Angelchan2012: Okay bunnies! *claps hands together* Here's another one of my lovely tails of romance, drama, tragedy and more!

Grimm: *rolls eyes, and crosses arms muttering* overly dramatic teenager…

Ichi: C'mon Grimm, be nice! Besides, this sounds interesting!

Shiro: I agree wit Berry on tha!

Angelchan2012: Good, now say the phrase cuz I think you guys are gonna like this story!

GrimmIchiShiro: Please read and review! Angel doesn't own Bleach or its characters!

Angelchan2012: Please enjoy! *bows* Oh! I also don't own Three Days Grace or any other kick ass band and their song(s) mentioned in this story!

That night was the worst night of his life…His family was taken right in front of him, and he couldn't stop the people who did it. He never got much sleep because of the nightmares, also wearing a constant scowl on his face. He didn't really try to make friends at his new school, he was too afraid to get close to anyone anymore so he just shut down. It was as if he died and all that remained was the fragile shell of a teenager. He was a 5'9", 18 year old boy with orange hair and deep chocolate brown eyes. His name: Ichigo Kurosaki.

Kurosaki walked down the hall to the principal's office so he could get his school schedule, listening to a song on his iPod; Never Too Late by Three Days Grace. Along the way he heard whispers of, "Hey isn't that-?" "Ya, heard his whole family was murdered…" "Said in the papers they never caught the ones that did it." "I bet he cuts himself" "Ya, look at him-he's gotta be a freak; his hair says it all…" The red headed teen just sighed quietly and entered the office, wondering why he doesn't just drop out and kill himself.

Upon entering the office, he was met with a man in a green and white striped shirt and hat, a fan blocking his face, only revealing his eyes. The man chuckled and said, "Please, have a seat, Kurosaki-san." The teen sat down, his brow rising in question. "I'm Kisuke Urahara, the principal of this high school! Here's your schedule," he said, handing the teen a small slip of paper, "Hope you have a good year here and make tons of friends!" The red head nodded, quietly rising and leaving the room to go to his first class.

Once outside the room the teen scoffed, 'have a good year and make tons of friends' my ass…I'm not the most social guy in the world. He looked down at his schedule to see that his first class was physics. Great, the berry thought, another teacher to harass me about whether or not my hair's naturally this color…fuck my life, oh wait-my life's fucked up enough already… Just as he was lost in self hatred, he ran into a hard surface, the result: landing flat on his ass.

"Hey! Watch where yer goin' dumb-oh, hey yer the new kid aren't ya?" a velvety voice said, causing the teen to look up to the owner of said voice. What he saw was no kid, but a man-no, a sex god! He had to be at least 6'2", with shocking electric blue hair, muscular frame and blue tattoos under his eyes, giving him a feral look that only made him sexier-if possible. The blunette then lent a hand out for the boy to grab, but said teen just shook his head and stood up, dusting himself off. "Sorry 'bout that, shoulda paid attention to where I was walking…anyway, the name's Grimmjow Jeagerjaques." The blunette-Grimmjow, introduced smirking. "Ichigo Kurosaki," the red head replied simply, not even bothering to fake a smile-he just didn't want to live anymore and with God tormenting him by having the incident, then revealing the blunette-his life just wasn't fair.

Grimmjow quickly lost his smirk for a look of confusion; most people at least act happy when meetin' others…what's up with him…? Oh shit-this kid's the one that was all over the news last year! While he was lost in realization, he didn't see the red head turn around and leave to his first class period.

The week hadn't gone by quick enough for the berry, he didn't like the school and didn't appreciate how the students kept questioning him about what happened last year. He walked home silently, his head hanging while listening to another song-I Hate Everything About You. Ya, you could say he's emo. Yes he cuts himself, yes he doesn't show emotions, and yes he cries himself to sleep at night, the whole shebang! But he had a decent reason to do all of that; he lost so many people that were important to him, all because some jackasses thought it would be fun to break into another's home and kill the family. Why he was the only one left alive, the teen didn't know.

When he got to his apartment, he went to his room and pulled out the small silver switchblade his father had given him on that day. He flipped the blade open and let it slide across his skin, relaxing at the feeling of the red liquid flowing off his wrists. Silent tears fell from his face, mixing with the small puddle forming on the floor. Of course he never cut too deep, why, he didn't know-he always had thoughts of suicide on his mind but I guess when it came down to carrying that plan out, he couldn't. There was always one thought that swam through his mind, Why do I keep on living?

Grimmjow was at home, researching about Kurosaki online. He clicked on the news letter and started reading. What he found completely disturbed him…

Angelchan2012: Yes, ya'll find out more details about Ichigo's traumatic event in the next chapter! Tha's why this one's so short! First it will be told from Grimm's POV, then Ichi's dream POV! So please look out for that!

Grimm: O.O holy shit! Berry's life is fucked up!

Ichi: *rolls eyes while using sarcastic voice* Thanks Grimm, that makes me feel sooo much better!

Grimm: Sorry Ichi *hugs Ichi*

Shiro: Hey am I gonna be in this story?

Angelchan2012: Yup! I'm gonna use a lot more people in this story! Hopefully…

GrimmIchiShiro: Please review and look out for the next chapter!

Angelchan2012: Oh ya! I also want-no need yer help again! I'mma have another pole up on my bio and I need ya'll to decide what story I'mma work on after this one's done! So please vote so I can make up my mind!