Disclaimer: Everything goes to Cassandra Clare and Sakurakoji Kanoko.


His voice was the only thing I could hold on to. And how his small hand 8-year old hand stroked my red curls ever so softly. Childish tears spilled from my eyes.

"I promise, I'll come back for you. Because you're my…"

I blinked once. Twice. My head slipped back to the present, away from my memories as a 6-year old. The memories that I just couldn't remember. I really couldn't, no matter how hard I tried to pull the image of him back to me. But everything was covered in fog. Like something was blocking me out on purpose.

That's when my mind caught another flashback from my lonely river of thoughts. It played in my head.

A cloud of pure white feathers swirled around me. Just white. Not even ivory or something else. Pure white.

I heard flapping and the rustle of feathers. Like wings. But I couldn't tell where it was from. That part was blocked out from my sights. Feathers flew up, everywhere. But I didn't care; I was crying so hard.

A distant click was heard. A clatter from the laundry basket my mother was holding, dropped to the ground as she made her way toward me, not even noticing the feathers. Or maybe she was too worried about me. She pushed my auburn curls back looking straight at me through my tears. Her voice was already speaking.

"What happened, Clary?" she urgently asked. I couldn't speak. Instead the tears continued. I could make out the shape of my mother's worried face, looking around me. "Wait, wasn't someone just here?"

And then I was back. Frowning, I looked across my classroom from where I was seated at my desk, where the childhood memories I played now disappeared, locked back into my head.

But perched right in the middle of my desk, was a demon. A small one, really. He looked back at me with a mischievous smile and stuck his tongue out at me. I stared back.

The world I'm living in is a bit different.

Ever since I could remember, little demons have been everywhere in my life. They weren't harmful or anything. They just enjoyed annoying me. And this one right now was doing exactly that. It was like a bird, with black wings and its beak. But it had sort of a human body, that creeped me out right now, but I didn't look away either. Because it reminded me of the memory about the white feathers.

"…even listening?"

I snapped my head up, looking over to Maia, who was watching me with a curious expression on her angular face. I could see her death glare, which was intimidating because of her tall height and striking eyes, even in her regular school uniform.

"Were you even listening?" She repeats.

"Oh, sorry. Could you repeat that?" I say, turning in my chair, making sure to sweep my arm over my desk. I felt better after the demon had been whacked off.

Maia rolled her eyes at me. "You need a man."

"Maia, there isn't anyone worth looking at." I smiled ruefully. I watched a long snake-like demon slither out the open classroom windows.

"Then how about looking outside? Like, an older guy," Maia replies. "Out in the real world."

Maia doesn't know my real world. I sigh.

I looked away from her, staring out into the room where a few demons lounged around, not bothering to bother me. Yet.

Maia had pestered me about a boyfriend, ever since the first day of high school, I've been hit on. Guys here and there. She claims having a boyfriend will keep them away. But what I really need, is someone to keep the demons away.

Except normal humans can't even see them. I'm stuck here alone.

The bell rang, signaling that free time was over. Everyone headed back to their seats while I tried to distract myself on straightening my papers, while the demon I whacked away came back and was now perched on my shoulder, tugging at my hair. I rolled my eyes and pushed it off.

Class came and went.

After school, Maia and a few others excitedly pressed me forward to the doors until a demon flew into my path, causing me to trip. And of course, to the others, they see me tripping on empty air.

"How do you trip on a spot where there's nothing?" Maia mutters to me as she pulls me back up.

"It's a terribly long story," I groan, feeling the small pointy fingers poke me as Maia still saw nothing. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a whole group of them, laughing at their prank.

An unknown feeling swept through me.

Are there more of them lately?

After my friends managed to get me through the doors, another memory managed its way out of the prison and played in my head.


It was him again. I could see him. But not his face. I was watching from afar, with his back turned against me while the 7-year old me have tears in her eyes again. The boy had beautiful golden hair, shining in the afternoon sun. I wanted to stroke it.

This time, various demons passed by, not paying any attention. He was holding my hand, wiping away dirt on my dress with the other.

The demons giggled at the sight of how the 7-year old me who tripped because of them.

