Derek was almost completely dressed when Reid walked out of the showers. His hair was plastered to his head and water ran down his torso in tiny rivulets, following the long lines of his body until they hit the towel at his waist and were absorbed. He blushed when he noticed the older man openly appraising him, but managed a small smile as he sidled up to the locker next to Derek's. Derek grinned and dropped his spare towel on top of Reid's head. "You're dripping, pretty boy," he said affectionately.

Reid blushed harder and rubbed his hair with the towel, turning halfway away from Derek. Derek leaned against the lockers and let his eyes wander over Reid's slim form until his attention was suddenly caught by something gray at the small of his back, just barely peeking out from under the edge of his towel. Derek leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as he focused on it, then widening as he realized what it was.

"Reid," he said as he dropped to his knees behind the other man, one hand at his hip to keep him from turning and the other pulling the towel down just enough so that he could see. "Why do you have a tramp stamp of the Enterprise?"

Reid's head whipped around, his face bright red, and he sputtered. "It's a long story. Well, not really all that long, I guess. On my twenty-first birthday, Ethan took me to a bar next door to a tattoo parlor. Things just kind out of control." Goosebumps popped up under Derek's fingers as he lightly traced over the tattoo. Reid audibly swallowed, then shivered when Derek moved in close enough that his breath hit his still damp skin. "You think it's stupid, don't you."

Derek licked his lips and looked up at Reid with dark, heated eyes. "Actually, I think it's pretty damn hot."

Reid blinked down at him. He relaxed marginally and managed a nervous smile. "Really? Well, if you like that, you should see where I have the Millennium Falcon."

Thanks so much for reading! Feedback is overwhelmingly appreciated.

This was originally written for a kinkmeme over on LJ. The prompt was "Morgan/Reid - Tattoo ... on Reid ;)"

Nothing belongs to me.