Ginny & The Diary Of Bella Swan

A/N: thanks for all of the reviews and subscriptions; it means a lot to me guys. Please note; most of the dialogue is from the twilight movie. I do not own Twilight or Harry Potter, they belong to the creative geniuses that are Jo Rowling & Stephenie Meyer!

On with the story…

Chapter 5: Research & Advice

Ginny woke early the next morning. With it being a Saturday, she believed she could spend as much time in the library as possible; without the interruption of classes.

When she arrived in the great hall for breakfast, she noticed Hermione sitting at the Gryffindor table on her own. It was then that Ginny came up with a brilliant idea.

"Hey Hermione" she said quietly. "Morning Ginny" she replied in return. The youngest Weasley took a seat across from her and took a deep breath to calm herself, "Hermione; what are your plans for today? Other than homework and studying of course" Hermione gave her a curious look "nothing, why?" "I need your expertise and was wondering whether you would mind helping me with some research". Hermione smiled "of course I will Ginny, I would love to" Ginny thanked her quietly as she saw her brother and Harry approaching the table.

"we're off to Hogsmeade today, do you fancy it Hermione?" Ron asked with reddened cheeks. "Sorry Ron" Hermione replied "not today, I promised Ginny I would give her a hand with some research in the library. Maybe next time OK?" she continued appreciatively.

Ron's red face went a deeper shade with a look of anger and embarrassment mixed evidently on his features. "So you're turning us down to spend the day with my sister?" he tried not to make the jealousy sound evident in his voice. Hermione rolled her eyes "oh for heavens sake Ron, your sister; s you so kindly put it has asked me for help and I agreed; get off your high horse and be considerate for once, I can have more friends other than you and Harry!" Hermione ended her ranting by taking a deep breath. "come on Ginny, lets get going; this research won't do itself" And together, both girls exited the great hall with both Ron and Harry looking on in bewilderment.

"So Ginny, what is it you need help researching?" Hermione asked. "Well you see…Hermione, How much do you know about vampires?" Hermione looked taken aback, but got her composure back in check. "Why do you want to know about them? Is it for homework?" she asked inquisitively. "No" Ginny replied "It's kind of a pet project I am working on, something I want to and have started taking an interest in" Hermione gave her a look; as if she was trying to figure her out, but when she couldn't get anything, she gave a sigh.

"Well Ginny; in the muggle world vampires are somewhat of a myth, a supernatural being; famously portrayed in many muggle films and books, etc. They are also famously known to drink blood."

Ginny took in all of the information Hermione was giving her, jotting down notes every chance she got; when she was nearing the end of her research session, Ginny asked one final question… "Hermione, have you ever heard vampires being referred to as the 'cold ones'?"

Hermione, for the first time in her life; didn't have a clue at what she was on about, so she answered her no. Ginny thanked her for all the help that she had given and watched as Hermione made her way back to meet Harry and Ron.

Ginny however, decided to stay in the library. Luckily she had Bella's journal to hand and decided to carry on where she had left off….

'well…I confronted him. We walked deep into the forest and I confronted him over my discoveries. I remember saying to him "you're impossibly fast and strong. You're skin is pale white and ice cold, you're eyesight changes colour and sometimes you speak like you're from another time. You never eat or drink anything, you don't go out in the sunlight…" I had said all of this to him before he could say anything. I could feel him though, he was standing right behind me. "How old are you?" I asked him "17" he answered "How long have you been 17?" I ask him, he just answers " a while" I gulped, I remember doing that, it was then after a few short moments that I said to him "I know what you are" he just said quietly "say it…out loud…say it" he sounded very demanding when he asked a second time, that struck a nerve with me, but I had to stand m ground.

"A vampire" I replied "Are you afraid?" he asked me with a hint of doubt in his voice. Why doubt me now Edward? "No" I said firmly back. He then went to ask me what I thought his kind ate and when he didn't like my answer, he grabbed me by the arm; then forced me on his back so it looked like he was giving me a piggyback, he then ran up the mountain extremely fast while holding on to me in the process.

Once we had reached the top, I could see mass amounts of sunlight beaming down onto him. He had let me off of his back and then proceeded to undo the buttons of his shirt. He faced in the sunlight and what I saw amazed me; his skin, all of his skin was glittering; shimmering like diamonds. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.

"This is why we don't show ourselves in sunlight" he told me "people would know that we are different". When I told him that he was beautiful, he grunted and looked at me in disgust "beautiful? This is the skin of a killer Bella" he then dashed out of the sunlight, doing his shirt up at the same time.

We then went into a heated debate about how I didn't believe any of this, he then told me about how he's wanted to kill me since the first day we met and how he's never wanted a human's blood so badly. Edward then informed me that he couldn't read my mind.

That's Edwards' gift; he can read minds, it turns out that certain vampires can have special gifts and Edward is one of the few.

I told him once more that I wasn't afraid of him, that my only fear was losing him; he just sighed and looked deep into my eyes; I was literally bearing my soul to him. "you don't know how long I've waited for you" he eventually says to me before placing one of his ice cold hands on my chest; over my heart.

"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb" he murmurs to me "what a stupid lamb" I reply which makes him smile "what a sick, masochistic lion" he says in return, before taking me to his favourite place; a beautiful, secluded meadow where the sun shone brightly with many different coloured wildflowers and Edward himself shimmering with a smile and without a care in the world.

After today's events I have come to the following conclusion…

About three things I was absolutely positive.

First, Edward was a vampire.

Second, there was a part of him - and I didn't know how dominant that part might be - that thirsted for my blood.

And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

Ginny looked up from the diary in shock. All of the information she had just found out from this one entry alone had made her more intrigued to find out more. She also found herself scared; scared because she found herself slowly falling in love with Edward. That couldn't possibly happen…could it?

A/N: so there you have it, another chapter updated for your viewing pleasure. I think this is one of the longest chapters I've written for this story to be honest. Well anyway, let me know what you think.