"Don't cry. The demons just like the sight of you crying," the unknown boy softly told me. "That's why they do it." He reached behind me to shoo away another demon ready to push me again. The little me slowed down with her tears, watching the boy.

"If they do it again, I'll get rid of them," he said again, looking me straight in the eyes. I nodded, wiping away the last of my tears.

He reached his hand out, letting me take it. He smiled.

I knew this story. I remembered just a little of it. But it was dear to me, and it'd be a crime to forget.

This blonde haired boy, two years older than me, was also like me.

He could see the demons, but he knew how to handle them. Unlike me, I was young and defenseless. But ever since I met him, we played together every day. I knew this because he used to live right next door in the old house.

But today, that house is empty. He's gone. And how that happened was the little scene of the feathers. But I couldn't remember it all.

Anyway, every since that, it had been empty for 10 years. The same amount I still lived in our house. The front gate is closed and it's been like that.

He was probably my first love. But I was seven then. That was a child's thought.

But still, I won't be able to get used to these demons. Even though I've tried to handle them ever since he left, it just doesn't work.

I still long for his hand, to stroke my hair again.

But I don't know his name nor his face.

Or even who he really was.

I covered my eyes from the early afternoon sun. Another day of school, nearly over. Just came by to see what Sebastian wanted.

"Sorry for calling you out so suddenly." Sebastian said, smiling at me. Maia had sent me off to this guy because he asked to see me. Out here, behind the school, which was surrounded by thick trees.

"It's okay," I say, watching the swaying movement of the branches. I looked at him. "What do you want, Verlac?"

I leaned against a tree. Maybe having a boyfriend could be better for me. I mean, Sebastian is somewhat attractive. Maybe Maia was right. Maybe I'm wrong about some guys not worth looking at.

He stepped closer, "If you free at the moment, maybe you wanna go out with me?"

I fell silent, suddenly distracted by the question. Caught off guard too. "You're asking me out?"

He closed the gap between us, holding my hands while I was caught between him and the tree. My heart paced faster, either with excitement or fear; I really didn't know. Something in my mind screamed at me, but I swept that voice to the back of my head.

"Yeah," he whispered, closing the distance slowly. His smile was off.

"But..." I trailed off when his face came close to mine, his lips almost brushing my ear. I felt a chill go down my back, and it wasn't the good kind of chill.

The voice in my head came back. Something was wrong. There weren't any demons around to ruin my chance with Sebastian. And there always were demons to ruin everything.


A sudden chill flew through me again. Something was really wrong. Not knowing it, I slipped out under his arm, feeling the air hug me again as I escaped his prison. His facial expression showed confusion.

I weakly smiled, "Sorry, I don't really feel well, could I get back to you later." I said, completely ignoring his offer and changing the subject. I turned and left before he could respond.

The chill still runs down my spine until I leave school grounds.

The empty sidewalk was full of demons again. They poked me. Ignoring them, I turned about the corner to my house as they continued to follow. Enduring the few minutes of reaching the small gate of our home, my mind plays back the promise the little boy made.

"Because you're my…"

I scowled, irritated that I couldn't even remember the important part. A sudden creak reached my ears.

Looking over to the empty home where he used to live, I saw it.

The gate was open.

Curious and kind of thrilled on what I discovered, I stopped and slipped toward the gates, looking around for anyone. No one.

I peeked through the gate. The house was exactly as I faintly remembered it. This house had a full garden on the front lawn, bursting with pale pink orchids. They danced in the wind as I stepped into the beautiful forest. The house didn't look like it had been abandoned for almost 10 years.


I jumped, looking forward where the sound came from.

Someone stood there.

He wasn't looking at me, but his back wasn't turned toward me either. His face was slightly smiling, like he was about to smirk anytime. The angular face of his. A strong build. He was incredibly attractive.

His golden hair.

I stepped back, holding onto the small trunk of the petite orange tree that was planted here years ago. During the time when the boy lived here. Steadying myself, I watched the angel-like guy gently pull an orchid from the cluster of flowers. It wasn't pink like the others, but pure white. Just like the wings from my memory.

