Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! or any of it's characters nor gain any profit from it. Both belong to Kazuki Takahashi. I'm just a dedicated fan. My fanfiction isn't and hasn't been beta'd by anyone.

Contains: AU(Alternate Universe), a bit of angst, humor which totally sucks by my opinion. ^^; yaoi boyxboy, Puzzleshipping - Yami Yugi(Atemu) x Yugi Mutou some OC's that were made in the spur of the moment. Since this is an AU setting, it seems appropriate right? ^^

Warning: There might be some ecchi, shonen-ai, language thanks to Yami.

Sorry fangirls, the hot yaoi action won't appear until the later chapters. I switched it up this time by making this in Yami's point of view in this chapter. Enjoy. ^_^

*Yami's POV*

My eagerness to see Yugi reached new heights when a new day began. I always went to pick him up at his house so we'll walk to school together. Sometimes he comes to my place but I like to come to him way more than he comes to get me. After we arrived at school, everyone stares at us but it's less than before. They know full well we're dating and they stopped with the glaring at Yugi and the multiple stares. We've been going out for three weeks so far and our friends keep pestering us to take the next step. It's pissing me the hell off. I think they're just frustrated at me 'cause we haven't done any group activities since Dave & Buster's a few weeks ago. So as the school day drew to an end, I suggested to them that we go clubbing. It is Friday after all.

"Clubbing?" said Yasu.

"Dude that's a great idea. We've haven't been clubbing in a while." Keisuke said, sounding really excited then gestured to Yugi who was sitting on my desk like he usually did when he's talking to me. "Besides, your Yugi hasn't been clubbing before." My friends has been oddly supportive of my dating Yugi partially because they're the ones who pushed me to ask him out in the first place. I liked him and was, surprisingly, too much of a coward to ask him out. Now, Yugi and I are dating and I couldn't be happier.

"I guess he hasn't." I said as I looked over at my beloved. His beautiful amethyst eyes looked at me with curiosity.

"We're going clubbing later, and wondered if you wanted to come along." I asked my beloved. Yugi seemed eager to go because I was going. It was somewhat of an annoying trait of his but somehow I enjoyed it. I never had anyone as special as him, someone who loves me more than I deserve.

"I actually never been clubbing before. So I want to come along. It sounds like fun." He said as he smiled. I guess he remembered the first conversation we had together. I told him about what my friends and I usually do together and he listened to me with great interest.

"Great. I'll come pick you up later." I told him and he nodded.

"So we'll meet you guys at the club then?" asked Yuta.

"Yeah, see you there."

"We'll save you two a spot in line."

We said goodbye to our friends and went home to get ready. I dropped Yugi off then hurried home to figure out what to wear. After I closed the front door, I greeted my parents then rushed upstairs to my room. I suddenly found it to be a frustrating process. Before I met Yugi for the first time, I never had this much trouble figuring out what to wear. I groaned in frustration when I dug through every inch of my closet and nothing stood out to me. I'm sure Yugi doesn't care about what I wear but I still want to look perfect for him. A natural trait when you're in a long-term relationship. I eventually settled on a black short sleeve shirt with leather pants. Seriously? This is the same kind of shit I wear whenever I go out! I got pissed then threw the leather pants to the side then grabbed a pair of tight fitting dark blue jeans with my black shirt. What the hell! This isn't any better. My mild irritation turned to moderate as I tossed my clothes to the side in disgust.

"Ugh, fuck it." I muttered. Then I stripped out of my school clothes and changed into the clothes I picked out after changing my mind so many times. After I changed, I went over to the body length mirror on my bedroom door to see if everything was in order. I have to admit, I look good. I'm sure my beloved would think so too. I combed my hair and used hair gel on a few stray ones that were out of place and I was ready to go. I grabbed my jacket, wallet, keys and my cell then dashed out of my bedroom and hurried down the steps.

"See you later." I said to my parents and rushed out the door. Yugi's house was only a street away from mine. When I first walked him home, I noticed it was a game shop as well. My beloved loves games a lot. I think my fondness for gaming shot up to his level ever since we started dating. We frequent D&B's a lot and every time we go there, we end up drawing a crowd with our acrobatic stunts on DDR. Sometimes if we impress them good enough, they put more money on both of our cards or buy us drinks.

I arrived at Yugi's in fifteen minutes. Five minutes faster than usual. Must be my eagerness to see him. I wonder what he's wearing…I thought to myself as I entered his game shop/house. His grandfather, Sugoroku was there when he heard me come in.

"Ah, welcome Yami. Yugi is upstairs getting ready. Should I get him for you?" he said politely.

"Is it okay if I go to him myself?" I asked.

"I don't see why not. His bedroom is the last one on the right." He noted as I opened the door that leads into their home. I walked up the stairs upon entry, my heart raced. Holy hell, I was going to see what his room is like. To see him. My dearly beloved Little One. My heart rate continued to climb as I approached his room at the end of the narrow hallway. I took a few calming breaths before knocking on his door.

