1 Concrete Angel

"You're a freak!" "You're a disgrace to this family!" "You don't have magic powers, you're just crazy!"All these phrases ran through the red-head's mind as she walked to King's Cross with her bag for Hogwarts. All these phrases were said by her mother, father, and sister, Petunia. All these phrases were screeched by her family while Lily Evans got beaten senseless.

She walks to school with the lunch she packed

Nobody knows what she's holding back

Wearing the same dress she wore yesterday

she hides the bruises with the linen and lace

Professor McGonnagol knows, she knows but is too afraid to ask. Lily keeps her emotions well hidden, along with her bruises, but the Professor sees right through it all. The Professor and one other. James Potter. He knows all of it, but was threatened by Lily's father that if he tells anyone, Lily will die. But secretly that's exactly what she wanted, to die, or at least never had been born.

The teacher wonders but she doesn't ask

sometimes it's hard to see the pain behind the mask

Bearing the burden of a secret storm

sometimes she wishes she was never born

Through the wind and the rain she stands hard as a stone

In a world that she can't rise above

but her dreams give her wings

and she flies to a place where she's loved

Concrete Angel

Lily cries in agony every time, and every time she's heard not only by James next door, but by Severus Snape, who was her friend two years ago. While James cries over his love being beaten, and Snape just turns out the light and goes to bed, as do the other neighbors. One night Lily's cries stops and Petunia starts singing, "Ding-Dong the with is dead!" James starts to bawl while he dials for the police

Somebody cries in the middle of the night

the neighbors hear but they turn out the light

A fragile soul caught in the hands of fate

when morning comes it'll be too late

James had lost the love of his life, and cried every night due to Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, Alice Smith, James Potter, and the Hogwarts staff had come for Lily's funeral. James had broken down at the funeral as every one expected. Remus, being a great friend of Lily's, bawled almost as bad as when he goes through his changes. Peter cried because Lily and the marauders were the only people besides adults who were nice to him. Even Sirius Black shed his first ever tear. After all the "Noble Family of Black" never shed tears. Since Lily's family were in jail Lily's funeral was arranged by Mr. And Mrs. Potter, the Marauders, Frank & Alice.

A statue stands in a shaded place

an angel girl with an upturned face

A name is written on a polished rock

A broken heart the world forgot

James, Remus, and Alice were chosen to do the inscription on the tombstone.

Here Lies Lily Evans

amazing friend, daughter

Concrete Angel