I never should have opened my mouth.


I never should have made fun of her drawing.

Now, she won't speak.

Damn it, the silent treatment.

I don't like this.

I have to hear her voice again

Or I might go crazy.

I don't want to suffer in silence.


How do I say I'm sorry?

What can I do?

Do I just say it?

No, that'll never work.

I need to try something more sincere.

Just saying sorry isn't good enough.

No, I've got to show her.

I have to end this silence.

I really hope this works.

If not, then I'm screwed.

Hopefully, she'll like my sucky drawing.

It is just for her, after all.

A little bunny of myself, holding a sign.

A sign with a message she can't ignore.

This has to work.

I will get her to speak.

She will no longer be silent.

So here it goes, take a deep breath

And slip the drawing into her hand.

She stares at it, then slowly cracks a smile

And now…she's laughing.

"You're such an idiot," she says to me.

Causing me to smile.

"Am I forgiven?" I manage to say.

She turns and kisses my cheek and whispers yes.

And now, I'm the one who's silent.

She caught me off guard

Both of our faces bright red.

"You missed," I said to her,

Making her confused.

I leaned down and kissed her lips

But only for a moment.

I pulled away slowly as I stared at her eyes.

I couldn't help but smile sadly

Because she was silent again.

"Ichigo," she said after a long moment

I turned to face her.

"Your drawing is really bad," she says

And almost instantly, we start to laugh.

"But it worked. You're talking again." I said between laughs.

"It wasn't the drawing, it was the message." She replied.

"Then allow me to repeat it." I said

Leaning down to kiss her once more.

"I love you. I'm sorry. Please, don't be silent."