10 Things I am not allowed to do Around Gokudera Hayato

Warnings/ Disclaimer: There will be MANY mentions/references to Death Note, Shinee, SS501, and Super Junior so I do not own them xD And Rated T for Gokudera potty mouth! This is unbeta-d! So I am extremely sorry for the poor grammar and spelling mistakes.

Also, the title is also some sort of reference to AppleSnapple's 100 Things I am not Allowed to Do in Hyoutei. It's a Prince of Tennis fanfiction. And it's a classic! Go read it! You won't regret it! So, basically. I got this idea from her. xD

And this is a birthday project for my dear friend (and Storm Guardian xD *shot), demonsadist who just turned… uhh… how old are you again, woman? *tonfa'd. So yeah…


Now that that's done. Enjoy!

Number One:

You are not allowed to invite Gokudera to your house with your shounen-Ai doujinshis scattered on your room floor.

Gokudera let out a full-out yawn as he strolled passed the Nogisaka residence's front door, muttering an "Ojamashimasu…" as he toed off his sneakers.

"Welcome, Gokudera-kun. Rai-chan is upstairs with JiHi-chan at the moment. Why don't you just go ahead and go upstairs?" Miss Nogisaka said as she poked her head from the kitchen doorway.

Gokudera threw a wide smile her way, "I will, Nogisaka-san! Thanks!"

Gokudera hesitantly climbed the stairs and walked down the hall to where he remembered Rai's room was. He had already been there twice, so it shouldn't be a difficult feat to locate her room.

It's that or it was so glaringly obvious because of the large poster of a Korean boy band on her bedroom door. Gokudera had actually took the time once to count all of the boys in the group and was so shocked to find out that a group who had 13 members actually exists.

"Tch. And to think JiHi likes them, too. God, what has the world come to?" Gokudera muttered as he opened to bedroom door. Not even caring to knock.

"Yo, JiHi… Ra-…" Gokudera stopped opening the door full way due to the fact that several books were scattered across the floor.

Gokudera sighed, "Seriously, Rai. What kind of otaku are you just leaving your mangas all over the floor like this?" he said as he randomly picked up a manga without looking.

"I don't think you should be reading that, Gokudera." JiHi said from her spot on Rai's bed. Her head was hanging off from one side as she stared at an upside down Gokudera.

"Tch. It's not like I don't read gory mangas. You really don't have to worry about me JiHi. I handle gore well, trust me."

JiHi frowned but then shrugged and withdrew her eyes from Gokudera. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

Gokudera scoffed and proceeded to randomly read a page from the manga. Only to turn as red as his storm flame.

He flipped to another page and if possible went even redder.

JiHi smirked.

"HOLY SHIT!" Gokudera said as he threw the doujinshi at Rai who was holding back a laugh. "HOW THE FLIPPIN' SHIT DID THAT THING FIT IN THERE?"

Rai guffawed as she caught the thrown doujinshi, "Seriously, Gokudera! Your face! It … it was absolutely priceless!"

"Dammit, woman!" Gokudera yelled, "Why on earth do you have those things? Are you even in the right age to own one?"

"Hah. It's not like age limits can stop that loony." JiHi muttered as she sat up. She couldn't think well with blood rushing to her head with the way she was sitting a while ago.

"What JiHi said. Plus, this doujinshi isn't even yaoi, yet. Seriously, Gokudera. A bit of Shounen-ai scares the living shit out of you? And here I thought you were a man."


"Don't bother finishing that sentence, Gokudera. Your poor de-virginized brain might not handle looking for the right noun and I don't want you dying in my room."

"..shut up."

Rai examined the book Gokudera had thrown and laughed, "Oh! This is one of my favorites!"

Gokudera jaw-dropped, "One of your favorites? You flippin' mean there's more?"

Rai gave him a look that clearly said, 'lol, duhhh?'

Gokudera turned to face JiHi so fast, Rai was sure he twisted his spinal column or something.

"And you don't have any problems with this whatsoever?"

"I don't see a reason for me to care, really."



"… Somehow, I'm not really surprised,"

"Good for you."

Gokudera flopped down on the floor in front of Rai and randomly reached out for another doujinshi only to winced at the cover and slowly give it back to Rai, "Not Death Note, too."

"You can't help the fangirls, Stupidera." JiHi chimed from the bed.

"Where do you get these stuffs anyway?"

