. Ventress was uncharacteristically silent.

"Enough of your talk." Dooku was not so silent.

"Whatever you wish, Count."

"How can you be so respectful to him?" Ventress burst out suddenly. "He's going to kill you!"

"The Jedi are taught to respect their elders." He'd managed to both answer Ventress and get in a jibe at Dooku. He couldn't have done better.

"Silence Ventress. I'm not going to kill him, if all goes to plan." The Rattataki scowled and clenched her jaw, and Obi-wan was again confused. She usually showed the utmost respect towards her master. Dooku must have done something that really ticked her off. "Now Kenobi. I'm going to give you a choice."

"Let me guess. One option is you killing me?"

"Silence!" Between the two of them, he was going to go completely mad- mad as in crazy. For the present time, he was simply mad- mad as in angry. "Your first option is death."

Obi-wan brought one hand to his chin and pretended to think about this offer. "Hmm, very tempting. But tell me the other one first."

The sith lord took a deep breath and attempted to calm himself. He didn't notice Ventress imitating him exactly, much to the amusement of the Jedi prisoner. "Your other option is-"

"Master, it's not too late to reconsider." Asajj piped in, sounding hopeful. "If we never tell Kenobi the other option..."

"No. I've been planning this for weeks, and nothing you say can stop me." Her face showed anger, but also despair.

"So, what is this oh-so-wonderful offer?" Obi-wan couldn't help but feel curious. Ventress obviously disliked it. Perhaps Dooku wanted him to join the dark side? Ventress wanted him on the light side, maybe? Because he was her way out?

"Marry Ventress."

Ooo cliffhanger right? okay, honestly, who saw this coming? Am I being too predictable? And who wants to take a wild guess at Dooku's motives? You CAN answer all these questions, but only if you review!