Hey, I hope you enjoy reading this! It's my first story so bear with me! Please review!

Lucy xox

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonny with a Chance

Sonny waited anxiously in her and Tawni's dressing room. Earlier that day a message had been slipped in her bag.

Dear Sonny,

I want to talk to you in your dressing room at four today. Alone.

Chad Dylan Cooper.

She was confused by the note, and a little nervous. Sonny sighed and checked her reflection in the mirror and then scowled at herself. Who cared what she looked like. It was only Chad.

Two minutes later there was a knock on her door.

Sonny took a deep breath. 'Come in!'

Chad walked in casually. 'Hey Sonny.'

'Hey ... Chad,' Sonny answered. 'What did you want to talk to me about?'

'Yeah, uh ... ' Chad said. 'I was going to draw this out a bit but I have a hairdresser appointment in fifteen minutes, so I'll get right to the point.'

'Okay,' Sonny said. 'Let's hear it.'

'Sonny, I like you,' Chad said bluntly.

It took Sonny a moment to make sure she'd heard right. 'What?'

'I like you Sonny, and I know you like me,' Chad said simply, his voice casual with confidence.

'How can you know that I like you?' Sonny asked, raising her eyebrows and trying to act natural while inside her, her heart was beating fiercely against her chest.

Chad looked slightly confused. 'Ah ... well, who doesn't?'

Sonny smiled to herself. 'Alright,' she said. 'Let's just say for one moment that I do like you ... what exactly were you planning to do about it?'

Chad smirked. 'Sonny,' he said seriously, sounding just like he was acting on Mackenzie Falls. 'Will you go out with me?'

Sonny looked stumped for a moment. 'Are you serious?'

'Um ... yeah?'

'I can't go out with you!' Sonny said loudly.

'Shh!' Chad hissed.

'There's no one around,' Sonny said patiently.

Chad shrugged. 'Well, anyway ... how, uh ... how come?'

'This ... isn't about how I feel about you Chad,' Sonny said awkwardly. 'I really, uh ... like you. But my friends need to come first - they hate you!'

Chad frowned and shrugged again. 'Not a big deal. I hate them too.'

'Yeah, but if I went out with you, they'd hate me as well!'

'Who said they had to know?'

Sonny raised her eyebrows. 'Woah ... really?'

Chad scoffed. 'Seriously, Sonny, do you really think I'd want everyone at Mackenzie Falls to know I was going out with someone from "Chuckle City"?'

Sonny couldn't help smiling. He was such a jerk, so why did she still like him?

'So you're my girlfriend?' Chad asked, flashing her a smile.

Sonny took a deep breath. 'I guess.'



'See you later then.'

'Yeah. Bye.'