The smell of oranges are warm in the hot sun. My heart suddenly thumps hard in my chest.

He twirled the stem in between his thumb and forefinger, watching it carefully. He doesn't put it in the small bouquet of other orchids already in his arms. He just studies it. Then he stops.

And turned to look at me.


I closed my eyes, hoping that it was just another replay of my memories.


It wasn't.

When I opened my eyes, it was him. Standing in front of me. The orchid still in his fingers.

He spoke. "Haven't seen you in a while," he says, smiling. His eyes shine with a spark among his golden irises.

"How do you…" I stopped.

"I used to live here ten years ago, remember?" He turns toward the old house and back. The orchid shudders against the wind.

I stopped when the wind blew gently. My hair was swept aside by its invisible fingers while the tiny orchid shivers delicately in his fingers.

"Are you really…" I couldn't seem to speak properly today.

"The kid you used to play with? Yeah," he answers quietly. He leans in toward me; his head dipped low to my bangs as I freeze when I feel his warmth. He smells like lemons and soap and sunshine. "I'm Jace."


He pulls back, smiling. The crooked smile that seems impossible to match, that long and messy blonde hair, the twinkle in his eyes. All so very familiar. The fragile orchid sways in the wind as if it's going to pass out.

Then his expression switches to some annoyed face as he leans over again. "They're sticking to you again," he chuckles, swatting away a demon by my shoulder.

"You…you can see them?"

"I can see them." He leans against the orange tree I'm holding onto. His purses his lips. "You really don't remember, don't you?"

This person, maybe…

"Well, I'm going to be living here again," he says while half sighing. He dumps the pile of flowers into my arms. Then, with one swift motion, he gently sets the white orchid in my hair. "So call me if you need me. Just like you always did."

My fingers cautiously reach up to the small orchid placed in my hair.

And his hand comes up to stroke my hair, and we just stood there.

It felt perfect.

As soon as the door to my house slams shut, the bundle of pink orchids tumble to the floor, my hand over my mouth. My heart is racing.

I used to live here ten years ago, remember?

We used to play together.

I can see them too.

His words are not a lie. I'm not dreaming. It's real. He's back.

My feet slide out in front of me and soon I'm sitting on the floor, leaning against the door. The small white flower tumbles out of my hair and into my frozen hands. It stares back at me. It's as if it's whispering, He's here. He's really here. It's him, Clary. It really is.

My heart runs faster.

He came back for me?

It was a child's promise, he can't be serious.

He remembered me.

That little voice in my head whispers. It says to stay with him.

So maybe it's a good thing I waited.

"Clary, you okay?"

Maia was watching me the whole time with a curious expression on her face as soon as I fell toward the wall. I was piled by demons. They all clung to my shoulders, gripping each other until it was one comical chain holding me down. There were too many to count.

"Um, you wanna go to the nurse's office?" She asks, looking for any signs of my discomfort.

"Really, I'm okay," I say, trying to step forward with a demon latched to my leg. Their laughter spreads through the hallway where I stepped out. Of course, no one else can hear it. "Go ahead, Maia. I'm just kinda dizzy, but it's nothing serious." I lie.

Maia stares at me, but agrees reluctantly and heads off to her Student Council Meeting, which she is late for.

I watch her down the hall, and then feel the demons pushy hands reach out and grasp my shoulders. They pull me back against the wall hard.

"Ah," the hiss escapes from my lips, as they retreat with giggles. I rub the back of my head.

"What's with this? There's so many today," I let out. The eerie cackles echo through the hallway. I feel cold. This wasn't like yesterday. It's much worse.

Sebastian Verlac suddenly appears by my shoulder, a thin smile on his face.

"Clary, can I have a minute?" He says with the usual smile. But it has an icy edge to it. My heart is unusually fast. The demons messing around with me are no longer here; in fact, none are.

I know the little voice from yesterday is now fighting its way to the front of my mind. It's screaming even louder now. But I'm not even in control anymore. I feel stiff and icy.

My lips are numb. And they speak. How did they move on their own? I don't know.

I just know that I felt them say, "Yeah."