"The beauty of the internet, Gokudera. You should probably try using it for once."

"What's that supposed to mean, Rai-tard?"

"Nothing." Rai said innocently as she stacked all the doujinshis beside her.

"Do you know the person who makes these?" Gokudera asked.

Rai shook her head, "Nope, but I do know someone who draws these kind of stuff. Maybe I could let her draw one with you and Tsuna."

"…Really?" Gokudera blurted out.


"… Dude." JiHi said, momentarily alarmed and amused at the same time.


"Wait. What?"

"Oh my Kira, Gokudera!" Rai said as she came back to herself again.

Gokudera turned a bright red. "I didn't mean it that way, you idiot!"

"Sure, Gokudera. And that wasn't just an excited glint in your eyes a while ago." JiHi said as she raised a suspicious eyebrow at Gokudera.

"The light was just playing with you, surely."

"You sure you aren't gay?" Rai said as she patted her doujinshi stack.

Gokudera threw her a blank stare, "Positive."

Rai shrugged, "Your loss."

JiHi raised an eyebrow.

"What did you say?"

"I said 'Tsuna's stupid'."

"Not with this again." Gokudera muttered as he face-palmed, "For the last fucking time, the Tenth is not stupid."

"No, really he is, Gokudera. Teaching him how to fight is like trying to give a fish a bath."

"That doesn't really make sense."

"It's not like anything that comes out of her mouth makes sense anyway, Gokudera. You should know that by now." JiHi said as she flicked imaginary dirt off of her khaki shorts.

"JiHi, really. You should be siding with me."

JiHi scoffed, "Seriously, Rai. I don't really care."

Rai grinned, "Not even for a Kim Hyun Joong picture?"

JiHi faltered for a moment, "It depends. Is he smiling?"

"You bet, dude."

"Shoot. Where do I sign?"

Gokudera jaw-dropped. What the flipping fuck?

"Close your mouth, Gokudera."

Gokudera did as he was told for a change.

"Tsuna is a man that hath more hair than wit." Rai declared in a Shakespearean voice.

"Hey! Stop picking on the Tenth dammit!"

"It wouldn't surprise me if Tsuna gets fired from an M&M company for throwing out all the W's." JiHi said as she accepted the picture of KHJ.

"I've got to admit that was a good one. BUT WHAT THE HELL! Stop picking on the tenth!"

"Tsuna gets hit by a parked car twice a week."

"Rai, even I know that's impossible." Gokudera said.

"Tsuna can do the impossible, Gokudera. And no, that was not a compliment." JiHi said.

Somewhere in Namimori…

"ACHOOO!" Tsuna sniffed, "Geez. I think I'm coming down with a cold."

He took a look at his assignment and made a disgusted face, "Oh man, I got snot all over my homework!"

"Well, I better get going now." Gokudera said as he stood up.

"Yeah, me too, Rai. And thanks for the pic."

"No problem, JiHi. Consider it a birthday present for today."

"Thank you, then."

Gokudera cleared his throat as he shyly handed JiHi a thin square-shaped present. "Happy Birthday, JiHidiot."

JiHi raised an eyebrow as she accepted the gift, "Can I open it now?"

"Whatever. It's not like I care."

JiHi rolled her eyes as she ripped the wrapper to reveal SHINee's newest album.

Rai whistled, "Swell, Gokudera! Where'd you get that?"

Gokudera waved a hand dismissively, "I have my sources. The Tenth and the baseball head contributed for that as well."

"Oh. I shall send them my 'thank you's then. Thanks, by the way, Stupidera."

"Tch." Gokudera said as he randomly lit a cigarette, "Don't mention it."

"Drop that death stick right now, young man! Seriously, you're killing your lungs with those things!" Rai yelled as she thwacked Gokudera upside the head.

"Oh, by the way, Gokudera…" JiHi called.




JiHi smirked, "For swearing earlier. You must think I'm stupid, do you?"

A/N: YAY! End of chapter one! This is glaringly oh-so half-assed. -_-"' Sorry, JiHi. But then! This won't stop me from wishing you a happy happy happy birthday!

Alright, before I receive some flames for Tsuna-bashing… Don't get me wrong… I LOVE TSUNA. Seriously, he has like… grown so handsome! LOL and he's an anime character. BUT WHAT THE HELL! He is! xD So I'm sorry to all the Tsuna fans I have probably offended.

I hope everyone enjoyed!

Please review!