"What is it, Grandpa? I'm getting ready to meet-" Yugi's sentence stopped short after he opened the door spotted me in his doorway. My eyes had widened slightly. He looked sexy in his leather pants and sleeveless tight-fitting black shirt. His outfit hugged his petite figure so well. Damn, he looks so sexy, I thought. No, Yami! Control yourself and don't jump him. I held out my arms and he dove into them at the same time. It was like we had that timed perfectly on purpose. His amethyst eyes gazed at me with love as he said, "Hi, Yami. Did Grandpa send you up here to get me?" I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips as I held him in my arms.

"No, Little One. I offered to come up here and fetch you myself. Are you ready to go?" I asked him as I felt him nod. "Then lets go meet up with the guys. They'll get impatient if we're late arriving."

"Okay." Yugi slid past me then took my hand and lead me back through the narrow highway and back down the stairs. He said goodbye to his grandfather then headed out the door. I wonder if he knows about us... Our fingers laced as soon as the door closed and we started walking. We reached the train station, bought our tickets and got on the train at the last minute. As we sat down and waited patiently to get to our destination, I looked over at my Yugi and whispered in his ear, "You look sexy tonight, Little One." He blushed and I laughed. I always loved to make him blush even if it's by accident.

"If anyone looks sexy, it would be you, Yami." Yugi corrected me as I kissed him on his cheek lightly. He leaned his head on my shoulder while we rode out our train ride in silence. I can smell his shampoo. The scent of strawberries. An innocent scent for someone like him. It smelled wonderful. He smelled wonderful. So intoxicating and addicting. I inhaled his scent a little more filling my lungs with his intoxicating presence and sighed. Why did he have to smell so innocent? I'm not sure if I can even control myself if he's this close and smells this intoxicating. Our trip on the train ended shortly and we disembarked off the train. Yugi took my hand again before we started walking again.

"So what's the name of the club you're taking me to?" he finally asked. I could tell he was curious about where we were headed from the time I picked him up at his house.

"UVERdown. It's like Dave & Busters for partiers. It's amazing in there and twice the size of D&B's believe it or not. It's also an outdoor club too but the real fun is inside. There's a light up dance floor, a full bar and awesome music and every Friday, a band comes to the club and plays a show for us. Tonight Maximum the Hormone is playing here." I told him. His amethyst eyes lit up after the last part and we stopped walking.

"Maximum the Hormone's playing here?" he squealed happily. "I love their music! It's so infectious."

"You're a fan of them Yugi?" I never would've pegged him as someone who loves to listen to J-Metal. It surprised me a little.

"Yeah. What about you?"

"Huge. I have every CD they've released so far. I'll give them to you tomorrow." Yugi hugged my arm and I took it as a thank you before he even said it. "You're welcome Little One." I gave him a kiss and we resumed walking we couldn't keep our friends waiting.

We arrived at UVERdown in less than ten minutes. Nobu, Yasu, Keisuke, Yuta and Kazuki were waiting in the middle of the line. They're already impatient when Yugi and I had arrived.

"About time!" Yuta griped at me. I let out an exasperated sigh as Yugi and I took our place in the line with our friends.

"Yuta, we didn't even get here that late…" I told him.

"Don't mind him, Yami. He's had a few drinks from the outdoor bar before you two arrived." Keisuke explained. I sighed again then looked over at Yugi who was staring at me curiously. I smiled at him and nuzzled his hair affectionately.

"You two are lovey-dovey today." teased Yasu.

"It's not like we can show affection for each other at school. We'll get in trouble," said Yugi as he wrapped his arms around me gave me a quick peck on the lips. "If that rule didn't exist, I'd kiss him as much as I want to."

"True. How you guys have self-control at school amazes me. I mean if it were me, I'd be all over my partner."

"Practice." I answered him.

"How? You've only dated him for three weeks."

"True but unlike you, I control my impulses." Yasu glared at me and I smirked. The line moved a few feet and we moved with the line so we could keep our place. Thirty minutes passed and we were finally in UVERdown. Knowing what kind of lushes what my friends are, they immediately bee lined for the bar as soon as we entered the club. Yugi and I watched them drink themselves under the table for the last thirty minutes as we drank some bottled water. Our friends somewhat strayed away from us to try to get phone numbers from girls after drinking for a bit. The dance music was pulsing through the entire building and was almost packed with kids our age because of the band that's playing here tonight. I noticed the stage was already set up with the equipment for Maximum the Hormone.

Since the band wasn't due to play now, I decided that I wanted to dance with my Yugi. He was as eager as I was when we got on the dance floor and started moving along with the beats of the music. Wow, he's actually a good dancer. Our movements were in sync with the music and each other. I wanted to dance a little closer to him. Just being a foot away is driving me insane so I pulled Yugi closer, making contact with his hips. He gasps sharply, arching his back. The contact I just made was amazing. Heat flares throughout my body, pooling into my abdomen. I leaned my forehead against his and our noses brush against each other, our hips still in contact.

His beautiful amethyst eyes stayed locked onto mine as he relaxed his posture. I never realized how powerful human contact was. It's amazing. I know we've kissed before but this contact was like no other. Each touch sends shockwaves through me, making me want more of him. I love Yugi; I want him; I desperately need him. Yugi wraps his arms around my neck, pulling himself closer to me and purred at the contact. We lock lips as we continued to moving with the music.

The DJ turned down the music, forcing me to break apart from Yugi.

"Shit." I hissed in frustration. Yugi noticed my frustration and started pelting my neck with a couple of kisses. I calmed down a little. We pulled apart but still stayed linked by holding each others hands. The DJ grabbed the mike and shouted into it, "All right everybody it's time to rock out to Maximum the Hormone!" Cheers and screaming erupted in the entire building as one of my favorite bands walked onto stage. Yugi and I cheered loudly after they started playing…

"Agh… I think I've screamed too much. My throat really hurts," said Yugi as he entered the bathroom with me. Like my voice, Yugi sounded extremely hoarse. Maximum the Hormone played three encores and I was surprised that both of our voices didn't go out after all that screaming we've done.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." I agreed. My throat felt like it was on fire. It hurt to talk a little. Both of us used the urinals, washed our hands then went back out there towards the dance floor again. Dancing ever so closely again. Our now drunken friends eventually found us on the dance floor and decided to join us. Frustration flared up inside of me again when they busted our bubble of a private world. A personal void where only Yugi and I existed. I don't mind when they do that at school but when we're outside of school, they need to let me have my time with Yugi. Oh wait, they're drunk as hell right now. So they really don't know what they're doing right now. I guess I could let this go for now.

Our night came to an end when the 'responsible' drinkers: Keisuke, Nobu and Kazuki needed our help in dragging Yuta and Yasu home. So the seven of us left the club late but kind of early on account that it's ten after midnight. It took us, not including Yugi because I told him not to, another thirty minutes to get Yuta and Yasu home. Good thing they live a few houses from each other. After parting ways with our partially sober friends, I decided to finally take Yugi home. I held out my hand and he immediately took it. I laced our fingers and resumed walking.

It was chilly tonight and since it's after midnight, it's around 60 degrees. Yugi shivered then I shrugged out of my jacket and had him slip his arms in the sleeves.

"Thank you." He said, still sounding hoarse.

"Anytime." I responded, my own voice sounded hoarse also. We resumed walking again and reached his house within ten minutes. Yugi turned to me after unlocking the door and pressed his lips against mine for a second.

"Um…," he began. "Would you…like to come in?" he finally asked. I nodded and he tugged my hand to make me move. I followed him throughout the game shop, into his house then upstairs to his bedroom. Thankfully his grandfather's asleep so he won't hear us. Yugi closed the door to his bedroom and locked the door. My hormones immediately spiked to new levels as I took Yugi into my arms and crushed his lips feverishly. I wanted him. I wanted to feel him.

Yugi caught up with my mood in an instant and slid his hand up my shirt. I shivered with pleasure and moaned into his mouth. His tongue touched my lips, granting an entrance and I happily obliged. Our tongues were in battle with each other for control as we kept clawing at each other's clothing. I pulled away to pull off my shirt and his then resumed kissing him again. His taste was so sweet that I deepened our kiss, wanting more. As I reached into his pants, I felt Yugi tense up and I pull back.

"Sorry. I'm going to fast." I said, my tan cheeks flushed and I started to remove my hand from his pants. Yugi's cheeks were more flushed than mine were.

"Yami, I'm sorry." Yugi whispered, kissing my neck. "Would it be okay if we waited?"

I knew he was going to say that. My body kept telling me to ravage him but I resisted valiantly. Damn hormones… I thought. Yugi is too innocent. I can't shatter it because I want sex from him. He'd hate me forever if I just force myself on him. So to answer his question, I kissed him on his forehead softly and said, "Yes, my Little One. I will wait until you're ready." He hugged me tightly and I reciprocated.

"I love you."

"As I love you."

We were both tired from our nightly outing with our friends so we fell asleep together. Our bodies were intertwined, pressing against each other. I had to beat down the annoying yet irresistible urges to ravage my beloved. I love him and I want him but I must wait for him to be ready. I want to hear it in his voice when he wants me to take him and satisfy him.

Goodnight, my beloved Yugi. My Little One. I thought, hoping my message will reach him in his dreams…

A/N: So, I guess there are some people who were wondering what's up with the name of the club UVERdown. I took the word UVER from the J-Rock band UVERworld and the word down from my favorite rockers, System of a Down. ^_^ I know, not very creative. But it was hell trying to think of a name for the club especially since I wrote this chapter on a whim. ^^;

**I won't be on here for a while so try to be patient and I'll bring you two more delicious chapters in Yami's POV asap! :3

But...Thanks for reading! Reviews are totally appreciated. ^_^